Mercer Snow Goers ask for everybody off trails tonight


Well-known member
Yes it must only be the IL. people on the trails. I know more then a few IL riders who belongs to clubs up there and donate a ton of money to the clubs they belong too. We have a house up in St. Germain helped with fall cleanup get in every raffle we see. It's just not IL people out there riding in that garbage that I guarantee. Would I ride no but too just blame on IL people is idiotic.


Active member
Whats everybody think about this

'We are advising and highly suggesting that all snowmobiles are off the trails tonight by 11pm. We will be having our fleet of groomers out from 11pm-8am. We want our trails to set up and freeze tonight so we have a good base for all of you. Again this isn’t mandatory but it will greatly help us save our trails for you.

Thank you,

Board of Directors
Mercer Area Sno-Goers
thanks for update
how did that work?..... were you able to get to all the trails with the fleet of groomers and get all trails groomed and flat......or was there too much sled traffic


Well-known member
The amount of Facebook posts the last couple days from people warning others not to ride certain trails was completely asinine due to open water... one of them was a video of 9 yes 9 stuck sleds in an open water hole on a trail from the gogebic area grooming Facebook page. Closed the trail down and had to get a tractor in there to yank them out. Still want to ride when you want??


Whats everybody think about this

'We are advising and highly suggesting that all snowmobiles are off the trails tonight by 11pm. We will be having our fleet of groomers out from 11pm-8am. We want our trails to set up and freeze tonight so we have a good base for all of you. Again this isn’t mandatory but it will greatly help us save our trails for you.

Thank you,

Board of Directors
Mercer Area Sno-Goers
thanks for update
how did that work?..... were you able to get to all the trails with the fleet of groomers and get all trails groomed and flat......or was there too much sled traffic

for the most part they stayed off the trails. most of the trails were groomed and set up fine some need more work and we are doing our best to bring them back to shape


New member
Ill ride when I want. Thank you!

Yes, ride when you want. I hope your just being a dickhead to get everyone worked up. However, attitudes like that may at some point in the future force clubs/counties to not ask for snowmobilers cooperation rather just temporarily close trails. Then we are all *** out. And tickets will be issued.


Yes it must only be the IL. people on the trails. I know more then a few IL riders who belongs to clubs up there and donate a ton of money to the clubs they belong too. We have a house up in St. Germain helped with fall cleanup get in every raffle we see. It's just not IL people out there riding in that garbage that I guarantee. Would I ride no but too just blame on IL people is idiotic.

Not one person said or implied that it was all Illinois people. There are plenty of good guys from Illinois. But there are also plenty of a-holes, which is why Illinois guys often get a bad rap in the North woods (no other state has their own commonly used acronym there). We all know the type: "I can do what I want, because these towns would go broke without me spending my money up here".

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Yes, ride when you want. I hope your just being a dickhead to get everyone worked up. However, attitudes like that may at some point in the future force clubs/counties to not ask for snowmobilers cooperation rather just temporarily close trails. Then we are all *** out. And tickets will be issued.

I think our sport is doomed. Too many stupid, selfish riders out there. Too many free-loaders who don't help out at all. Too many wreckless riders who think they can take corners on the left side of the trail. Too many a-holes who won't stay on trail on private property.


Not one person said or implied that it was all Illinois people. There are plenty of good guys from Illinois. But there are also plenty of a-holes, which is why Illinois guys often get a bad rap in the North woods (no other state has their own commonly used acronym there). We all know the type: "I can do what I want, because these towns would go broke without me spending my money up here".

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I think our sport is doomed. Too many stupid, selfish riders out there. Too many free-loaders who don't help out at all. Too many wreckless riders who think they can take corners on the left side of the trail. Too many a-holes who won't stay on trail on private property.

You’re rather dramatic- is everything you involve yourself in as over exaggerated? Chill out...

That being said, the money being spent by snowmobilers if the lifeblood of the Northwoods, dont discount that.

Could some riders be more respectful? Yes, but overall 99% are...You make it sound as though 99% of riders are disrespectful...your wrong.


You’re rather dramatic- is everything you involve yourself in as over exaggerated? Chill out...

That being said, the money being spent by snowmobilers if the lifeblood of the Northwoods, dont discount that.

Could some riders be more respectful? Yes, but overall 99% are...You make it sound as though 99% of riders are disrespectful...your wrong.

I didn't offer any percentage, much less "99%". I said "too many". Those are all serious and undeniable problems that I mentioned. If you disagree that those are problems, get your head out of the sand and join a club. Active club members are all well aware of those issues that I mentioned. You're clueless. And take some remedial English classes before you hit the "reply" button again, because your reading comprehension sucks. "Too many" does not equal or imply 99%. It doesn't even imply a majority, or anything close to a majority.


You’re rather dramatic- is everything you involve yourself in as over exaggerated? Chill out...

That being said, the money being spent by snowmobilers if the lifeblood of the Northwoods, dont discount that.

Could some riders be more respectful? Yes, but overall 99% are...You make it sound as though 99% of riders are disrespectful...your wrong.

Snowmobilers are not the lifeblood of the northwoods. The northwoods was there long before snowmobiles were invented and it will be there long after they are banned.


I didn't offer any percentage, much less "99%". I said "too many". Those are all serious and undeniable problems that I mentioned. If you disagree that those are problems, get your head out of the sand and join a club. Active club members are all well aware of those issues that I mentioned. You're clueless. And take some remedial English classes before you hit the "reply" button again, because your reading comprehension sucks. "Too many" does not equal or imply 99%. It doesn't even imply a majority, or anything close to a majority.

Exactly the reply I expected from you...get your emotions in check and slowly read my post I said they are some riders who need to be more respectful.

