John I'm a little Disappointed..................



John--enjoy your Pilot--it is a great vehicle.

1st off I am an engineer in the auto industry. I have worked direct for 2 GM divisions and my 1st job out of college was Chrysler in 1976.

That said I cannot see myself buying another new GM vehicle (I currently own 4 GM vehicles). I still have GM stock which is valued at "0" and oh by the way I had Delphi stock also valued at "0". Why would I want to support a company who did not value me as a stockholder? They chose the buyout and so called precision bankruptcy and all stockholders got screwed.

The Japanese vs USA vs Korean OEM vehicle quality debate will go on--everyone has an opinion. Let the free market decide. Everybody has to decide purchases based on their own personal needs. The only way the OEMs can win is to build the best vehicle for the money available in the marketplace--not by shaming our neighbors into buying American.

A companies legacy is also measured on how it takes care of its customers, workers, retirees and shareholders. By this basis I could argue that Toyota and Honda did better than GM.

I truly hope that some day the USA owned OEM's have 80%+ market share in our country and that the vehicles, parts, dies, equipment etc are still built here. In the meantime, I will not browbeat my friends and neighbors but I will do whatever I can to design and build quality components.


New member
John... Congrats on buying whatever vehicle you wanted. The issue with "Buy American" is that because the ppl of the USA have traditionally done so, those companies that reaped the benefits of that support became too comfortable and not competitive and innovative. Much like Polaris of old.

I have leased a Ford, Dodge, Nissan and now a Toyota. The Toyota is built in Mississippi and ppl can say that the money doesn't stay in the USA... well I guarantee the execs that stole from their own companies in the USA also didn't keep much in the USA. It provides jobs in the USA. Maybe not the top level execs, but that is not a position that would be handed out because of your origin or nationality anyway. The Toyota is by far the best truck I have owned and my parents who are diehard Chevy buyers are sick and tired of their issues with their last 4 Chevy's and will soon switch to quality as well.

To those that work in the auto industry... sorry for your issues. Sucks seeing ppl in this country hurting. Being a teacher and a restaurant owner as I am, is NOT at all secure, is highly competitive and unstable. All of which I accept as a challenge that I will take by the balls and win.

In short, the issues in the USA are that ppl look too much to what the government can do for them. Bailouts, flu shots, blah blah. Go out and grab life by the balls and do something about it. I believe a famous President, so famous he was shot once said... "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." PERIOD.


New member
John... Congrats on buying whatever vehicle you wanted. The issue with "Buy American" is that because the ppl of the USA have traditionally done so, those companies that reaped the benefits of that support became too comfortable and not competitive and innovative. Much like Polaris of old.

I have leased a Ford, Dodge, Nissan and now a Toyota. The Toyota is built in Mississippi and ppl can say that the money doesn't stay in the USA... well I guarantee the execs that stole from their own companies in the USA also didn't keep much in the USA. It provides jobs in the USA. Maybe not the top level execs, but that is not a position that would be handed out because of your origin or nationality anyway. The Toyota is by far the best truck I have owned and my parents who are diehard Chevy buyers are sick and tired of their issues with their last 4 Chevy's and will soon switch to quality as well.

To those that work in the auto industry... sorry for your issues. Sucks seeing ppl in this country hurting. Being a teacher and a restaurant owner as I am, is NOT at all secure, is highly competitive and unstable. All of which I accept as a challenge that I will take by the balls and win.

In short, the issues in the USA are that ppl look too much to what the government can do for them. Bailouts, flu shots, blah blah. Go out and grab life by the balls and do something about it. I believe a famous President, so famous he was shot once said... "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." PERIOD.

Right on Jim!!!!!!!!! I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!


New member
Let's not go nuts. Our economy has had problems for many years that has led to this, not just the last 3-5 years! Lets try to move forward and make the next years the best we can. Not telling other people what to buy would be a good start.


New member

Congrats on your car selection. I hope you enjoy it!

I happen to own a Chevy Trailblazer. I love the car. I will probably buy another Chevy just because I need a truck to pull my toys. If I were to buy a car or a vehicle to get me around it would not be a big three.

To all of you harping on John. How would you feel if he developed the mentallity of the big three and started making everyone pay to use this sight? Trying to earn a profit and make as much money as possible. Would you pay? Some of you would say yes, but would be the first to move to another snowmobile sight that was just as good but was free.


Am I the only one?

Sorry, but as I read this I was thinkin' "why is her vehicle outside when she is the one driving to work?". Did I miss something? I DO understand having all your toys in the garage but I'd be ***** if I'd scrape ice/snow if I had a garage while my wife's toy was in the garage!!!!! Sorry I just had to stand up for Nora on this one 'cause I've had this one before!!!!


New member
This is why America is what it is. Freedom of choice. I drive a Ford, my wife drives a Honda Odyssey. The Honda is a well made vehicle. I love driving it on trips. Handles well, very soundproof, a ton of storage capacity, and easy in and out for the wife and kids. Not saying american made products are not reliable, it simply came down to preference and what she felt most comfortable in. She test drove Dodge, Chrysler, Ford, and Nissan, and ultimately the Honda won out. Like John said in an earlier post, he purchased what he felt was best for his families needs-HIS needs, not anyone elses on this board.

