Paulding Light



Wow caught me off guard.....:eek:....didn’t want to make any more hurt feelings....guess we forgot how sensitive the matter is……you did quit once before……come on …buck up….took me all day yesterday :( but I wiped the tears away….and I’m in for some scientific answers…but I do believe…and yes I did say “believe” there is something else there…..still want to find out???? hating here…..remember I said tears in beers…and wow look at us….(hehehe)….we got 2 weeks to go…..:D.......still in??????

did I hurt some feelings? I hope not but maybe so. Help me understand


Well-known member
IF you can't solve the mystery (and it's a big if, because I'm pretty sure you'll succeed), maybe a call to Myth Busters might be in order. I think Jamie is originally from Michigan anyhow, so maybe they might be up for a road trip. Could bring some nice publicity and $$ to the state economy!


you make a good point, you live there and know what you see, I have only visited and have seen head lights, who knows what else is there


Awww….shoot…dang woman I am….no hurt feelings…lol…..:D....just mixed ones…’s the deal… should we really spill the beans…..on the site

let's see what the opinions are. The reason why I have been posting my findings is because we are trying to get to the bottom, not sure if anyone really cares all that much. I'll refrain from posting more facts until further notice.


Active member
curiosity is killing the cat over here!!!!!!!! just to let you know...and bear and I can't conduct our experiments with out 1 or 2 more people. We think timing and brightness are the two things needing to be ruled out....and then we'll hand out the winner certificates. :) We do agree you can see the highway….thru the bi noc’s…..but the lights are strange and I guess we'd like to know how they do what they do if they are car headlights….whats your ideas on how to do this?

Hey us Yoopers can have some fun….right…..not much to do this time of year....:D

And just a weird side note…. just booked a group coming in from N.M.U. to see the light……..


curiosity is killing the cat over here!!!!!!!! just to let you know...and bear and I can't conduct our experiments with out 1 or 2 more people. We think timing and brightness are the two things needing to be ruled out....and then we'll hand out the winner certificates. :) We do agree you can see the highway….thru the bi noc’s…..but the lights are strange and I guess we'd like to know how they do what they do if they are car headlights….whats your ideas on how to do this?

Hey us Yoopers can have some fun….right…..not much to do this time of year....:D

And just a weird side note…. just booked a group coming in from N.M.U. to see the light……..

what exactly are you referring to when you see headlights doing different things


Active member
the really changes.....sometimes you can see what we think is 2 lights which would say headlights pretty clearly.....and they do come and go....which does resemble the road I gotta say almost sold....but sometimes it seems in a singular form even looking thru the bi noc's and gets so bright....wish we had a good telescope...and thats where we say maybe a spotter or something on the road

And for no one really caring that much.....let me say I’m kinda of a web geek, spend a lot of time making sure our website comes up first in searches and pay attention to what people are looking for, and numbers lots of numbers, what’s popular with the biggest search numbers….oh they care…..big numbers…big big big numbers for searches on the Paulding Mystery Light and The other day this thread came up in a search for the light...Lots a people looking....;)


the really changes.....sometimes you can see what we think is 2 lights which would say headlights pretty clearly.....and they do come and go....which does resemble the road I gotta say almost sold....but sometimes it seems in a singular form even looking thru the bi noc's and gets so bright....wish we had a good telescope...and thats where we say maybe a spotter or something on the road

And for no one really caring that much.....let me say I’m kinda of a web geek, spend a lot of time making sure our website comes up first in searches and pay attention to what people are looking for, and numbers lots of numbers, what’s popular with the biggest search numbers….oh they care…..big numbers…big big big numbers for searches on the Paulding Mystery Light and The other day this thread came up in a search for the light...Lots a people looking....;)

wow, you are absolutely correct. I never thought of that. You rock Momma bear!!!!! You have to remain a believer, you are the keeper of the switch, remember? Don't LET the light die!
the light is out every night, has me slightly baffeled as to how it is seeing for 2-3 minutes at a time. Are people parking along the highway? I would think not

reread your quote.....then reread this portion CAREFULLY

by collision with another atom or molecule:

oxygen emissions
Green or brownish-red, depending on the amount of energy absorbed.
nitrogen emissions
Blue or red. Blue if the atom regains an electron after it has been ionized. Red if returning to ground state from an excited state.
Oxygen is unusual in terms of its return to ground state: it can take three quarters of a second to emit green light and up to two minutes to emit red. Collisions with other atoms or molecules will absorb the excitation energy and prevent emission. The very top of the atmosphere is both a higher percentage of oxygen, and so thin that such collisions are rare enough to allow time for oxygen to emit red. Collisions become more frequent progressing down into the atmosphere, so that red emissions do not have time to happen, and eventually even green light emissions are prevented.

This is why there is a colour differential with altitude; at high altitude oxygen red dominates, then oxygen green and nitrogen blue/red, then finally nitrogen blue/red when collisions prevent oxygen from emitting anything.

study the BIG WORDS hard...over an over again....good luck


Active member
Its like an addiction now….lmao….bear just got back from bruce and comes in the house and announces…lol… takes 2 minutes at 60mph to drive thru the sweet spot I timed it…..lmao….can’t even just run to town anymore…..HELP US!!!!!!!!…lol

Could it be that the Bray Road Beast is hanging out up near Paulding?

And its bad enough walking the dogs at with Big Foot lurking around....Bray Road Beast...:eek:...needs to stay right where he's at!!!


Active member
"polarisrider1 in whitie tighties", "full moon", "we are trying to get to the bottom"

All of those phrases on this thread of late.

Put 'em all together and it starts to sound like an even scarier sight than the Paulding Light, Big Foot and the Bray Road Beast all put together!

Oh my eyes, my eyes! :eek:


hey bears. We may have to go to Illinois this fri, well be back the following thursday, if we do go. We may have a surprise to bring back, I may need your order to gen Hoe :D

Dangit, I just gave away the surprise!!!!


Active member
hey bears. We may have to go to Illinois this fri, well be back the following thursday, if we do go. We may have a surprise to bring back, I may need your order to gen Hoe :D

Dangit, I just gave away the surprise!!!!

did...I ....hear....Gen Hoe........just say the word and the order is ready......:D....:D.....:D


hey bears. We may have to go to Illinois this fri, well be back the following thursday, if we do go. We may have a surprise to bring back, I may need your order to gen Hoe :D

Dangit, I just gave away the surprise!!!!

You craving chinese food??? Gen Hoe??


New member
I hope Mrsrunningbear had a nice candle lit dinner with BIGFOOT and Lenny if you feel that you need to chaperone them take a huge Stadium light up there and make sure they are behaving lol :rolleyes: still waiting on the tightie white ( boxer or brief response lol) Also mabe BIGFOOT is singing to MRSRUNNINGBEAR Come on baby light my fire to lol ya'll have a great day up there and may the light all shine upon you THINK SNOW , Love , Rock and ROll ;) )D )p