Occupy Wall Street???


Active member
Reported that ACORN from New York has funding going towards it, figures they are up to no good again.
Which point in what year do these morons wake up to reality.


looks like the Big O is giving theses guys a way out of school loans!!!looks like the working man gets to pay for them to go to school and sit in park!!!!great I will work another 14hr day today just so they can riot and cause more money issues....Riots in LA last night from the OWS group, the MN OWS group said today they will be heard so now what fire,rocks wreck a police car or two? they have done nothing here but f with the police and cause a mess in a public place and we flip the bill to clean it up....sad sad sad

Read this


Right or wrong, originally the founding fathers decided that only landowners could vote. Certainly there might have been some biases involved there, but I believe the primary intent of this stipulation was so that only the knowledgeable were able to vote.

The primary intent was to stop slaves from voting
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Right or wrong, originally the founding fathers decided that only landowners could vote.
I for one have thought for the past 15yrs or so that law should be reenacted.
if you are not responsible enough to have worked hard and saved money to own a chunk of America then you should have no say in how it is run.

So if you worked hard all your life, lost your job because a recession forced your layoff, and then lost your home in a foreclosure (because you lost your job) you are then out of the voting pool? Wow, seems a bit harsh...
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Well-known member
ok I read it what was I supposed to learn? nothing new he knows he has lost a huge chunk of his voters who fell for the hope and Chang marketing campaign and is doing what he can to buy them back.
and if you believe this will not cost the tax payer in the end I got a bridge to sell ya.
there will be lots of BS presidential pay off mandates coming out of this BS occupy wall street thing that was the plan from the start why do you think it really started?grass roots my ars most of thes yahos dont have the ambition to cross the street to pick up a dollar on the street pos a 20 but not a dollar they are to good for the dollar.this thing is community organized and payed for buy soros funneled through places like acorn and move on .and has been planed for well over a yr


Well-known member
well guess you should not have bought a house you could not afford to lose.
I payed 62500 for the house I am in 14yrs ago condemned 750sf dump.
I know live in the same house 2300sf 2story all payed cash when I had the cash took me yrs but I still had a 600 a mo house payment .
I always live in my income level.I have buds who lost there house and yes they don't deserve the right to vote the way they lived there irresponsible life putting their family in jeopardy shows their judgment and ability to make rational decisions.guess what some of those guys are now renting and 1 just bought a new 11g sled and the other has been on 3 trips this yr 1wk in mex 15 days in chio town in a rented high rise and 2 weeks in san diego all with 4 kids you really think these people have the common sense to decide who is going to be making decisions on how this county is going to be run ?BTW guess what markiting campain they fell for last time around


Well-known member
The primary intent was to stop slaves from voting

That's absolutely not true. It was also required for the voter to be white (and male), which was done to prevent slaves from voting and is wrong on any level.

The landowner was required so that the voter had a vested interest in the outcome of the election, which I don't think is applicable today (I don't know if it was a good or moral requirement then). Being a federal taxpayer MIGHT be applicable today, and that is all I am saying.


Active member
DC - I didn't realize who I was dealing with here, trustee Snomo! :)

There are a lot of people who make dumb financial decisions all the live long and life long day.

Do I believe that no one should lose their homes due to illness? Sure. All the programs that have been put in place in the past have been abused to the point of absurdity so now everyone has to pay. There are plenty of people around here that took 2nds out on their homes when the market was ridiculously inflated and now they are upside down. There are also people I know who bought at the height of the market and are now upside down. Do I BLAME them? no. Should they have realized that the house the live in /were purchasing was no where NEAR their loan amount? I think so. But that's just me. Just because a banker/mortgage broker tells me I qualify for a 500k home doesn't mean I should believe it nor that I can afford the monthly payments. People are paying over half of their paychecks over to a bank. not smart.

Read the student loan reform is gonna help out these folks to the tune of $10 a month. Sounds good when it comes out of Obamas speechy feely speak because he's doing something to help. How much is it gonna cost me? I went to college. I couldn't find the type of job that I wanted out of the gate and I thought I had a pretty useful degree (Economics) - so I worked retail and in a bar. It's hard to get a job in marketing/business management, communications and art history these days. It's kind of important to get your degree in something that's applicable to, say, getting a job after you graduate?!


Well-known member
Like I said, I don't "land ownership" is the applicable test these days, but perhaps at a minimum you should have had paid federal income taxes in each of the 4 years leading up the election before you are allowed to have a say in who determines how the income taxes will be spent.

or speak and write the language, doesn't have to be perfect. right ezra and nash? :) high school graduate....


Well-known member
hey, i didn't know that the happy face came up like that
now that i learned something new today can i go home?


Well-known member
DC - I didn't realize who I was dealing with here, trustee Snomo! :)

There are a lot of people who make dumb financial decisions all the live long and life long day.