I hope you and your family enjoy the new Honda John!!


New member
My only response is that Nora and I purchased the vehicle we did because it best fit our families needs, not the UAW or GM or Ford or Chrysler. I am sorry that it disappointed so many of you, you certainly have that right.

But as long as we are on the topic of what is American and what is not, can someone please tell me what is American about telling another American how to live their life?

My only request is that we keep this thread civil. So far so good.


x100! Thats the beauty of being an american, He can buy any darn vehicle he wants! I would never question how another person spends THEIR money. Thats whats makes it THEIR money! I wounld'nt want anyone i know telling me how to spend the money i work hard for! Besides Honda pilots are nice little suv's (buddys wife has almost 300k on one) I think the more important question for John is .... Are you gonna run Amsoil in it??



I agree with ubee....lets ride.....This is America, we are free to buy, ride, or say what is on our minds. Enjoy your rides John whether it is on snow or black top.


Congrats on the purchase John. I cannot say anthing bad about Honda as i have beaten my Honda fourwheeler to death and it keeps ticking. I say buy whatever fits your needs. While i still support GM, I gave up on the Michigan economy along time ago. Been working in North Carolina for 7 years now due to lack of construction jobs in Michigan.


This may seem like a basic question but what exactly do people mean when they say we need to buy American? If it means every part needs to be manufactured and assembled in America then I think we would be hard pressed to find much of anything including all American cars. Just to find a piece of clothing to wear could be difficult. If it means only a certain percentage needs to be manufactured or assembled in America, then are we truely buying American. Unfortunately we live in a different world and buying strickly American is not possible anymore. That does not mean America can not compete with the rest of the world, it just means we need to figure out how to prosper in the global environment. I personally feel we will come back stronger than before it just may take some time.


Active member
It is so great that we live in a country that we can talk, or type whatever we want. I love this site, and the guy that runs it, is a great american. So I don't care what he buy's, I'm just glad he does us all this great service!


I'm am union worker and could care a less what a person drives. I drive GM but that is because it what I like. I have owned Arctic Cat, Yamaha, and Polaris sleds. Honda has made the best three and four wheelers ever hands down, you couldn't kill em! Owned atleast a dozen different Honda ATC and ATV. If someone told me I shouldn't buy them because they are not made in America I would tell them to pound sand. It is impossible to buy everything in America these days, who would have the time for that. Even things made in the States isn't necessarily made by a citizen if you know what I mean.


New member


I believe Skyler was referring to that many people on the internet like to make comments that they would otherwise not make in person which is true. I am a union electrician and hear this "buy American" stuff everyday. Yet these same guys wife's drive Honda's, Toyota's, Hyundai's, Suzuki's, ect. When I call them out on it they revert to the old, "well I drive American".

This economy really sucks. I am a union electrician in a steel based market and our work has slowly been disappearing over the years. The drastic slow down in the economy has all but stopped our commercial work as well. I have only worked 6 months this year so I understand what those who work in the automotive industry are feeling. I have been struggling with the decission to change careers and leave behind a once strong pention and retirement plan. The fear of not knowing, needing college tuition for my two children in the next year, maintaining my current lifestyle. It can be intimidating.

Times are changing. Manufacturing is leaving the US. It is moving to 3rd world countries, cheaper labor, less or no environmental laws, less taxes, more profits. These decisions are being made by the CEO's, who answer to the owners of the companies. It is not all about sales in the US. In fact, that has very little to do with it. There is a new emerging economy in these developing countries that all business's want a part of. What automobile you buy will not stop the current events.

These are scarry times for many, and mostly for blue collar workers. Education and retraining is reality. Manufacturing is leaving and what remains or returns will not be what it was. It will not support a family as those were accustomed to. But there are new careers that pay well. Relocation will be required. Our kids must get an education. They must go to college or a technical school. We are entering a new technological world and with it new jobs. Unfortunately manufacturing is leaving.

America is a great country. It is changing. We are seeing a influx of foreign workers who will work for less and suck up the remaining blue collar jobs. They have embraced our political system and you are seeing our government change. If you want to see America change you better start getting involved with your local, state, and federal governments. Stop being concerned with what your neighbor believes, does, has, and buys. It's not the answer and is not going to bring this country together.

Look at this post. We all love snowmobiling and that's why were here. We all live in different areas, have different careers, earn different incomes, come from different backgrounds, ride different sleds, have different religions, ect. When we meet out on the trail, gas station, resturant, hotel, or watering hole we come together as a group who loves the outdoors and sledding. Yet here we are the same people being divided on which car you buy? America needs to come together to fix the real issues. And the issues are not what car you buy.
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The thread originator is way out of line on this one. John provides a free great site, and its his American right and freedom of choice in what he wants to drive. My wife drives a beamer and I drive a Dodge. Does that make us anti-american? I don't think so.

I thought your journal was great and I hope you get well soon. My friend Curt I am riding with right now in Indian River has had his valves in his heart replaced twice. He is a new member of this board. his user ID is BLK47 from Indiana.