Occupy Wall Street???


Active member
lenny, there's some deep thinking to do with your post...and I just watched a kid from STL do the impossible for the team he grew up a fan of...so I gotta read it again and think. (maybe some steam outta the head?)

racerx - great post. I always say some of us are worker bees and we can't all be the queen. I don't envy the rich people and what they have. Would it be cool to have a ton of money? I guess. But I'm pretty sure I'll never know.

That's why I don't get these protests about the 1%...what do I care how rich they are...not taking out of my pocket and them giving away their money won't mean anything to me. Why SHOULD they give it to the government so they can just keep wasting it??

thanx a ton for your comment. When I sent it I was worried how it would be taken and even thought I should not post it as I'm not one for expressing my thoughts very well, part of that is due to the fact I have spent most of my work hours on night shift which for the most part did not do much to hone my communication skills, which honestly is fine with me and I do not feel bad, yes fustrating sometimes but as they say it is what it is...thanx again..


Active member
Nash, right...that only happens in Illinois. I won't throw another log on the fire by adding info about this corrupt state and their corrupt officials and reps.


Active member
Well, not quite "pension for life", at least not the fat "Golden Pension" for life after serving only one term. That is a common belief, but see Snopes.com: "Congressional Pensions".

nash..I see where you are going with that I surely did not think it was a windfall, probably should have added that it would be a bigger pension then I would get after my 50+ years in the trade by the time I retire (if i make it that long, already have almost 30 at age of 45) which will be a whopping $0. I did see on the senate.gov site that you are vested after 5 years so I guess I have to hit the senate instead of 3 terms as a rep. so I would not leave the office empty handed...


Well-known member
According to the news today, the protesters are now comparing their winter siege to George Washington and the Valley Forge. I mean, Really?


Well-known member
well after there parents saw them on TV they were ashamed like any one would be and the old man told them they could not live at home any more.after all he said you are 26yrs old and you can take care of your self.now they have no place to go so they will live in the street like the BUMBS they are. I am sure mom will sneak $100 here and there through western union so her baby wont starve.
finally people have a place to go it has been tough on some since Jerry Garcia died but finally a place where you can smell like BO covered up with Patchouli oil and be accepted as normal
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As to the concept of running for office, I did decide about 8 years ago to run for Congress. Within 2 weeks the whole process was so disgusting I decided I wouldn't continue. I remember that the state party organization asked my position on three issues, all special interest stuff, to decide if they could support me with the state organization if I won the primary. No interview, no "let's get to know each other" discussion, just three issues.

And if you decide to go ahead and run, it is ALL about the money. No issues, just eat rubber chicken, kiss babies, and shake down people for money.


Active member
According to the news today, the protesters are now comparing their winter siege to George Washington and the Valley Forge. I mean, Really?

My liberal whack job friends posted a FB picture with a Revolutionary War pic entitled "Hippy Drum Circles" "Bunch of kids and old people, beating the rythm of freedom since the 1700's" I gotta say they got it down with their PR campaign.

One of the comments for this post "They're occupying wall street to take back the right to prosper against corporate greed and unfair economic practices that only allows 1% of the population to prosper." I GAGGED!!! What RIGHT? WHO is keeping them from prospering? The MAN keeping them down? What a crock. I had to read it 5 times before the bile stopped bubbling up?! Again, let's say the 1% has gobs more money than they did 5, 10, 15 years ago...is that money out of THEIR pockets?? I just don't get that mentality!!

DC - that really is sad. What happens if you do it all on your own? Do you HAVE to have the backing of a party? What if I had a lot of FB friends and JD friends and got the word out I was running? How does that not make anyone else ill? Why aren't the OWS complaining about THAT?


Well-known member
What drives me nuts is the OWS are against all bailouts. Ok you would be happy if EVERYONE lost EVERYTHING? No functioning banking system or stock market would have been disastrous for everyone in the USA. Tarp is being or has been paid back & the auto industry is profitable & standing on their own & we have a functioning economy & stock market. The bailouts worked & we all reaped the benefits of of this action. Obama's stimulus plan did save some jobs but failed miserably to create new jobs. Windmills & road work just did not trickle down to create jobs. You need to put cash directly in the consumers pockets to drive our economy so be pissed about how that cash was spent on an unsuccessful program. We also should be drilling all our oil resources which also creates jobs. Solar & windmills have their place but don't create jobs. OWS either are really stupid or lack understanding of what makes the USA economy tick. They have no path that I can comprehend to help just bitching about their personal situation with no regard for the masses. Like Wall Street is going to drop bags of money on them sure that makes sense.lol


Well-known member
As to the concept of running for office, I did decide about 8 years ago to run for Congress. Within 2 weeks the whole process was so disgusting I decided I wouldn't continue. I remember that the state party organization asked my position on three issues, all special interest stuff, to decide if they could support me with the state organization if I won the primary. No interview, no "let's get to know each other" discussion, just three issues.

