Make-A-Wish sled restoration project.


Active member
I also have a handful of tickets. I will be at the Belvideer show next Sunday in northern IL. If anyone is going to that one and wants tickets, just drop me a line and we can arrange a meeting place. I know my bud is going to gave a swap space, just not sure where yet.


Active member
hey Snoluver let me know where you are going to be at the Belvidere show wouldnt mind pu a couple tickets


Active member
We will be in the swap area. Just look for this rig:

The gray dodge is pretty easy to spot. I will also make up a little sign or something.


Active member
Thanks for setting that up dcsnomo. I'm a bit confused though. When I click on the link, you have a big picture of the ratty old piece of crap we started with. Probably not the best way to advertise it? ?


Thanks for setting that up dcsnomo. I'm a bit confused though. When I click on the link, you have a big picture of the ratty old piece of crap we started with. Probably not the best way to advertise it? ?

Yeah, still building the page, changed to the better pic. Can you do a video of the sled for me? Maybe walk around and show the sled off, talk about the project? Post it to youtube and I'll bring it to the page


Staff member
Anybody gonna be at the Wausau show with tickets? Can't make Milwaukee this year.

No plans to be at Wausau as of now, but you can always get tickets from me by sending me a check. I hope to have a webpage setup to aid in the transaction using Paypal soon.



Active member
Just noticed we topped 40k views! We're creepin up on Carter!!!
Doing some simple math, if we can get just 1% of 40k to buy a ticket, this thing would be a major success! :D

Deleted member 10829

Not yet, but I plan to do a challenge on the Misc thread soon, but waiting for higher traffic on the site! Watch for the challenge and you can add your 5 to the total!


Active member
I have set up a page for the sled raffle, you can purchase tickets on line with your credit card or paypal there:



Fantastic John!!

I know you have a very full plate right now, and all this stuff takes time. I'm not real good with mushy stuff, but please believe me when I say, your work and dedication to this site and the snowmobile community in general is very admirable! It does not go unnoticed and is never under-appreciated. At least not by me. Truly amazing!
My small role in bringing this project to life, pales in comparison to what you do on a day-in and day-out basis. I can only hope the project does some bit of good for the Make-A-Wish cause, the site, and the business establishments that have offered to display the sled. Time will only tell, but it seems to me it should be a win-win for everybody! :)


Staff member
Fantastic John!!

I know you have a very full plate right now, and all this stuff takes time. I'm not real good with mushy stuff, but please believe me when I say, your work and dedication to this site and the snowmobile community in general is very admirable! It does not go unnoticed and is never under-appreciated. At least not by me. Truly amazing!
My small role in bringing this project to life, pales in comparison to what you do on a day-in and day-out basis. I can only hope the project does some bit of good for the Make-A-Wish cause, the site, and the business establishments that have offered to display the sled. Time will only tell, but it seems to me it should be a win-win for everybody! :)

Thanks Adam. But your work done to restore that sled was no small accomplishment by any means! My biggest concern is not that we will sell enough tickets to make it worth while, but if I have enough tickets printed (1000 in this run)!



New member
NICE TOUCH on the quantity buy. I always take advantage of those, and with paypal, it's too hard to pass up
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Thanks Adam. But your work done to restore that sled was no small accomplishment by any means! My biggest concern is not that we will sell enough tickets to make it worth while, but if I have enough tickets printed (1000 in this run)!


Ohhh, you're gonna need more tickets!