Purchased a 2008 Chevrolet Impala LTZ and took it to the local dealer because during a flat tire fix, the tire repair shop found a bulg along the inside of the rim; looked like a big zit!!!
Long story short, GM will not replace the rim because it has "too many miles" on the car and even though the dealership admits it is a factory defect; too bad owner.
The reason, get this, because I did not have the dealership rotate the tire, they will not cover it under warrant. According to them, if a GM certified mechanic rotated the tire, they would have caught it. My foot...
I'll be ordering a new half ton pickup this spring. The first time ever, I'm buying something other than GM. It looks like it will be a Dodge Larrime. As soon as I get the window tag, I'm giving a copy of it to the dealership and tell them the "best" truck won!
Dodge is my last hope for an American Built vehicle. Hope it will pull through...