Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #164 (31,336)


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<font color="0000ff">SCOOP: Prayers go out to ya sister! May your surgery go well. Keep us posted!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Well JD family, it's because of folks like you, one of my tunes "Wheels" Has now made it to #10 in the top 20 most requested unsigned artist category on the Clear Channel Networks! Thanks a million, and KEEP ON CLICKING!</font>




Ali - Our condolences again. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Congrats BV. It wasn't that long ago and Wheels was lagging the others in the count. Shouldn't be too long before you take over 8,9 & 10 spots.



New member
Morning all -
Sorry it has taken me awhile to get out here and I know there is lots to catch up on. Things have been a little crazy lately for us.

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers on my brother. We are very lucky to have such great friends that are here for us through the good times and the bad times.

Andie/Eric - thank you for what you are about to walk into this weekend! The kids are excited.

Scoop - hope all went well with your surgery!

Squat - please tell Sarah that Carter has asked where she is hidding?

I better get back to work - lots to still finish up before getting out of here today.

Ali and crew


New member
Hang in there Ali! God Bless you and your family! Travel safe and if you need anything... know you can call me anytime!




Hi peeps, getting ready to go give blood out to MIS, just thought I would pop in and wish everyone a great weekend.

Anyone heard how Scoop's surgery went??

Everyone goin to HayDays have a good time buy some stuff for me.



New member
Ali - we are so sorry to hear the sad news. May your brother rest in peace now. We love you sweetie! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the whole family.

~The Waugh's


New member
Evening all..
Scott and I are back home now. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Now we have to travel up to Canada next month for another service and the actual burial. Nothing like having to go through this stuff twice! thank goodness for waterpoof mascara!


New member
Ali, very glad you made it home safe.

Happy Birthday Nanners!

Scoop says surgery went well... she's sleeping A LOT.

It's Monday... Hay Days was great. There were swarms of people there. The races were great, the free style was great. I got to see Mitch for a while, had happy hour a Guy's afterwards. GOOD TIMES all day!




New member
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANNERS! I hope it's a good one!

Well, I survived surgery and it went well. Getting around at home was another story. As soon as I got home, I really needed to go to the bathroom, so it was the first place I headed for. Well, in the bathroom, my crutches, the nerve block in my leg and the tight quarters didn't get along too well because I fell. I didn't feel a thing because of the nerve block, but the knee I just had surgery on bent pretty far. I thought I ripped out all the stitches because I found out later that night that I was bleeding under the knee wrap. I had a follow-up appointment the next day. I did not rip out any of the stitches, they were bleeding from the incision area for some reason. The doctor didn't think I damaged any of the repaired parts in my knee, so I should be o.k. I have since been to two physical therapy appointments. Darn, those hurt like crap! Needless to say, my knee does not like being bent nor straightened, but I suffer through it. The other weird thing is that I am napping constantly. I don't know if it is from the pain pills or boredom (or both), but I will start out watching TV or reading a book and pow! I am out like a light. I can't keep my leg down in a normal sitting position long because it starts to swell, but that and the pain gets a little better each day. I have to do PT exercises every two to three hours and sometimes my leg is killing me after them (that's what the pain pills are for). Other than that, I am doing fine. I think it is time to try and read or watch TV (translated as time for another nap!). Later....


Happy Birthday Nancy, enjoy!!

Scoop glad everything seems to be turning out ok.

Bradzoo and Kelly


New member
Happy Birthday Nancy!!! Hope it was a good one!!! Glad to hear you are on the mend Scoop. You will be good to go in a few weeks. But just wait till the cold and damp weather sets in.....ouch!!! ouch!!! hurt!!! hurt!!! (just kidding).


New member
Hi Everyone!!!

First thank you ALL for the birthday wishes on JD and on FB. I've never had sooo many birthday wishes in my life. It was a wonderful treat after 11 hours of work today. Craig took me out to Fire Mountain it's like a Fancy Old Country Buffet for Dinner. My choice. It was nice! I've gotta be at work by 5am and it's almost 10pm my time.


Take it easy girl. I'm sorry it's soo painful and I hope someone is able to come and check on you if need be. Keep up on the meds and sleep like crazy it's good for you!



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I would like take a minute and thank everyone for there support and prayers during this very difficult time our family is going through. It means a lot to know we have such a great group of friends out here.


New member
Hey All...


Scoopy - Glad to hear all is going well - Except for the tip over in the bathroom... OUCH! LOTS OF REST! Nappy's are good!!!

So, the last few days have been a rollercoaster, but then yesterday it came to a halt... I was in the running for a job. Between me and one other person - YES! I actually got a real live face to face interview - but I didn't get the job. The other person won out due to a little bit more experience.

I was crushed... but today I start over again. Back to the drawing board.




New member
Julie, sorry to hear about the job falling through. You never know what can happen. I initially did not get the job I have now because my old boss chose someone else. He called me two weeks later and asked if I was still interested. Apparently, the person he chose embellished her experience and knowledge of software on her resume. He fired her three days after she started. You never know what can happen. Keep the hope alive!