Do I believe that no one should lose their homes due to illness? Sure. All the programs that have been put in place in the past have been abused to the point of absurdity so now everyone has to pay. There are plenty of people around here that took 2nds out on their homes when the market was ridiculously inflated and now they are upside down. There are also people I know who bought at the height of the market and are now upside down. Do I BLAME them? no. Should they have realized that the house the live in /were purchasing was no where NEAR their loan amount? I think so. But that's just me. Just because a banker/mortgage broker tells me I qualify for a 500k home doesn't mean I should believe it nor that I can afford the monthly payments. People are paying over half of their paychecks over to a bank. not smart.

Read the student loan reform is gonna help out these folks to the tune of $10 a month. Sounds good when it comes out of Obamas speechy feely speak because he's doing something to help. How much is it gonna cost me? I went to college. I couldn't find the type of job that I wanted out of the gate and I thought I had a pretty useful degree (Economics) - so I worked retail and in a bar. It's hard to get a job in marketing/business management, communications and art history these days. It's kind of important to get your degree in something that's applicable to, say, getting a job after you graduate?!

Yep took me a couple years to get focussed in 70s after college too. I was told why should I hire you when I can hire someone with 10-15 years in sales that already knows how to do this job? I had my response like how do you know I'm not a superstar that just needs a chance to prove myself? Took most interviewers back but experience is experience & if that is what is most important then then not a lot you can do to overcome. Finally a sales manager took a chance on me & I blew the numbers out of the ballpark. His problem was to keep me for the wage raises he was allowed to give me. He dug deep for 15% raise after 6 months & I stayed with him for 7 years until I was out of their income range & moved on to the next company. When I hear these OWS crying about no jobs I can't pay loans I just cringe. Nobody twisted their arms to take the loans & the day will come that they have pay off the loans. Just work hard & do it meet your side of the deal. Obama is trying to reenergise students since they bought into him big time 4 years ago. Their vote is being bought instead of forcing them to take a job any job to pay loans & move on with their lives. When did everyone start thinking employment is easy or anyone owes you a job? Never ever was that way for me why for them? Get out there & bust your butt & good things will happen.


Active member
Yep took me a couple years to get focussed in 70s after college too. I was told why should I hire you when I can hire someone with 10-15 years in sales that already knows how to do this job? I had my response like how do you know I'm not a superstar that just needs a chance to prove myself? Took most interviewers back but experience is experience & if that is what is most important then then not a lot you can do to overcome. Finally a sales manager took a chance on me & I blew the numbers out of the ballpark. His problem was to keep me for the wage raises he was allowed to give me. He dug deep for 15% raise after 6 months & I stayed with him for 7 years until I was out of their income range & moved on to the next company. When I hear these OWS crying about no jobs I can't pay loans I just cringe. Nobody twisted their arms to take the loans & the day will come that they have pay off the loans. Just work hard & do it meet your side of the deal. Obama is trying to reenergise students since they bought into him big time 4 years ago. Their vote is being bought instead of forcing them to take a job any job to pay loans & move on with their lives. When did everyone start thinking employment is easy or anyone owes you a job? Never ever was that way for me why for them? Get out there & bust your butt & good things will happen.

Sigh....it's my generation and below that somehow feel some entitlement. Think that they are better than because they went to college. It's just a piece of paper - a tool, a reference - not a guarantee to a job. And, shocker, like you did, you sometimes have to take a job for pay that isn't what you want to get some experience. These kids want crap handed to them...that entitlement thing!
Bigdaddy has a degree in finance. He did his office time with lunch in briefcase - was in a supply house while working with his dad on the side and the dude looked at him and said he'd be an idiot to not take over the business. Bigdaddy would be insane if he was trapped in an office all day everyday. It's worked out well for him. Even if we couldn't make a go of it and failed those 13 years ago when we took over business, he still has skills and a trade to pimp himself out for. Teaching the kids the same thing. May not be there thing in life to do HVAC but at least they can always get a job. They all know the basics of all things mechanical and carpenter-ical. If nothing else, ya save a ton o money not having to call a person to your house every time the toilet runs or you need an outlet replaced.

I'd punch my kid in the head if I saw him at a protest whining about jobs and whining about corporations and capitalism. Small business owners like us know as well as anybody that times are tight and jobs are tough to get. Ain't nothing stopping anybody for looking at the help wanted's and taking a job they, GASP, don't like. Lard knows I've had enough of them...as well as a few million other people. It may not be enough money - that's why you go get a second job you don't like. Ain't nobody gonna be bailing us out but us.


Active member
Congressional Reform Act notes:
This is the Buffet interview, he makes no mention nor endorsement of the CRA http://www.cnbc.com/id/43670783/Warren_Buffett_s_5_Minute_Plan_to_Fix_the_Deficit

The CRA is kinda full of holes...read this http://www.factcheck.org/2011/03/congressional-reform-act/
Ahaa, someone's been doing their homework! :)
Nash always gives good homework assignments.
As for myself, I usually like to run such viral emails through either FactCheck.org (as above), or Snopes.com — here's what Snopes says on "Hometown Buffett". See more at Snopes: "28th Amendment".

