

Super Moderator
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The one difference I see in this conversation is that the Model T was developed on the open market. The government didn't mandate the Model T over the horse & buggy. People had a choice of holding on the Old Nag or stepping up to the brand new Ford. It may have taken a full generation for this to occur with some people. As it may for the EV's of today.


Well-known member
So let me get this straight. You guys want the government to be in charge of energy. The same government that runs the post office? The same government that is trying to turn the military into the Vienna Boy's Choir? The government that employs people like Anthony Fauchi? The same government where whack jobs like Gore and Kerry and AOC have influence?

Not me. Let the capable people figure it out instead.
Who are those capable people? As far as the government they seem to stick their nose in everything, how does one stop that?
Yup. That is how it is at present. Do you think your gas job would be more economical? You would be wrong.My gasser gets roughly 1/2 the mileage towing. Which puts me in the 7-8 mpg range. It is 1/4 the price of gas to charge the battery back up. The only thing holding electric back right now is a better network of charging stations. Once that is addressed there will be no reason to keep the horse. And by the way my new Lightning will be all of $3000 bucks more than a similarity equiped gas Lariat. Whoop de do.
While it's a little ancient, my 2004 Dodge Cummings from the factory averaged 16mpg when new and got a little better with age. I changed the tire size to fill the enormous wheel well opening and wanted to recalibrate the speedo. Turns out for a couple hundred buck more I bought a Bully Dog programmer, and it did the tire change, added a new more responsive program and the milage jumped to a 21 average. Tell me big oil and the auto industry aren't working together!


Active member
The one difference I see in this conversation is that the Model T was developed on the open market. The government didn't mandate the Model T over the horse & buggy. People had a choice of holding on the Old Nag or stepping up to the brand new Ford. It may have taken a full generation for this to occur with some people. As it may for the EV's of today.
Funny, I live in an area in Indiana where you still see horse and buggy's


Get on the Internet and educate yourselves about the electric advancements. There is something new every day. I myself think it is a fun time to be alive. Things are changing fast.


Well-known member
Get on the Internet and educate yourselves about the electric advancements. There is something new every day. I myself think it is a fun time to be alive. Things are changing fast.
well, just saying, just cause there are new things happening, doesn;t mean there GOOD or better things!
there is a ton of JUNK being made today that doesn;t last or work for crap
a lot of it is just cheap junk made to be replaced soon!


Just about all the folks picking up the new lawn equipment say they would never go back to gas. This is from lawnmowers to chainsaws and everything in between. No more dealing with different gas mixes and having to go through seasonal down times and stabil and everything else. Women also do not like gas powered lawn stuff. Much easier just to click a button.
This Is a very interesting thread. Many great points from all sides. I am not resistant to change but a logical and strategic transition plan to electric vehicles is a must for our kids and grandkids. (I’m a 66 year old Boomer.) My concern…the critical minerals for EV batteries are dominated by China (whether within their own land or Chinese business ventures in other countries that have the critical elements.) We’ve all experienced the downside of our dependence on China during the pandemic. Our leaders appear to be reluctant to decouple from China. I shutter at the thought of what the green energy future could be relative to China. They want to dominate the world and overtake the USA. Our leaders must face the threat of China. China is already killing Americans via the fentanyl that‘s coming through the southern border. The China military is not focused on wokism but instead are building a top notch fighting machine. God forbid but further dependence on China could be extremely costly for our kid‘s and grandkid‘s freedom.


There are several entities working on solid state batteries that require zero rare earth minerals. And no - China is not our friend. In any shape or form.


One cool thing I stumbled on a couple of months ago was an article about tide harvesting. The ocean tides come in and go out every day. Rain or shine and no wind required. Although winds can help. Water movement runs all the hydroelectric dams on the earth. The theory was to utilize a bi directional fixed turbine that would basically spin all the time -one direction or the other - to capture the energy of the water which is always moving back and forth in the oceans. If this could be optimized it could offer a literally endless source of electricity. And there are people working on it. I hope I explained this so others can understand it.

Anyway, there are all kinds of projects and experiments going on all the time. Again, a very interesting time to be alive.


