Indy, I love your passion and I tell you,,,,, you are in for the time of your life. As others have mentioned, be careful as to what you think you are capable of. This new pro of yours is going to make your IQ look like you were riding a Rupp. Cannot stress the safty enough and as Cuzz stresses, PLEASE educate yourself, people do die and none of us want that person to be you,,,anyone for that matter but you know what I mean. Being able to sidehill is minor in the grand scheme of things. Being able to side hill adjusting track speed, angle of ascent or decent, transfer of body weight all combined is not as easy as it looks. When I thought I was a good rider I quickly realized I sucked major league when the better riders step it up and you see them tear up a crazy line when you yourself never even see a line to begin with. Luckily for me I have some great friends that for sure are considerably better at riding and even better with patients. I do not now many western riders from this group but I do know cooksend and bryn71 well, you will NOT keep up with them and you WILL be a liability. I do not say this to discourage you but more so to encourage you to be realistic as being realistic is critical. If you get an invite from guys than don't worry about it because they invited you knowing that you may be a liability,,,depending how serious they take the riding. Nothing better that heading out with good friends and hunting down the nasty terrain you prefer, be careful bud and you will do great!
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