Again, your post does imply majority of snowmobilers are disrespectful (oh no “our sport is doomed”). Your wrong.

And belonging to a club doesn’t make you special..most of us in here (including myself) belong to a snowmobile club.

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Snowmobilers are not the lifeblood of the northwoods. The northwoods was there long before snowmobiles were invented and it will be there long after they are banned.

Yes- the money snowmobiles bring in to the north woods is their lifeblood. Many businesses would not exist without snowmobilers.

Sober up...


Exactly the reply I expected from you...get your emotions in check and slowly read my post I said they are some riders who need to be more respectful.

Again, your post does imply majority of snowmobilers are disrespectful (oh no “our sport is doomed”). Your wrong.

And belonging to a club doesn’t make you special..most of us in here (including myself) belong to a snowmobile club.

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Yes- the money snowmobiles bring in to the north woods is their lifeblood. Many businesses would not exist without snowmobilers.

Sober up...

That's exactly the reply that I expected from you. You don't even understand the difference between the possessive "your" and the contraction "you're", so it's not surprising that you think "too many" implies a majority (although the irony of "your wrong" is amusing). It does not take a majority to ruin the sport. If only a few percent of riders are going off-trail on private property, riding trails with loud pipes, and taking corners on the wrong side of the trail, then the sport could be doomed. It only take a few riders to get a trail shut down. It does NOT take a majority, and I never said or implied the majority of riders are bad apples. Again, your reading comprehension sucks, yet here you are, doubling down on the stupidity.

Nobody said that being a club member makes anyone "special". Again, you are reading things that are not there! You might be a club member, but you are obviously not an ACTIVE club member, or you would know how serious those issues are.

Obviously tourism is important to the north woods economy. It does not give tourists a right to act like selfish a-holes.
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Attak man

New member
Ughhhh...yes tourism is important...but it's not the be all end all some of you think...tourists are the icing on the cake and not the full cake..its great to have. But us northwoods locals hate hearing the "you'd die without us" crap...because it simply isn't true..there are some very arrogant "visitors" up here lately...and not all of them are FIBS...we locals, welcome people with open arms up here, and alot of us bust our asses to not only work fulltime but to clean, clear, pack and maintain trails year round, both snowmobile and ATV trails. When I see comments like this it angers me...why should I volunteer my time to make things better for rude people like this?'re a guest in our house/land...please start acting like it!!


Active member
Ughhhh...yes tourism is important...but it's not the be all end all some of you think...tourists are the icing on the cake and not the full cake..its great to have. But us northwoods locals hate hearing the "you'd die without us" crap...because it simply isn't true..there are some very arrogant "visitors" up here lately...and not all of them are FIBS...we locals, welcome people with open arms up here, and alot of us bust our asses to not only work fulltime but to clean, clear, pack and maintain trails year round, both snowmobile and ATV trails. When I see comments like this it angers me...why should I volunteer my time to make things better for rude people like this?'re a guest in our house/land...please start acting like it!!

Look an accurate response from someone that lives in the Northwoods! I have met way to many rude snowmobilers. Way more nice ones, but to many rude ones. I have only once meet a rude bar tender, hotel owner, or gas station attendant anywhere snowmobiling, and that was because another snowmobiler had just thrown the comment at him, "without us you would all be #@*%#+." The lovely individual left and I was next in line. I got a truly ugly look and was then asked, "How may I help you today your Majesty." (Including lots of sarcasm) I proceeded to apologize for the other rider, who I did not know in any way, shape, or form. The attendant then took a deep breath and apologized back. All it takes is a few of us to ruffle feathers, and those up there that don't need us wouldn't mind if we never came back! BTW Attackman Thank-you for all you do for the rest of us. You don't have to give accurate trail reports, but you do. After being lied to by a hotel owner and having a miserable 4 day trip I can tell you that the honesty is truly appreciated.
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Well-known member
Look an accurate response from someone that lives in the Northwoods! I have met way to many rude snowmobilers. Way more nice ones, but to many rude ones. I have only once meet a rude bar tender, hotel owner, or gas station attendant anywhere snowmobiling, and that was because another snowmobiler had just thrown the comment at him, "without us you would all be #@*%#+." The lovely individual left and I was next in line. I got a truly ugly look and was then asked, "How may I help you today your Majesty." (Including lots of sarcasm) I proceeded to apologize for the other rider, who I did not know in any way, shape, or form. The attendant then took a deep breath and apologized back. All it takes is a few of us to ruffle feathers, and those up there that don't need us wouldn't mind if we never came back! BTW Attackman Thank-you for all you do for the rest of us. You don't have to give accurate trail reports, but you do.
After being lied to by a hotel owner and having a miserable 4 day trip I can tell you that the honesty is truly appreciated.

dang,...yur generalizating wet kiss was going so well right until the bold....LOL


That whole "I'm gonna ride, when I want" attitude sucks!!
Some of you have no clue as to what it takes to groom and maintain trails...smh...thankfully for those people it's not manditory...and those knuckleheads are gonna ride anyway...imo..they should CLOSE, until conditions improve, and lakes are safe and marked. You know damn well some idiot will go through the ice on a lake tonight, and then complain that it's the club's fault for opening the trails and not marking the lakes. When the trails suck in a couple weeks because morons "had to ride" the rain and warm weather...dont cry on here about the "lousy clubs" up here not grooming. Some of the comments above show me why our sport is dying.

Close the trails and I will respect that. If their open I will ride when I want! I don't cross un marked lakes. And the sport is not dying

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Yes, ride when you want. I hope your just being a dickhead to get everyone worked up. However, attitudes like that may at some point in the future force clubs/counties to not ask for snowmobilers cooperation rather just temporarily close trails. Then we are all *** out. And tickets will be issued.

Calling me names is real nice. You sound like a really stand up guy