Electric vehicle


Well-known member
there actually might be a bright side to this,
as honestly, if a Ev gets submerged in deep or under water(salt water or regular)
and ends up burning up,
I think that's a better way to get ride of it from the population of vehicles
as, flooded vehicles are just a nightmare of issues afterwards, with how many things ends up going bad, from corrosion and having water in places it shouldn;t be(motors, diff's trans and so on)

might save some unknowing person from buying one from from shady seller!
or from some cheap insurance company from totaling the vehicle , and just having small things fixed, and leaving the owner or owners with non stop issue after issue!
I know we had a bunch of dealers here that went out of there way to BUY flood vehicles, would clean and fix them up and then sell them, never telling buyers the history on them, and they would have repair after repair as things corroded on them!
a lot of scammers out there
so if things just go up in big bad fire, that saves that from happening HAHA!

got to find the bright side here some how right!


Well-known member
Yeah it’s horrible to buy up and resell saltwater flooded vehicles never going to be right always problems at any price.


Active member
This right here sums it all up! As much as I love Ford vehicles, Ford completely destroyed the name of what was once one of the greatest limited-edition vehicles and muscle trucks to replace it with this abomination of an electric vehicle.


Active member
This right here sums it all up! As much as I love Ford vehicles, Ford completely destroyed the name of what was once one of the greatest limited-edition vehicles and muscle trucks to replace it with this abomination of an electric vehicle.
Just like they did with the Mustang!!


Active member
Not trying to be a wise ass but those two brands are not typically the working mans choice of a vehicle. And yes they are GM.
What is a working man's vehicle nowadays anyways? The idea of that concept is far gone. This thread has shown one big thing. Life has changed significantly for anyone over the age of 50. The lifestyle that you idolize no longer exists, and it will not be coming back either. Business especially vehicles, is not catering to the older customers who want bench seats and V8's. People live off their cell phones, its kinda comical to see some people on here say they wont get one or know people that wont. Not saying there isn't problems with any way you look at things but holy cow some people are out of touch.


Well-known member
What is a working man's vehicle nowadays anyways? The idea of that concept is far gone. This thread has shown one big thing. Life has changed significantly for anyone over the age of 50. The lifestyle that you idolize no longer exists, and it will not be coming back either. Business especially vehicles, is not catering to the older customers who want bench seats and V8's. People live off their cell phones, its kinda comical to see some people on here say they wont get one or know people that wont. Not saying there isn't problems with any way you look at things but holy cow some people are out of touch.
I totally agree with you on your view of us older people over 50. But is it wrong if I want a V8 Chevy Tahoe instead of a EV that I don't quite trust to get me from point A to point B in the Northwoods? I love technology but I typically don't embrace it right away because there will be bugs to work out with any product, including these new E vehicles. As far as our lifestyle I will only speak for myself, My rule is "I don't tell you how to live your life so please don't tell me how to live mine or criticize how I do". Yes, Companies cater to the youth as they should because I will be only be here another 25 years max. it is their lifeblood. And yes I stream everything and agree it's wonderful. I do all my billpaying online as well as banking and transactions, I live on my cellphone and use Polaris Ride Command when snowmobiling to name a few so maybe not so out of touch?

Working vehicles are whatever works for you, it's why we have choices. My comment on Cadillac and Hummer was directed toward the fact tat if GM thinks they are going to gain market share with those as their EV's good luck. Typically only people with great disposable income buy those two brands.

Don't take my response to seriously, just wanted to let you know a little bit more about me, I don't hold anything against you for the way you think.


Well-known member
What is a working man's vehicle nowadays anyways? The idea of that concept is far gone. This thread has shown one big thing. Life has changed significantly for anyone over the age of 50. The lifestyle that you idolize no longer exists, and it will not be coming back either. Business especially vehicles, is not catering to the older customers who want bench seats and V8's. People live off their cell phones, its kinda comical to see some people on here say they wont get one or know people that wont. Not saying there isn't problems with any way you look at things but holy cow some people are out of touch.
So many brands what do you think is the working man’s vehicle in 2022? V8s you got to be kidding turbo 4s took over in all wheel cars 2015-2016. Bench seats went out in the 60s buckets took over. Cell phones evolved from bricks and bags to hand held computers took awhile but excellent expensive products now. You wouldn’t be accepted via current values you ain’t Woke at all prejudice of older people and their values. Do you even realize how you sound and how conflicted you are?? Just saying I’m 75 and more open to the world than you seem to be.


Well-known member
everyone tends to get OLD< and then realizes that they dislike changes, its LIFE< , and most end up on this path,
you live a LONG time doing something, and suddenly someone yrs to FORCE change on you
you will tend to dis like it, even if it makes life easier,
its normal behavior IMO!