Well-known member
I’ve known about tide technology for over 10 years yet no progress. Also the fear that costal storms could lay waste to the installations causes a lot of concern. That’s not new just undeveloped and probably not funded due to the risks. Lots of things are exciting be never come to fruition.


Well-known member
Just about all the folks picking up the new lawn equipment say they would never go back to gas. This is from lawnmowers to chainsaws and everything in between. No more dealing with different gas mixes and having to go through seasonal down times and stabil and everything else. Women also do not like gas powered lawn stuff. Much easier just to click a button.
not sure who all your talking too, but I know many folks that dis like many of the e tools for work and gardens and lawns

yes some work pretty good, but some just don;t make the cut
have used electric chain saws, and yes maybe great for a small tree or about the house, but they don;t compare to larger gas saws that do the big cutting, or just plain lots of cutting
same can be said on the leave blowers, for smaller jobs, OK
but they don;t cut it when doing larger things

like i said, just cause they make things and lots of them, doesn;t always mean there better tools than what is at hand or can even do the same work as needed or wanted, Having to be done!

and lets be honest, TONS of us buy things we WANT more than we need!
or we wouldn't all have the STUFF we have!


I am most certainly a ' stuff ' collector too. A bunch of stuff I just had to have at the time. A couple of Christmas's ago my first daughter was home and came out to see me in my 40 by 72 lair. Where all my stuff is. After she weaseled her way around all my ' stuff ' to find me she said ' you know, dad. If you die we are going to sell all this stuff. ' Since then I have been downsizing. Now I only have one boat and two Banshees and six snowmobiles. Save them the trouble of getting rid of my stuff. Which really only matters to me.


Active member
not sure who all your talking too, but I know many folks that dis like many of the e tools for work and gardens and lawns

yes some work pretty good, but some just don;t make the cut
have used electric chain saws, and yes maybe great for a small tree or about the house, but they don;t compare to larger gas saws that do the big cutting, or just plain lots of cutting
same can be said on the leave blowers, for smaller jobs, OK
but they don;t cut it when doing larger things

like i said, just cause they make things and lots of them, doesn;t always mean there better tools than what is at hand or can even do the same work as needed or wanted, Having to be done!

and lets be honest, TONS of us buy things we WANT more than we need!
or we wouldn't all have the STUFF we have!
I agree 100%. I have the battery tools for small quick jobs, and gas for anything that takes more than a couple minutes. It would be he same if I did, or when I get a E vehicle. Quick trip to the store things like that. But traveling 375 miles each way to the cabin just doesn’t work for any e vehicle yet. We are simply not there yet with them. Give it time yes, but not yet. this is America and it should be a choice, that’s not how this plan of Joes is working. Had he said during the election, gas will be $6.00 a gallon in two years, not a single person would have voted for him. This system is not even close to being ready for e vehicles. Northern Wisconsin has power out all the time from storms, as I am sure many other parts of the US. Illinois is still replacing above ground poles, not burying them? When people talk of the cost savings from charging to gas, that’s not taking in the fact of how quick the cost of electric is rising. And once they have us converted, it will sky rocket to levels we have never seen, just like gas. One thing I don’t need anymore of, is government in my life that’s for sure. How about this, we defund the government! Now that’s something I would be willing to do.


Well-known member
Not everyone wants Electric everything crammed down their throat. The fact that this administration is so tone deaf to the people and is putting them in the position where it is getting harder to keep up with the bills is absolutely disgusting. It's like wearing a mask, I have no issues if you want to wear a mask or not, it's your choice either way, it should be the same with EV's. Just because you might have an endless supply of money and this current attack on fossil fuels doesn't affect you doesn't mean it's not hurting most people in the US.

Last I looked, the US was a free country with choices, not so much anymore with the way we are moving. Again, no plan, big hurt on the Americans that are trying to carve out a good life for themselves. Are the politicians who push this agenda riding in EV Limousines?, Are those black suburbans EV's?, Is Airforce One EV?, Is the White House heated with all electric, solar, wind? Does John Kerry fly on EV Jets? Are their private residences (Mansions wherever they are) all clean energy? Are their yachts all EV? I could go on.

