It's February............time to speculate on 2014 sleds..........let the fun begin


Well-known member
Kip it is going to take something very exciting from Yam to get me to trade in my Attak GT that uses regular gas 145-155HP plenty for trails. Over 9,000 trouble free miles on my Attak GT is unheard of for me & still going strong turn the key gas & go. Very difficult for me to give up a good thing that has & continues to perform so well. By now all the other brands had blown engines, shocks rebuilt 3 times, new clutch, broken suspensions & the list just goes on & on. My Yamaha is typical of all or most Yamaha sleds from what I can tell from this site & TY. I sure don't want to switch to an unknown brand unless I have too. Sure Yam needs to lose some weight simply for horsing around trailer or pulling out of a stuck but you can't beat an Apex or Vector as a very comfortable day tripper trail sled. To me Yam can get lighter on their own but if AC can help & still meet Yamaha quality standards AOK. I'm from MO on this one the show me state keep the 5 year warranty & all will be accepted quickly.:)


New member
" Arctic Cat will begin manufacturing some of its own snowmobile engines" Does this statement scare the **** out of anyone else?


Well-known member
Here's my honest opinion. I'm sick of all this "new platform" crap. Yes, crap, is right. Look at the Cat guys. Endless problems with their new procross sleds. Yes some people are riding them and aren't having any problems, but take the thing apart and look how its held together. I think a 4 year old could engineer some better stuff. Look at Poo guys. Not many guys running over 4k miles on their CFI 6 & 800s without them blowing up. Yeah, we have the EPA to blame for it, but wake up lets come out with a lightweight 4s. We are the stupid ones who keep buying this crap because it is the lightest, fastest, nicest riding thing out there. I have 7200 HARD ridden miles on my 05 XC SP 500. I just blew my first original belt. The thing just keeps on going. I have a 99 XC 700 7600 miles my dads 99 XC SP 700 8500 miles not one of these motors have been apart. Try that with a modern 2 stroke. Indy out.


Well-known member
Indy you are right on if putting on lots of miles 4s is the way to go change hyfax, carbides & oil gas & go. DI 2s are time bombs OEMs doing the best they can but but you just can't run that lean for too many miles. Who cares about a little more 4s weight for trail riding as long as the sled does not ride heavy & wear you down.


New member
Here is my $.02 on the cat yamaha deal. For 2015 I would expect sleds to come of the same line with different colored plastic. Cat providing chasis and Yamaha providing 4s power plants. Only thing I can't any feed back on is who is making the 2s power and what tech will be involved. But I live south of the cheddar curtain so take it for what it is worth.


Well-known member
I still dont see cat using yammi power.
they designed the 1100 and 1100turbo Suzuki built it Suzuki holds no rights to motor.
cat is doing just fine in the engineering department nothing stock is close to 177hp
with the ability to take 350hp on stock cases for many race seasons.
they have been building 4s atv power plants for some time now I think they have the ability.
the main reason cat left a 35 +yr relationship with Suzuki was the they were unwilling to produce what cat wanted so u think yamaha will build what cat wants?
not a is not or have they ever been targeting the mega mi touring segment.
always been more of a performance/race target just look at the marketing for the last 30 yrs.
look at what they put out as a flag ship yr after yr.ever see a add campaign from cat with a 50 yr old sitting on a trail sled with lugage layed back with never ending ribbon layed out accross america? no how about a sled ligned up against a f16 or charts with HP numbers or race results.
yeah I see them buying 150hp yammis and calling it a day LMFAO
if yammi really wants to build a deep snow sled they would just have some one like do limmited builds but I still think the market is way to limmited for 4s deep snow sleds only big hillclimbers and big big guys really want em
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Well-known member

I would bet my first born on cat having a Yamaha 4stroke engine in their lineup. Yamaha already builds a 4stroke engine that cat wants. Let's make a bet?


Well-known member
they already do in the 120 but that dose not count.
so that out I will put $20 on it no other cats with yammi in the 2014


Well-known member
Cat using Yami's direct injection system seems to make the most sense. Yami has it in its outboards and isn't using it for sleds. Otherwise I don't see the point for Cat to switch from Suzi. Plus if Cat makes its own ATV engines they probably have intention to make their own sled engines too.
Here's my honest opinion. I'm sick of all this "new platform" crap. Yes, crap, is right. Look at the Cat guys. Endless problems with their new procross sleds. Yes some people are riding them and aren't having any problems, but take the thing apart and look how its held together. I think a 4 year old could engineer some better stuff. Look at Poo guys. Not many guys running over 4k miles on their CFI 6 & 800s without them blowing up. Yeah, we have the EPA to blame for it, but wake up lets come out with a lightweight 4s. We are the stupid ones who keep buying this crap because it is the lightest, fastest, nicest riding thing out there. I have 7200 HARD ridden miles on my 05 XC SP 500. I just blew my first original belt. The thing just keeps on going. I have a 99 XC 700 7600 miles my dads 99 XC SP 700 8500 miles not one of these motors have been apart. Try that with a modern 2 stroke. Indy out.

