Skutr, see where excercise get's you , just kidding, it's an important factor in weight loss. Sorry to hear your news, but now you should have time to help Lenny out, keep in elevated! I was only going to check in on Monday's but I'm pumped with all your posts. Hit the excerise room twice this week, plus started raking the yard 6 hours on Mon. 4 hours yesterday, my arms feel like rubber! NO bakery now for a week, 2 slices of bread per day and at least 1 meal replced with a protien drink. Off to a good start,didn't dare go on the scale yet, saving that for Mondays. The weekend is fast approching, and with the longer days and working 2 night shifts, I'm finding it harder to not eat after 8 p.m. But it is still in my plan, think I'll use one of my protien drinks for at night. GOOD LUCK TO ALL !