This time I thought it would be interesting to leave that as an exercise for the class! Hey, it was a good thought provoking conversation starter, no?
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Great debate here people, keep it up. Just a side note or novel,,,,he he he,,, from me. Here is a concept to try an grasp. Seeing that the US is the world watch dog for some reason, I suppose because of or power, is it reasonable for us as people to think we can impose a democracy on a country, say Iraq or Libia, that is not able to sustain or maybe even want a democracy according to us? Could the world possibility be a safer place if we didn't elevate our stature and proclaim righteousness throughout the world? Is it possible we could be better received if we minded our own business a little better? We do the same friggin same thing to each other right here in the states, it's a world wide affair. I am not at all implying we deserved anything we received concerning violence, noted I agree with GW's war on terror. I am just pointing out the means of divide. To police the world says much about an attitude. Not saying ill intent to want others to have what you have but with such a cultural and religious divide, it is rather presumptuous to assume the roll and expense of money and life in the act of "liberating" a people, specifically the two above mentioned and similar world view. Now keep this idea in mind as I attempt to make the more important point that is relevant to this topic. Our divide as Americans, I believe, has been a increasing divide with the decay of morality as the motor behind this divide. This divide is a mindset or worldview that I spoke of in earlier posts. The same mindset that divides us is the same mind set that divides us from other radical nations. Can you see how we are viewed as radicals from other nations? We now have radical mindsets on both the right and left in this country and better yet they have power. As long as we are alive we will have this increasing divide. I see no solution to bridge the divide but rather a band aid of tolerance in social interaction.

How does this apply to OWS, simple, we are a greatly divided people and it's going to show more increasingly as time goes on. What I speak of is the root and we are seeing symptoms. We can treat symptoms or we can come back to truth, I wish I had more hope, I truly do. Tolerance will not cut it because the hearts of our people remain void. OWS is a demanding, violent sect of people who are confused and misguided. The media will cater to them to feed the far left agenda, although they do not represent enough of the population to move to national chaos quickly but the do get the attention of many.

Today I heard some Muslims attending a catholic college wanting Christian symbols removed so they could effectively pray. Or have a spot on campus to pray just for them. There was a guy defending the Muslims and that brings me to tears almost. We have some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth right here in the US and it's cases like this that sends us right into the crapper. We are so afraid to do the right thing so as we don't offend someone. Pride is a big factor amongst many other elements. The printing press keeps rolling out cash as we are trillions in debt but we continue to aid most anything and everything,,,man I'm sick,,,I gotta go to bed :rolleyes:

DCS, that Washington post article is sad news. President O will do anything to buy a vote. Pres O will go down in history, maybe not right away, as the biggest divider of a president.
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Active member
Wow this has been an interesting read to say the least. I would never want to debate with anyone here as I would not be able to keep up. Altho the only thing I have read that I would like to add something is the statement that "Class is a result of choices". I may be reading more into it altho I do agree with that statement up to a point but not completely. I have heard in the past (not personally) something to the effect "you keep on spending like that you will put yourself in the poor house" and "if you want it you have to work for it" which I agree choices like that can change your class but I admit I could never make the choice to be in the upper class. I do not have the business sense to be that successful in that I do my best work in the trench making stuff and there are other traits of my personality that would not take me to that level. With that being said is that I feel "rich" in the fact that I make a decent living "in the trench" and I'm directly involved with adding value to a block of steel, which by way has always been one of my beliefs in that someone has to be "making" stuff to keep the economy going so why not be involved with that since it is something I love to do since I was a teenager. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those that think the shop does not need the office, it is that I believe a country can not survive on a 100% service industry. I have these arguments frequently with office people (which I am one indirectly) as they often say "you guys" think we are not worth anything, which is actually just the opposite, I could never do their job but it is needed but w/o the manuf there would be nothing to count, or maintain, or sell, etc.

As for the comment about who would run for office...I have entertained the thought (not that it would actually happen) but I could put a few years in, hang around DC listening and watching the debates and even get away w/o doing much and then quit and have a pension for life. Heck we should all take turns at that and we could get more sled time...


Active member
lenny, there's some deep thinking to do with your post...and I just watched a kid from STL do the impossible for the team he grew up a fan of...so I gotta read it again and think. (maybe some steam outta the head?)

racerx - great post. I always say some of us are worker bees and we can't all be the queen. I don't envy the rich people and what they have. Would it be cool to have a ton of money? I guess. But I'm pretty sure I'll never know.

That's why I don't get these protests about the 1%...what do I care how rich they are...not taking out of my pocket and them giving away their money won't mean anything to me. Why SHOULD they give it to the government so they can just keep wasting it??