And if you decide to go ahead and run, it is ALL about the money. No issues, just eat rubber chicken, kiss babies, and shake down people for money.

I'll vote for you! Oh yeah, I have no money. sorry.


Well-known member
What drives me nuts is the OWS are against all bailouts. Ok you would be happy if EVERYONE lost EVERYTHING? No functioning banking system or stock market would have been disastrous for everyone in the USA. Tarp is being or has been paid back & the auto industry is profitable & standing on their own & we have a functioning economy & stock market. The bailouts worked & we all reaped the benefits of of this action. Obama's stimulus plan did save some jobs but failed miserably to create new jobs. Windmills & road work just did not trickle down to create jobs. You need to put cash directly in the consumers pockets to drive our economy so be pissed about how that cash was spent on an unsuccessful program. We also should be drilling all our oil resources which also creates jobs. Solar & windmills have their place but don't create jobs. OWS either are really stupid or lack understanding of what makes the USA economy tick. They have no path that I can comprehend to help just bitching about their personal situation with no regard for the masses. Like Wall Street is going to drop bags of money on them sure that makes sense.lol

You mean they are against bailouts for others. I think they still want them for themselves.


seems as though it was not the Muslims at all but rather someone else filing a lawsuit

Great debate here people, keep it up. Just a side note or novel,,,,he he he,,, from me. Here is a concept to try an grasp. Seeing that the US is the world watch dog for some reason, I suppose because of or power, is it reasonable for us as people to think we can impose a democracy on a country, say Iraq or Libia, that is not able to sustain or maybe even want a democracy according to us? Could the world possibility be a safer place if we didn't elevate our stature and proclaim righteousness throughout the world? Is it possible we could be better received if we minded our own business a little better? We do the same friggin same thing to each other right here in the states, it's a world wide affair. I am not at all implying we deserved anything we received concerning violence, noted I agree with GW's war on terror. I am just pointing out the means of divide. To police the world says much about an attitude. Not saying ill intent to want others to have what you have but with such a cultural and religious divide, it is rather presumptuous to assume the roll and expense of money and life in the act of "liberating" a people, specifically the two above mentioned and similar world view. Now keep this idea in mind as I attempt to make the more important point that is relevant to this topic. Our divide as Americans, I believe, has been a increasing divide with the decay of morality as the motor behind this divide. This divide is a mindset or worldview that I spoke of in earlier posts. The same mindset that divides us is the same mind set that divides us from other radical nations. Can you see how we are viewed as radicals from other nations? We now have radical mindsets on both the right and left in this country and better yet they have power. As long as we are alive we will have this increasing divide. I see no solution to bridge the divide but rather a band aid of tolerance in social interaction.

How does this apply to OWS, simple, we are a greatly divided people and it's going to show more increasingly as time goes on. What I speak of is the root and we are seeing symptoms. We can treat symptoms or we can come back to truth, I wish I had more hope, I truly do. Tolerance will not cut it because the hearts of our people remain void. OWS is a demanding, violent sect of people who are confused and misguided. The media will cater to them to feed the far left agenda, although they do not represent enough of the population to move to national chaos quickly but the do get the attention of many.

Today I heard some Muslims attending a catholic college wanting Christian symbols removed so they could effectively pray. Or have a spot on campus to pray just for them. There was a guy defending the Muslims and that brings me to tears almost. We have some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth right here in the US and it's cases like this that sends us right into the crapper. We are so afraid to do the right thing so as we don't offend someone. Pride is a big factor amongst many other elements. The printing press keeps rolling out cash as we are trillions in debt but we continue to aid most anything and everything,,,man I'm sick,,,I gotta go to bed :rolleyes:

DCS, that Washington post article is sad news. President O will do anything to buy a vote. Pres O will go down in history, maybe not right away, as the biggest divider of a president.


Active member
And if you decide to go ahead and run, it is ALL about the money. No issues, just eat rubber chicken, kiss babies, and shake down people for money.

I always like the one line in "Red October" that the one politician said, "If I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops"


That video was eye opening!!!! This has been a great thread, keep up the great work all. Very impressive for a bunch of eco destroying red neck snowmobilers! Can I join your guys party and vote for frnash or ezra or dcsnomo!