From above: "Look at Poo guys. Not many guys running over 4k miles on their CFI 6 & 800s without them blowing up. "

Not true. Polaris CFI 600's have a great reputation (I've had 2). And there were not a lot of non-current 2012 800 SB Pro R's or Assaults in dealer inventory this past fall, so buyers (including me) must have some confidence in the product. Yes, some have had problems, and you can read all about them in a million message board postings by both people who owned them and many who haven't. Opinions are fine. But facts are facts. There is a difference, and this is simply an opinion being posted as a fact.


New member
Just a FYI Pete, My 2004 AC F6 has 16,328 miles on it as of yesterday with only 1 clutch replacement, jackshaft bearings and a track at 11,000 miles............the motor has never been touch and holds 127psi in each cylinder as of 11/2012

Of my 7 cats I currently have non have ever had a motor falture and were talking ruffly 45,000 plus miles on those 7 sled combined........Amsoil my have helped.


New member
Here's my honest opinion. I'm sick of all this "new platform" crap. Yes, crap, is right. Look at the Cat guys. Endless problems with their new procross sleds. Yes some people are riding them and aren't having any problems, but take the thing apart and look how its held together. I think a 4 year old could engineer some better stuff. Look at Poo guys. Not many guys running over 4k miles on their CFI 6 & 800s without them blowing up. Yeah, we have the EPA to blame for it, but wake up lets come out with a lightweight 4s. We are the stupid ones who keep buying this crap because it is the lightest, fastest, nicest riding thing out there. I have 7200 HARD ridden miles on my 05 XC SP 500. I just blew my first original belt. The thing just keeps on going. I have a 99 XC 700 7600 miles my dads 99 XC SP 700 8500 miles not one of these motors have been apart. Try that with a modern 2 stroke. Indy out.

Are you saying it was the ORIGINAL belt that came on it from the factory?


Well-known member
Just a FYI Pete, My 2004 AC F6 has 16,328 miles on it as of yesterday with only 1 clutch replacement, jackshaft bearings and a track at 11,000 miles............the motor has never been touch and holds 127psi in each cylinder as of 11/2012

Of my 7 cats I currently have non have ever had a motor falture and were talking ruffly 45,000 plus miles on those 7 sled combined........Amsoil my have helped.

I have no problem with NON DI 2s engines 4s is better tech but Indy & I are referring to DI 2s which Cat has none.


Way back when Pol used Fuji motors from Japan the actual engines were indeed built in Japan but they were designed here. The same has been true with Cat and Suzuki for many years. There is no need to bad mouth or be scared of anything built in Japan as most of it was designed here. There have been many questionable motors from all brands but the blame lies with American engineers more often than not. Any pairing of Cat and Yami would be different. I can't see Yami drastically changing their engine design to fit on a Cat. It would be the other way around. Cat would build their sled around the motor. And I for one would take a look. I am growing increasingly tired of the weight on my Yami. Yes, I know it is reliable BUT they haven't changed much in 11 years. You need a warranty on a new Yami with EXUP because it is growing a list of failures and it costs over 2 grand to fix. Plus you have to burn premium and the gas tanks are smaller so your range is cut to less than a pre-exup sled. It would be great if Yami came with a whole bunch of new earth shattering stuff but I am not holding my breath. They are too proud of reliability and reliability equates to weight. Oh well - not long to wait and see for sure.


Well-known member
Way back when Pol used Fuji motors from Japan the actual engines were indeed built in Japan but they were designed here. The same has been true with Cat and Suzuki for many years. There is no need to bad mouth or be scared of anything built in Japan as most of it was designed here. There have been many questionable motors from all brands but the blame lies with American engineers more often than not. Any pairing of Cat and Yami would be different. I can't see Yami drastically changing their engine design to fit on a Cat. It would be the other way around. Cat would build their sled around the motor. And I for one would take a look. I am growing increasingly tired of the weight on my Yami. Yes, I know it is reliable BUT they haven't changed much in 11 years. You need a warranty on a new Yami with EXUP because it is growing a list of failures and it costs over 2 grand to fix. Plus you have to burn and the gas tanks are smaller so your range is cut to less than a pre-exup sled. It would be great if Yami came with a whole bunch of new earth shattering stuff but I am not holding my breath. They are too proud of reliability and reliability equates to weight. Oh well - not long to wait and see for sure.

X2 I think many of Yam trail riders did not see point of EXUP & premium gas for Apex. EPS Aok more riding comfort +less effort = more miles. Sure EXUP boosted HP to 162ish but I don't need that 150Hp already & tearing my arms off.


Well-known member

Agree with alot you have to say but I have never replaced an EXUP valve yet. Yes, they are expensive but they do not fail unless it is hit or a stud goes through it which is not a failure on the part itself. I think you will be pleasantly suprised by Yamaha very soon grub.


Kip - I believe you when you say you have never replaced an Exup Valve. On Totallyamaha guys are having them crack much the same as the Y-pipes crack on pre-exup sleds. You have to remember you live in God's country. The rest of us are not so lucky. I ride ditches and hit field crossings at speed. When you land there is some very basic physics going on. Things flex and move. It is my own theory that chassis flex causes the brittle Exup valve and the Y pipes to crack. You may call this misuse and abuse but that is what goes on up here. I hope you are right and I will be surprised. Even if I am surprised I will probably keep my old Apex for a spare. It is bulletproof- except for normal wear items- and I wouldn't get much in a trade anyway.