Half year DOO



sounds like we're winding down here and that's probably a good thing. IMO momoney you go way beyond defending etec which is disrespectful to all the other sled owners. We don't wanna hear you claiming the same old over and over. There's people ranging in age from 14 to 75 on here so how does that work,,,it doesn't,,,and that's why I pressure you all the time which doesn't seem to help. I won't trailer the viper but if you find yourself in Greenland area give me a healthy heads up and well clean the bird poo off the viper and see if she still has it.


Well-known member
After riding all the new sleds in the last few weeks. On trail the only one that i thought was on pR with an r motion x packaged doo, was the axys. Combine the proven etec, rmotion, new ras 2 the sleds tuff to beat but i do think polaris has a winner in the axys. Have to see what bugs arise but it is a very nice sled. No offense but your doo has a 1999 engine on it, and a 2008 chassis. Just saying.

All around the freeride 137 and back country X will do it all. U guys can blabber all you want about etecs and is why i get caught defending them, but they are the class of 2 stroke engine's. Its what everyone else is chasing. Lenny if u wana run em, pm me. Im going riding. Let it snow.

I have to agree that the OMC etec technology was a smart BUY for Bombi and to then apply to the engine they also buy seems to have solved there years and years of engine troubles.


I checked the rules and found this:

No posts about which sled is faster! There is no way to tell in a discussion board which sled is faster. The only way to tell is to put them side by side and run them down the track. Besides, 95% of these posts end up in mindless brand bashing.


Well-known member
I checked the rules and found this:

No posts about which sled is faster! There is no way to tell in a discussion board which sled is faster. The only way to tell is to put them side by side and run them down the track. Besides, 95% of these posts end up in mindless brand bashing.

and on that note lets wrap this thread up.....


Well-known member
Because surely no other OEM does this. :rolleyes:

well lets run down the list;


ARCTIC CAT.............................................CHECK!
SKI DOO..................................................................................CHECK!
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Well-known member
no not the exactly same. others who do this for some reason buy the most bulletproof motors in the industry

Bulletproof in whose estimation? I'd say that's about as subjective as many other previous posts here. I had a 600 SDI with 10k on it when sold, untouched internally. And from what I hear, I'm not the only one who has had similar results. If that doesn't qualify as "bulletproof", I don't know what does. And I've heard the same word used to describe the old 600 (500SS) engine as well, from Doo and non-Doo guys alike.

well lets run down the list;


ARCTIC CAT.............................................CHECK!
SKI DOO..................................................................................CHECK!

I'm aware of this, that's why I pointed it out. Your implication was that Doo is the only one who does it, and that just ain't so. But I guess it's different if an OEM buys some of their engines as long as they build others of their own, right?


Well-known member
Bulletproof in whose estimation? I'd say that's about as subjective as many other previous posts here. I had a 600 SDI with 10k on it when sold, untouched internally. And from what I hear, I'm not the only one who has had similar results. If that doesn't qualify as "bulletproof", I don't know what does. And I've heard the same word used to describe the old 600 (500SS) engine as well, from Doo and non-Doo guys alike.
so remind me again why doo has the best and only long block program in the industry ?


Well-known member
Because surely no other OEM does this. :rolleyes:

Its gonna be tough to reply to your style a post due to your willingness to quote snippets and then try to speak for both of us....

I believe I both pointed out Doos lack of there own engineering skills when it comes to 2 stroke engine building as well as congratulating them for BUYING the tech they need to keep there faithful followers chests fully pumped....I guess I'm the guy they quoted that said never a Doo for me if it lumps me in with the typical Doo owner.
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Well-known member
so remind me again why doo has the best and only long block program in the industry ?

I never claimed they were perfect or haven't had their share of failures. They certainly have, as have all manufacturers. But they've had their fair share of success stories, too.


Well-known member
Its gonna be tough to reply to your style a post due to your willingness to quote snippets and then try to speak for both of us....

I believe I both pointed out Doos lack of there own engineering skills when it comes to 2 stroke engine building as well as congratulating them for BUYING the tech they need to keep there faithful followers chests fully pumped....I guess I'm the guy they quoted that said never a Doo for me if it lumps me in with the typical Doo owner.

