Indy, If you buy amsoil by the case (4X1 gal) there's a sticker in every box. I'll bet if you sent them a nice letter they would mail you one.
x2, Every case comes with stickers,
Indy, I dont know where your buying your amsoil, I have a guy I order from and pay $109.80 + tax,(case of 4 gallons) I pick up directly from a distribution warehouse, there is also someone on this site that sells it for the same price, I'll have to check my messages to get his info.
If there is a distribution center by you, this is the way to go
not a bad price. I pay $115.40 a case plus sales tax and shipping.
Still old school sled. Need to up date to a ride foward style sled..
not a bad price. I pay $115.40 a case plus sales tax and shipping.
after Chicago taxes, You probably pay less![]()
This summer My ripsaw is going on there, rsi bar pad, new grips, handlebar hooks, possibly handguards w/mirrors because my mom claims i HAVE to have mirrors, new clutch springs, bushings in weights, and powervalves might possibly need replacing due to chattering.
If you do the bellows and blades don't forget to replaces the spring in the bellows too. I have had very good luck with Babbitts online store.
Definatly needs a powervalve overhaul. Plugs are SUPER rich, i have a feeling it did a lot of idling. He said he cleaned them but you never know.
Plugs are cheap enough. pitch them and replace. When you get to cleaning the valves I can give you some tips on what not to miss when cleaning.
Still old school sled. Need to up date to a ride foward style sled..
Indy, my son (Vector08) didn't want mirrors, he has the "glove mirror" on the backside of his left hand, works well for him - something to consider...
...btw - NICE SLED! The edge chassis is the best and the Liberty 500 is a great motor. Enjoy!
Indy, have you looked into a hand mirror? also, powermadd makes handguards with built in mirrors, and they are very durable (suprised i haven't snapped one off yet...).