Great debate here people, keep it up. Just a side note or novel,,,,he he he,,, from me. Here is a concept to try an grasp. Seeing that the US is the world watch dog for some reason, I suppose because of or power, is it reasonable for us as people to think we can impose a democracy on a country, say Iraq or Libia, that is not able to sustain or maybe even want a democracy according to us? Could the world possibility be a safer place if we didn't elevate our stature and proclaim righteousness throughout the world? Is it possible we could be better received if we minded our own business a little better? We do the same friggin same thing to each other right here in the states, it's a world wide affair. I am not at all implying we deserved anything we received concerning violence, noted I agree with GW's war on terror. I am just pointing out the means of divide. To police the world says much about an attitude. Not saying ill intent to want others to have what you have but with such a cultural and religious divide, it is rather presumptuous to assume the roll and expense of money and life in the act of "liberating" a people, specifically the two above mentioned and similar world view. Now keep this idea in mind as I attempt to make the more important point that is relevant to this topic. Our divide as Americans, I believe, has been a increasing divide with the decay of morality as the motor behind this divide. This divide is a mindset or worldview that I spoke of in earlier posts. The same mindset that divides us is the same mind set that divides us from other radical nations. Can you see how we are viewed as radicals from other nations? We now have radical mindsets on both the right and left in this country and better yet they have power. As long as we are alive we will have this increasing divide. I see no solution to bridge the divide but rather a band aid of tolerance in social interaction.
How does this apply to OWS, simple, we are a greatly divided people and it's going to show more increasingly as time goes on. What I speak of is the root and we are seeing symptoms. We can treat symptoms or we can come back to truth, I wish I had more hope, I truly do. Tolerance will not cut it because the hearts of our people remain void. OWS is a demanding, violent sect of people who are confused and misguided. The media will cater to them to feed the far left agenda, although they do not represent enough of the population to move to national chaos quickly but the do get the attention of many.
Today I heard some Muslims attending a catholic college wanting Christian symbols removed so they could effectively pray. Or have a spot on campus to pray just for them. There was a guy defending the Muslims and that brings me to tears almost. We have some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth right here in the US and it's cases like this that sends us right into the crapper. We are so afraid to do the right thing so as we don't offend someone. Pride is a big factor amongst many other elements. The printing press keeps rolling out cash as we are trillions in debt but we continue to aid most anything and everything,,,man I'm sick,,,I gotta go to bed
DCS, that Washington post article is sad news. President O will do anything to buy a vote. Pres O will go down in history, maybe not right away, as the biggest divider of a president.