"Congratulating" them, huh? I suppose next you're going to try and say there was not the least bit of sarcasm in that. So Doo is the only OEM that buys (i.e., uses) the technology somebody else developed.....tell me, was it Yamaha who engineered the trailing arm suspension they replaced the pogo sticks with?

Just about everybody has their favorite brand. Even so, most guys on here will fairly give other brands credit when and where credit is due. I don't think I have EVER heard you say ANYTHING positive about Doo. Obviously, for some reason you have an axe to grind and I guess that's your business. But when you start grasping at straws by pointing out that they don't build their own engines (something that you seem to overlook when other OEM's do or did it) and then start stereotyping "typical Doo owners", well....it doesn't do much for your credibility but does clearly portray you as a basher.

As I said in an earlier post, there are lovers and haters of all brands, and they're all represented on this board. Thanks for providing an example.


New member
I checked the rules and found this:

No posts about which sled is faster! There is no way to tell in a discussion board which sled is faster. The only way to tell is to put them side by side and run them down the track. Besides, 95% of these posts end up in mindless brand bashing.

Thank you Lenny.


Well-known member
"Congratulating" them, huh? I suppose next you're going to try and say there was not the least bit of sarcasm in that. So Doo is the only OEM that buys (i.e., uses) the technology somebody else developed.....tell me, was it Yamaha who engineered the trailing arm suspension they replaced the pogo sticks with?

Just about everybody has their favorite brand. Even so, most guys on here will fairly give other brands credit when and where credit is due. I don't think I have EVER heard you say ANYTHING positive about Doo. Obviously, for some reason you have an axe to grind and I guess that's your business. But when you start grasping at straws by pointing out that they don't build their own engines (something that you seem to overlook when other OEM's do or did it) and then start stereotyping "typical Doo owners", well....it doesn't do much for your credibility but does clearly portray you as a basher.

As I said in an earlier post, there are lovers and haters of all brands, and they're all represented on this board. Thanks for providing an example.

POGO sticks?....do you mean like the ones Doo started using a couple years back on the Skandic?
I'm pretty sure IFS predated snowmobiling by a couple decades....beside once Yamaha decided to use trailing arms and then a-arms, I never heard the yammie guys braggin up that fact.

I only refered to the bought etec technology because it is the shining star alla the Doo guys point to when they start their "I own the best sled" schpeel....as if their engine problems is so far in the past.

Why are you Ski Doo guys so insecure and touchy?...BMW syndrome?

buy and ride what you like but don't do it for my praise....LOL...your Doo is ugly.


Well-known member
well lets run down the list;


ARCTIC CAT.............................................CHECK!
SKI DOO..................................................................................CHECK!



ETEC ETEC ETEC CAW-CAW-CAW!...THANK GAWD FOR Ole Evinrude and Bombi's big check book....LOL....probly kept Doo afloat...get it, afloat?...like a boat with an outboard?
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Well-known member
POGO sticks?....do you mean like the ones Doo started using a couple years back on the Skandic?
I'm pretty sure IFS predated snowmobiling by a couple decades....beside once Yamaha decided to use trailing arms and then a-arms, I never heard the yammie guys braggin up that fact.

I only refered to the bought etec technology because it is the shining star alla the Doo guys point to when they start their "I own the best sled" schpeel....as if their engine problems is so far in the past.

Why are you Ski Doo guys so insecure and touchy?...BMW syndrome?

buy and ride what you like but don't do it for my praise....LOL...your Doo is ugly.

Yes, the pogo sticks that Yamaha was using (and had been using for a number of years) when I first started sledding in the mid-90's....and continued to use until they went with trailing arms and then A-arms (both developed by somebody else). And if you think that Doo started using pogos (on certain utility sleds) a couple years back, you obviously don't know Doo very well....but you've already demonstrated that. The point is, you act as if Doo is the only OEM to use "borrowed" technology and they certainly are not. And so what if they, or any OEM does? If it results in better products for the consumers, isn't that a good thing?

If you took the time to read through this entire thread, you would know that at no time did I ever take part in the "I own the best sled" spiel.....in fact, I pointed out that I thought those who were doing so were a little over the top. But no more so than you with your constant bashing.

