Whew! Been awhile,....
Had a GREAT time up Nort der eh! With Nasty Suzy & TomAss and crew.
Snowed ALL the while we were there,.... AND All the way home.
Me and the Mrs. put on 345miles. Trails were excellent.
Tried to get ahold of Guy AND Squat numerous times,.... but the cell
service along with "phone tag" had us Not being able to "hook up" on
this particular trip. Did get ahold of Squat On New Years Day Evening,...
Sounded like THAT crew was having a ball!
Sorry to hear about Erics Back Andie,... That bites!
Man,... How your muscles kick you in the butt after being OFF the sled
for a year!

I need to get in better shape! LOL!
I also semi-regret getting rid of the big enclosed trailer,....
SALT and SLUSH Suck! Have to go out and use a spray-bottle filled with
Hot Water,... to clean up the sleds later. Yikes! Do they get dirty!
Hope all is well with everyone, and Y'all had a Great New Years!
I Am with JULS! I sure hope 2010 is WAY better than 2009. I NEED A JOB!

I go for a test Saturday Morning in Green Bay,.... for the Corrections Officer
Postion. It is a 4 hour test. (Please fit the square peg in the round hole,...)

Later PEEPS!