Fear the Deere


Well-known member
The hood is a little reminiscent of a GPX, which, in my opinion was the coolest Yamaha of the 70’s

No glass or lithium batteries planned for the opening but I am looking at grill options. The opening will be somewhat functional because I had to remove the cooling air flow shrouds to make room for the scoop.

These Liquidator look-alikes have become so popular that one enterprising young fellow has been producing these scoops that can be easily retro-fit in a Cyclone/Liquifire hood. He even provides a template for cutting the initial hole.

After cutting the hole and flipping the hood over, I laid down a layer of fiberglass mat/resin around the opening, installed the scoop, and laid another layer of mat/resin over the flange. Then I weighted the scoop to maintain good contact with the hood. Probably the most times I’ve lifted the dumbbells in the last five years.

Good one Gary. There could be a bit of Frankendeere going on. I’m glad you used the term “madness” rather than “insanity”. It sounds so much more, well, sane. Time will tell if there’s a difference.


Well-known member
Just to prove I’m not in the boat all the time, I tackled a small, but necessary detail. I mentioned that I planned to put a screen/grill in the scoop opening. I needed to make some kind of frame and I originally planned to use a thicker hex-type material, which is why I used angle channel instead of a flat frame.

Once I saw it, I really didn’t like the thicker material so I went back to the thinner style hex grill. I will eventually paint it all flat black. Not fancy or very precise but the only thing that will be visible once it's installed will be the grill material.



Well-known member
bees will leave honey for you , looks just like a frame for a honey super
Now that you point that out, it does look like a bee thing. Guess I better get it painted before I have the makings of a hive.

Sooner or later, the tear-down of the actual project sled had to happen. It mostly went without issues and it didn’t take long to get quite a bit of the disassembly done.

I always thought this sled had decent jump for such a heavy machine. Now I know why. Apparently, it had a few extra squirrels under the hood.

I do pride myself on keeping a clean and tidy workbench.


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I can't believe I haven't seen this thread yet! I've read every post and will be following it closely now.

"I do pride myself on keeping a clean and tidy workbench."

You know what the say Kelly, if a messy work bench is a sign of a messy mind, what is an empty work bench the sign of? :) Did you ever see a photograph of Einstein at his desk? It was a complete mess! That makes me think Kamala's desk is completely empty and the drawers are too!


Well-known member
You know what the say Kelly, if a messy work bench is a sign of a messy mind, what is an empty work bench the sign of?
I have not heard that saying but I appreciate getting the benefit of the doubt. As my wife always says though, "You're no Einstein."

don't forget your glasses laying on the bench.
Considering how much of my life is consumed looking for my glasses, I shouldn’t find this funny but it still made me laugh. Leave it to you to pick that out.

I figured that if it was important enough to add a special instruction to the label of the color, I should pay attention.

So I primed all of the areas that will receive color with a combination of white primers – bare metal primer, bonding primer, and just plain white primer.