I think we know the answer to these questions......What Hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!


Just about all the folks picking up the new lawn equipment say they would never go back to gas. This is from lawnmowers to chainsaws and everything in between. No more dealing with different gas mixes and having to go through seasonal down times and stabil and everything else. Women also do not like gas powered lawn stuff. Much easier just to click a button.
I have to disagree with this, unless you have a cookie cutter lawn. I wouldn’t be able to cut my 8 acres I do with an electric mower. I own an electric trimmer, never again, can’t trim my needed area on one charge have to have 3 batteries and it will over heat too. I have yet to see a lawn service company with electric equipment. If it makes sense I’d buy it, for me it doesn’t. I find it amusing how people complain about gas prices but don’t see the same thing happening to electric prices. Even if people use “public” charging stations we still will pay for those. Like I said, if it makes sense I’d do it, for me it doesn’t. Not sure how I could pull my 36’ camper through the mountains with an electric vehicle, maybe u can but I can tell you there are no dealers anywhere near me for consideration. Also not sure how I could plow multiple properties with an electric truck…….once again it doesn’t make sense for me but if it did I’d consider it…..idk how a farmer would operate a tractor in a field for 15 hours on electricity but maybe technology will advance…..150 years ago peeps probably thought gas engines were a waste of time



Electric vehicles are nice idea but the realities are that it is not really as green as you would like to think. Just because you do not fill it with gas or it does not have its own tailpipe it does not mean it did not spew CO2 to build it or it is not plugged into a coal or Nat Gas power plant. Battery technology is better but would Ben Franklin playing with a Leyden Jar be all that impressed with hundreds of years of advancement. Nuclear is 1940s tech and Carter installed solar on the White House, Reagan removed the panels and no other administration in 40+ years has thought to add them back, and that includes our green Obama and current green administration. Wind and Solar are expensive enough but will never replace demand power until there is a large scale storage of power for when the wind is low and the sun is behind the clouds. There are good ideas out there but they are not really ready for prime time.


Well-known member
Lets not forget disposal of the batteries once they are no longer usable. They will have to have something better than they do for nuclear waste.


Well-known member
not to mention what will the REAL battery life be,
as even with cordless tools, as there batteries age, they DON"T hold charges as long, or even make the same power!
add in almost every E vehicle uses a different battery set up
so not like a tow truck can just come and swap a battery when they run out of power on a road way
and don't laugh, LOTS of folks run out of fuel in vehicles all the time, I don;t see folks being any more reliable on charging vehicles!, but do see more issues getting them going again!
in ten yrs or so, since E vehicles came about the range on LIKE models have gone from 100 miles to 300, yes an improvement, but then again fuel mileage in gas vehicles has also increased
there are very few Gasoline/diesel vehicles that cannot go a 500+ miles on a tank of fuel a basic standard in fuel vehicles!
so, that means E vehicles, are not even to this stage yet!
as I said, I am not against E vehicles, I just don;t think were at the point there viable replacements to fuel gas/diesel vehicles yet,. and the electrical system is also not up to handling the added stress the E vehicles will add
and I honestly think most folks feel this is the problem, , being forced to adapt, is not a great way to change
NO one forced cell phones on folks, or using the internet
it Naturally took over as demand WANTED it
not forced into action! as things are being handled today with vehicles and changes to what we have working for us!
and even with as popular as the internet and cell phones are, there are still a LOT of folks that Don;'t have them/it, nor want it, and can still function just fine not doing so!
its a choice, its a freedom to have that choice
when things are forced into action, its never a good thing IMO!

and all the folks on FIXED income, cannot afford E vehicles today, the added costs of fuels due to this place were at is taxing to them as is!
were in for a lot of hard ship to a lot of Americans! this winter if things don;'t come back down, its going to be sad, to watch many older folks struggle and have to decide on food medicine or heating oil!/electricity!, electrical rates here already up again, almost 40%
fixed income folks didnl;t get any raises to compensate!
and you cannot make older folks go back to work, many just cannot due to age or health or ??
and I don't think the government is helping them either! with current directions there pushing things in!