Thank you for your sage advice to buy and ride what I like.....I'm sure you'll be proud to know that I have taken it and will continue to do so. Your praise might be desirable if you had any credibility but as it is, I couldn't care less about it. As for my sled's beauty, well, beauty is in the eye of the beerholder. I prefer function over form; can't really see what it looks like from the saddle anyhow. So, go back to the drawing board and come up with some other senseless thing to nitpick about. I have every confidence that you can and will.

- - - Updated - - -



ETEC ETEC ETEC CAW-CAW-CAW!...THANK GAWD FOR Ole Evinrude and Bombi's big check book....LOL....probly kept Doo afloat...get it, afloat?...like a boat with an outboard?

Are you sure about that? How do you know, can you cite proof or documentation?


Well-known member
I know for sure you are the typical Doo owner I refered to earlier and you continue to demonstrate that.
You Doo guys are so sensitive...here is proof.
Post #183 I replied to MOMONEYS post, in which, refering to the etec, (caw), he says...."they are the class of 2 stroke engine's."
Post #187 you feel compelled to step in and take my comments to task....LOL

My point stands....If Doo had the desire, could they build there own engine?....yes they probably could.
Polaris proved they could build there own and while Cat really didn't have to move away from Suzukis stellar 2 stroke engine design they too are building there own and now also employing Yamaha to provide their 4 strokes...(congratulations Cat!)

Instead, Ski Doo has decided to always have Rotax build them FOR them. Not sure why because until the purchase of the OMC etec technology
there engines track record was at the bottom of the barrel IMO.

And just so you don't avoid my other comments again...
You Doo guys take that bought technology and make it your mannies proudest achievement.
Owners of the other 3 brands realize that would be dumb....LOL
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Well-known member
I know for sure you are the typical Doo owner I refered to earlier and you continue to demonstrate that.
You Doo guys are so sensitive...here is proof.
Post #183 I replied to MOMONEYS post, in which, refering to the etec, (caw), he says...."they are the class of 2 stroke engine's."
Post #187 you feel compelled to step in and take my comments to task....LOL

My point stands....If Doo had the desire, could they build there own engine?....yes they probably could.
Polaris proved they could build there own and while Cat really didn't have to move away from Suzukis stellar 2 stroke engine design they too are building there own and now also employing Yamaha to provide their 4 strokes...(congratulations Cat!)

Instead, Ski Doo has decided to always have Rotax build them FOR them. Not sure why because until the purchase of the OMC etec technology
there engines track record was at the bottom of the barrel IMO.

And just so you don't avoid my other comments again...
You Doo guys take that bought technology and make it your mannies proudest achievement.
Owners of the other 3 brands realize that would be dumb....LOL

Please tell me how Momoney's post has anything to do with anything I posted, or where I stated anywhere that "my sled is best"? Good luck with that. Yes, in Post #187 I took you to task because your statement was misleading and irrelevant. Even if Momoney's statement were true (and I'm not saying it is or isn't; I've never owned an Etec so I don't know the first thing about them), does it really matter how the technology was acquired? But nowhere did I ever say that Doo makes/buys the best engines. Once again, you demonstrate an uncanny ability to see things that aren't there and make assumptions that don't exist.

"there [sic] engines [sic] track record was at the bottom of the barrel IMO". Yes, exactly that -- your SUBJECTIVE opinion. Means no more than somebody who says they make the best engine.

"You Doo guys take that bought technology and make it your mannies proudest achievement." Can you direct me to the post where I said or implied anything of the sort? No, you can't, because I never did. Like I said, I've never even owned an Etec. Once again, another unsubstantiated assumption on your part.

So in a nutshell, what you're saying is that it's okay for OEM's to use bought/borrowed technology or engines as long as the sled coming off their line doesn't say "Ski-Doo" on it, correct? It's painfully obvious that no matter what Doo does or doesn't do, you're going to find fault somewhere. They don't do or haven't done anything that most other OEM's don't do or haven't done at some point, yet you choose to ignore that or excuse it. I don't know where your hatred comes from nor do I care, but it's difficult at best to take anything you say seriously when you have such jaded judgement.

This horse has been beaten enough. Have a nice day.