Has your snowmobile come between you and your wife/ significant other?


It seems lately for me that anytime I mention the word snowmobile, work on the snowmobile, mod the snowmobile, get a new snowmobile my wife starts fuming. Anybody else experience this frustration?


New member
Shouldn't that statement be phrased a little different? Kinda like" Has your wife/significant other come between you and your snowmobile.":)

Team Elkhorn

Are you spending more time with your snowmobile than your wife? :)
Or is it just the money? Lucky for me my wife accepts that I'm a snowmobile fanatic. (She likes riding also). But she also knows I wont break the bank just to ride.


Well-known member
yes but who cares you got to get your priorities in order and listening to the war dept bitch is just part of the deal.thing you got to do is have your fun money stash. my wife has no clue when I buy a new sled. I usually have 1 or 2 in the garage I am working on for some one, so when a new sled is in the shop some times she walks in and says so how many sleds do we own now?at this point after 16 yrs of training she knows it is pointless to argue she will some times try when it is close to that special time of the month but in the end she knows it is a loosing battle.
got back from a meeting last week and told her I was going to be grooming part time this winter thought she would be a bit pissy about it but she is now numb to all things snowmobile.
just remember when budgeting a guys trip dont forget to budget tickets for her and hopefully 1 of your riding buds wife's tix to cobo or some place warm.once the hot young pool boy/masseuse starts rubbing them down in 90 degree heat few rum punch drinks she will forget all about the fact you are out playing in avalanch country and never bitch again as long as the yrly trips keep coming


New member
Are you spending more time with your snowmobile than your wife? :)
Or is it just the money? Lucky for me my wife accepts that I'm a snowmobile fanatic. (She likes riding also). But she also knows I wont break the bank just to ride.

Same here sometimes she's more of a nut about it than i am!!!!!!!!!!! LOL love you honey.............


New member
I too, told my wife I would be grooming part time this winter. She said," It's about time you took a bath"

Deleted member 10829

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I never have any problems when it comes to snowmobiling or golf, and I ride about 2,500 miles per year and play well over 100 rounds of golf a year. She also doesn't think just becasue I go on a sled trip that she's entitled to a trip. She's a keeper! In fact, we're up on the North Shore of Mn at Larsmont Cottage right now celebrating our wedding anniversary.


Active member
Isn't there a Country music song like that? "My wife said make the choice between sledding and me. I'm gonna miss her!"


Super Moderator
Staff member
Reminds me of the Brad Paisley song, "I'm gonna miss her" when given the choice between his wife and going fishing.

I'm also one of the lucky ones. She's glad that I have a winter sport/hobby that gets me out of the house. She's just as comfortable reading a book or watching a movie while I'm out on the trails and at the end of the day it's all good. She's one in a million and I'm one lucky guy. Love Ya, Dear!


Well-known member
Not a problem for me.....we spent our honeymoon this past February sledding in the Keweenaw. She doesn't mind when I go riding with the fellas (which doesn't happen too often anymore since most of the time now they're full of excuses why they can't go), but she likes it better when she gets to go!


Active member

They get over it eventually. Takes about 15 years or so before they finally realize they ain't gona change it. :)


New member
Never an issue with the wife. Married into a sledding family 31 years ago. She says, "GO !!! I get the whole bed to myself and the remote,now just go". And I am out of there. She has given up snowmobiling a few years back, likes to hang out and make chili and other stuff in the crock pot and just hang out at the cabin. She says she don't care for the cold anymore. She has the boat and her own motorcycle that she loves. How can she balk at snowmobiling, our 3 children were conceived on one. (Not really). Makes for interesting conversation. Lol


New member
The only time a snowmobile comes between my wife and I is when one parks between us. My wife likes to ride almost as much as I do...well maybe half as much but even that is still way more than most people. We started with little trips around town, graduated to the north shore of MN, moved on to the U.P. and now she rides (as the only girl) with the guys in Cooke City and West Yellowstone/Island Park. She won't climb the gnarly stuff but with a little help and encouragement here and there she gets to all the places we find to play. Building a 153" M8 to her liking was a huge help as the 600 Mtn. Cat she started riding out west in the Bighorns just wasn't cutting it.


Yeah we got married 4 months ago so I have to wait 15 years. Great. The **** hit the fan when I switched from summer mode to winter mode in August. She dated me for 8 years so she knew before we got married how much of a snowmosexual I was.


Well-known member
One of the first dates my wife and I went on was a snowmobile ride. We'd rode about 100 miles that day and were coming back across the lake to where we started and I had to open it up a bit. I was running about 90 and went to look back for her and she was right along side me. I knew she was hooked. She's my main sledding partner but she also doesn't mind at all when i go for a weekend with the guys. When I talk about sledding in the summer she just thinks I'm nuts.


New member
My wife was the same way. Tried to hide the mods from the wife but that backfired one year. Got myself a second job slinging hooch and long as I keep the mistress in the garage and not the house she is cool. Good luck!
Wife and I started sledding about 4 yrs before we got married. Then 4 yrs after we got married she said we better buy a place up north, so we did. She loves to sled, atv, boat, all of it, wow I got lucky and drink some cold ones.