
Not only the infrastructure, more importantly the cost of the electricity provided. Here in the UP our electric rates are the highest in the country. Who is going to want to double or triple their cost of electicity over & above what they already pay? Makes absolutely no sense to me. If your that worried about a long standing power outage, get a nat gas back-up generator, cost a hell of a lot less than a $100,000 EV.
i hear you. I’m in the UP experiencing the high electrical rates as well. I’m 2 miles from pavement and our mailbox. I’m 30 minutes from the closest town. I’m open to EVs. It’s a great idea for those in a situation where it’s more compatible but I suspect I’m years away from an EV. And I do have a standby propane generator that runs my entire house. It’s a must when you live in the forest.


Well-known member
The Lightning will only supply power to the house to a certain drawdown. Then it will automatically stop. At which point I would drive it to town to recharge it and then bring it back home and plug it back in to the house. The biggest reason my power company has taken such an interest in my situation is to find out exactly what real world life will be like. How does it compare to window sticker? We are going to find out. As of late the attention paid to viable range for the Lightning has exceeded the 300 advertised miles. Again, I am going to find out. And I will be driving the Lightning the exact same way I drive my present Lariat. In none of my posts do I declare myself 'Green oriented' And I am not. I am about as far away from a greenie as you can get. I am doing this because from what I have been led to believe I think it will work just fine for me 90 percent of the time. We will see. If the damn thing ever gets here. They have pushed it back to the end of July now.
They want us all to go but EV's and this will take care of the oil/gas situation. Like gas production, EV production is seriously lagging behind as well.

Again........No Plan


Well-known member
gas went down 25cents today in superior wi , 442.9$
People are starting to pull back and are doing everything they can not to buy gas right now. Demand is down as predicted, prices will come down somewhat.


Yup Mezz is right….wait till everyone uses “public” charging stations cuz they don’t want their electric bill to go up, then the municipality has to raise taxes to cover
Their additional expenses. They will do this through an unlimited tax general obligation designation so no voter approval needed. Then if resistance to that everything will go up…parking fees, permits, water bills, then a special mileage to build out all the other needed things to go along with “community support. We’ll pay for gas or electric, personal choice I guess,


Well-known member
Yup Mezz is right….wait till everyone uses “public” charging stations cuz they don’t want their electric bill to go up, then the municipality has to raise taxes to cover
Their additional expenses. They will do this through an unlimited tax general obligation designation so no voter approval needed. Then if resistance to that everything will go up…parking fees, permits, water bills, then a special mileage to build out all the other needed things to go along with “community support. We’ll pay for gas or electric, personal choice I guess,
Wait!............ are public charging stations FREE? Maybe I should have voted for Joe. And then I woke up from my dream because nothing is free.


Well-known member
If you run out of battery in a Tesla it is your own stupid fault. The Tesla starts prompting you long before you are at risk. It pulls up available charging stations and GPS to get to them. I am assuming Ford will have a similar system.
yes, and gas and diesel vehicles have low fuel lights and buzzers too, yet folks still run out of fuel in them all the time, talk to any tow service company how many calls they get!
people are lazy and will always try and push the limits, I again see no difference in folks that buy e vehicles being any different due to the fuel source it uses Electric or ??
people are still people!


If electricity doubles or triples you will still be ahead of the game. Because you won't be buying gas. Right now it costs 1/4 as much $ to refuel an EV compared to refueling with gas. And as far as a buying an EV to use primarily as a generator that is not the point. It CAN be used as a generator if need be. Saving you the cost of buying a generator. You are approaching this back end first.


Active member
Grub, really glad you getting one, and no disrespect intended at all. But from how I look at it, the whole program is back end first. I know in the long run, 5 years or so they will be closer, but there just isn't the infrastructure in place for what they want the pubic to transition to. For now we are destroying our savings trying to keep up with Joes big plan. I realize they have to start slow, but until they figure out all means of all commercial transportation, and farming equipment, the need for gas and diesel will continue at the same pace. No pun intended, but you cant flip the switch and think its going to change. The current administration has no idea what this is doing to the average working class.


Well-known member
Grub, really glad you getting one, and no disrespect intended at all. But from how I look at it, the whole program is back end first. I know in the long run, 5 years or so they will be closer, but there just isn't the infrastructure in place for what they want the pubic to transition to. For now we are destroying our savings trying to keep up with Joes big plan. I realize they have to start slow, but until they figure out all means of all commercial transportation, and farming equipment, the need for gas and diesel will continue at the same pace. No pun intended, but you cant flip the switch and think its going to change. The current administration has no idea what this is doing to the average working class.
It amazes me the current administration can’t figure this out. No one is against a better mousetrap if EV is that but the infrastructure to support a transition isn’t there yet and really no need to cut off oil production when you have the resources in your country to offer both EV and oil.


The big picture. Gas internal combustion engines are about 20 percent efficient. The most advanced diesel engines are just short of 40 percent efficient.None of them are in use in the US of A. Electric motors are 85 percent efficient. So when this is all done the net energy saved is going to be huge. Yes - getting there is going to take time and be an adventure. But in the end overall energy consumption will be at worst 1/3 what it is right now. It will end up being cheaper and it will be better. It will just be different.

I remember when NOBODY on this site would EVER buy a fourstroke sled. Things change.

Also for the last ten years power companies have been giving rebates to commercial customers to upgrade equipment. From lighting to HVac and everything in between. This has resulted in decreased load. In anticipation of the coming EV trend. The 'Grid' is not as inadequate as most people think. Just at my store I have reduced load by 1/2 over the last seven years. There are and has been people getting ready for this. Thankfully they are not politicians. Politicians that could screw up a free lunch at John Deere Day.

And again this is worldwide. It ain't just Old Joe and AOC. VW. Porsche. The next Lambo supercar will be electric. The conversion will happen because it will be better. And people will recognize that and wonder why it took so long.

My new Lightning will go from zero to sixty in 4.5 seconds. That is quite a bit quicker than any muscle car produced in the late 60s or early 70s. Internal combustion has progressed as far as realistically possible. Now it is time to move up to something with much more potential.


Active member
More like two years.
I sure hope so, this whole gas thing isn't working out well. Love you optimism. I hope you keep us in the loop on how the vehicle works out for you. I researched a little and for me until they can go 500 or so miles I really cant do it. If I had one for a second vehicle I think it would be great, but not right now.


You won't need 500 miles when there are charging stations every 50 miles that can bring you up to 80 percent in ten minutes.


Well-known member
Don’t forget all the personal lean green it will take for industry to cut over to EV. Heavy excavation equipment, farm equipment , intercontinental trucks, trains, airplanes , ships the list goes on and on an of course the entire military. Imo oil will be around for a very long time just can’t be obsolete in 2 years NOT going to happen. Realistic government can see that and make the appropriate adjustments to produce oil for a realistic transition plan. In time EV will become more affordable and better technology as well. Imo what we need is a plan and realistic schedule.


New member
You won't need 500 miles when there are charging stations every 50 miles that can bring you up to 80 percent in ten minutes.
As they're telling everyone to lower there AC usage on hot days to prevent the existing power grid from being over whelmed. Next will be "don't drive your cars on hot days"
In my opinion, a more realistic, logical and less painful transition plan will arise when politicians that are a little more sane come into power.