SCOOOOOOOOP!: EX-Nay on the "Thinking of selling sled" Thing.
Get out of the doldrums girl! Ya gotta take a day off and come up riding!!!!
Keep me (us) posted about the oil burning thing on the Tahoe. That sounds
JULS: Taking the test Saturday because it is done at NWTC campus for everyone
"State-Wide", for numerous positions. WISH I could take it locally. Just hope I have
a "clear head" and a good night sleep. It is pretty much a "common sense" test from
what I heard. Since I lacke "common sense", I'm a little nervous. LOL!!!!
Hope your interviews turn out to be GREAT news sista!
Sounds like Jimbeau and Dougy had a great time,... bruises,... YIKES! Thats why I keep
MY arse on the TRAILS.

BRADZOO: Hey lil' bro, While you're working with Scott on some highly advanced engineering projects,... Can you come up with a flexible "body cast" to take away the
aches and pains of being outta-shape and old? and also, if you could work on a pill that
would make me a "Skinny Vinnie" overnight,... that right there would REALLY be appreciated! Get right on that,... eh?

) Hope you heal up enough to get some riding in this year bro.
GUY: Glad to see you didn't attempt any backward flips on the recent ride! Gotta have ya in top condition for the "Ride In"

Well, Back to the "honey-do" lists.