Groomerdriver: Next year I am Going to take you up on that offer!,.... Better yet,... I am going to RIDE
to YOU,.. and VICE VERSA!

(family doings on Saturday or I would!)
Brad: Hope you are feeling better little buddy,... even with the warm temps coming,... you will have lots of
snow to play in up there. I will get to see that little place in person someday! Start making plans to ADD ON!
You need an INDOOR FACILITY brotha! You and Kelly are getting (to old) to have to walk out via the,.......

) Pics when ya get there bro! Have fun. and no,... the vintage fund for this year ran out. (guitars took
priority) BUT keep looking,... I just couldn't afford to go to Oregon to pick up a sled!!!!!!! The one in Minn.
Wasn't bad though,.. but it was as '68. Thanks!
Someday,... when MOTHER NATURE is NICE to me (I hope I live long enough) I'll get Ibendwire,...Gary from Neenah,.. and others from South and West of Me to Start HERE,.. and we will have to meet up with some of ya's,...
that would be a cool day or 2 ride. (Mother Nature,... You kicked us so hard locally this year,... that it should make up for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS to come). This was so ridiculous it was beyond puzzling. Just has to go down
as some kind of blurp or something.
Still only 5 degrees out at 10:45am CST on a Thursday,...
the 2 friends I called to head West of me a bit (said it was too cold)
So,. I may load up and go solo,... and then again tomorrow,.....
then,...50's next week. Put a fork in her.
Don't need any dumpings of useless slop after we get THAT.
I should have bought that MI trail permit sticker a LOT earlier!!!!!!!!!
Next year,...Gotta get me a Wisconsin one too!
If it don't snow again,... I'll REALLY Blow a gasket! LOL! where did I put my slippers?