That said
Ford released its new HD trucks for 2023, when asked about Electric version of them,
ford stated NO PLANS to do so !~
I am sure it could be BS<
but that's what they said
so, sort of says, even they are not sure about the true plans for Ev's
and they started off stating there HD truck line was one of the largest business in the world, , stating how its a huge amount of global income for FORD! so not like its a small percentage of vehicles for FORD to be leaving Electric out of (or for now LOL)


Active member
I totally agree with you on your view of us older people over 50. But is it wrong if I want a V8 Chevy Tahoe instead of a EV that I don't quite trust to get me from point A to point B in the Northwoods? I love technology but I typically don't embrace it right away because there will be bugs to work out with any product, including these new E vehicles. As far as our lifestyle I will only speak for myself, My rule is "I don't tell you how to live your life so please don't tell me how to live mine or criticize how I do". Yes, Companies cater to the youth as they should because I will be only be here another 25 years max. it is their lifeblood. And yes I stream everything and agree it's wonderful. I do all my billpaying online as well as banking and transactions, I live on my cellphone and use Polaris Ride Command when snowmobiling to name a few so maybe not so out of touch?

Working vehicles are whatever works for you, it's why we have choices. My comment on Cadillac and Hummer was directed toward the fact tat if GM thinks they are going to gain market share with those as their EV's good luck. Typically only people with great disposable income buy those two brands.

Don't take my response to seriously, just wanted to let you know a little bit more about me, I don't hold anything against you for the way you think.
X1000!! It's the sheeple attitude "I'll just bend over and grab my ankles because this is just how it's gonna be" that is really dangerous to the American way of life!


Active member
So many brands what do you think is the working man’s vehicle in 2022? V8s you got to be kidding turbo 4s took over in all wheel cars 2015-2016. Bench seats went out in the 60s buckets took over. Cell phones evolved from bricks and bags to hand held computers took awhile but excellent expensive products now. You wouldn’t be accepted via current values you ain’t Woke at all prejudice of older people and their values. Do you even realize how you sound and how conflicted you are?? Just saying I’m 75 and more open to the world than you seem to be.
Don't mistake my comment that I don't like those types of things. Remember I'm a snowmobilier.... Some of the responses to the posts that grub made just really highlight what I am trying to get at. Maybe its more things are going in two directions which is more pronounced now with technology and social media than previously. People in my generation have never not had technology. They absolutely don't know any different, and yes many might just bend over.


Well-known member
Don't mistake my comment that I don't like those types of things. Remember I'm a snowmobilier.... Some of the responses to the posts that grub made just really highlight what I am trying to get at. Maybe its more things are going in two directions which is more pronounced now with technology and social media than previously. People in my generation have never not had technology. They absolutely don't know any different, and yes many might just bend over.
It’s very limited to think at 75 I haven’t or my generation hasn’t embraced technology. I went from radio to tube TVs to flatscreens. Cell phone bricks,and bags to cellphone hand held computers. 360 room computers with punch cards to laptops and the worldwide digital internet. I picked up on technology as it evolved and self taught myself as I embraced it. I also think one should look at the past before modern conveniences and see if you could hack it , harvesting wood for heat and limited digital exposure. I did that for 16 years in Vilas county and was perfectly happy without internet and cell phones. Yes I had direct tv and limited satellite internet but no cell towers or cell phones. Land lines worked better. If EV technology matures I will embrace it if it meets my needs if not I don’t care I’ll find my way that’s best for me. I really don’t care what anyone else prefers EV or Ice do what is best for you. I’m waiting for Grub to post his experience with his Lightening and respect his opinions. I’ve known Grub for many years on JD and he had good information on snowmobile comparos that I mostly agreed with. TL your generalizations about older people and technology are way,way off and you should think long and hard about the limited view of your elders and not threw us under the bus with such a limited view.


Active member
It’s very limited to think at 75 I haven’t or my generation hasn’t embraced technology. I went from radio to tube TVs to flatscreens. Cell phone bricks,and bags to cellphone hand held computers. 360 room computers with punch cards to laptops and the worldwide digital internet. I picked up on technology as it evolved and self taught myself as I embraced it. I also think one should look at the past before modern conveniences and see if you could hack it , harvesting wood for heat and limited digital exposure. I did that for 16 years in Vilas county and was perfectly happy without internet and cell phones. Yes I had direct tv and limited satellite internet but no cell towers or cell phones. Land lines worked better. If EV technology matures I will embrace it if it meets my needs if not I don’t care I’ll find my way that’s best for me. I really don’t care what anyone else prefers EV or Ice do what is best for you. I’m waiting for Grub to post his experience with his Lightening and respect his opinions. I’ve known Grub for many years on JD and he had good information on snowmobile comparos that I mostly agreed with. TL your generalizations about older people and technology are way,way off and you should think long and hard about the limited view of your elders and not threw us under the bus with such a limited view.
you forgot "pager" :ROFLMAO:


Active member
It’s very limited to think at 75 I haven’t or my generation hasn’t embraced technology. I went from radio to tube TVs to flatscreens. Cell phone bricks,and bags to cellphone hand held computers. 360 room computers with punch cards to laptops and the worldwide digital internet. I picked up on technology as it evolved and self taught myself as I embraced it. I also think one should look at the past before modern conveniences and see if you could hack it , harvesting wood for heat and limited digital exposure. I did that for 16 years in Vilas county and was perfectly happy without internet and cell phones. Yes I had direct tv and limited satellite internet but no cell towers or cell phones. Land lines worked better. If EV technology matures I will embrace it if it meets my needs if not I don’t care I’ll find my way that’s best for me. I really don’t care what anyone else prefers EV or Ice do what is best for you. I’m waiting for Grub to post his experience with his Lightening and respect his opinions. I’ve known Grub for many years on JD and he had good information on snowmobile comparos that I mostly agreed with. TL your generalizations about older people and technology are way,way off and you should think long and hard about the limited view of your elders and not threw us under the bus with such a limited view.
Not sure where you see prejudice. Did I make a generalization sure, but you don't know the type of people I surround with nor did I specifically call you out. If you read comment sections or forum posts you'll see a clear splitting of directions. Those who are open to the landscape changing and evolving good or bad, and those who completely shut it out. The recent Blazer lauch had comments like "I've bought Chevrolet for 50 years ill never buy a golf cart, it should have a 454 in it." Defintiely wasn't the under 35 crowd writing that.


Anybody watch MNF last night? Good game. And every other commercial was for an EV. All brands. And all price ranges.

No miles on my Lightning yet as I have been sick. Hope to take it to the lake this weekend and visit Skiroule.


Well-known member
Not sure where you see prejudice. Did I make a generalization sure, but you don't know the type of people I surround with nor did I specifically call you out. If you read comment sections or forum posts you'll see a clear splitting of directions. Those who are open to the landscape changing and evolving good or bad, and those who completely shut it out. The recent Blazer lauch had comments like "I've bought Chevrolet for 50 years ill never buy a golf cart, it should have a 454 in it." Defintiely wasn't the under 35 crowd writing that.
Sure there will be knee jerk reactions to anything but that ain’t the gospel it’s a simple reaction. Don’t label groups by age or anything else or you will come up short. I listen to all the views from everyone but would never make generalizations by age or put labels on people. If you talk to most my age they really don’t care what anyone chooses to do or do they want to be forced to do anything they don’t choose to do. As you said we are all snowmobilers and I’m sure you remember those that said you won’t get me to go 4s and you will have pull my cold dead hands off my 2s sled. Little by little all OEMs now offer 4s snowmobiles. Lol. Your age comments caused me to defend my generation and my simple advice is don’t go there as it could be interpreted as age discrimination as well as insulting to older people. A forum like this is open communication from all members lots of facts lots of emotion. I find it interesting and informative but I sure don’t make my life decisions or general people decisions based on forum posts of a few members.


Well-known member
Anybody watch MNF last night? Good game. And every other commercial was for an EV. All brands. And all price ranges.

No miles on my Lightning yet as I have been sick. Hope to take it to the lake this weekend and visit Skiroule.
I watch a lot of football and I thought KC vs Raiders was the game of the year so far. Very exciting and the roughing the passer penalty will be a rule changer. What a fantastic defensive play and fumble recovery then roughing the passer penalty eliminated that and spotted Raiders 3 points. Roughing has to be a reviewable play ball is loose get that ball going to be bodies flying around. Horrible call!

Good luck with your Lightening and I look forward to your opinions.


Well-known member
although not a flood but what happens to EV's in these parts when they drop 2 inches of salt for every inch of snow and eventually you are driving in a 4 inch deep slurry of salt, water and snow? I have to laugh where it said to let them burn because it takes up too much of the FD resources. how many EV's were left along highway when everyone left at the last minute and traffic was backed up for MILES! Has anyone seen what those batteries do when they ignite??? could possibly have another "China Syndrome" on your hands depending on how many batteries there were LOL
Look daddy there is a car on fire along side the road... pay no attention junior just let it burn, it will go out eventually. LOL
911 what's your emergency...Yes I plugged my EV in to charge and noticed smoke coming from my garage, can you send the fire department? (operator) I'm sorry sir is there any way you can just get it out of the garage and let it burn? LOL
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