Really can’t thank you guys enough for sticking with me on these long projects. There are many times it keeps me pushing ahead. If there is one thing I’d like to change it would be getting them done faster. I suppose it’s like the old saying: If you don’t like this speed, you really won’t like my other one.
On a nice sunny day you should line up all your restorations on the snow and take a nice picture for a us all.
Others have also mentioned this. Now that the current project is finished, I might be able to make it happen this winter. A couple of the sleds weren’t run at all last winter and pretty much everything needs a going over. I already have my primary 79 rider in the shop, doing a carb swap and fuel pump rebuild.
how does the saying go.... " shines like a new penny" WOW!! skiroule, truly a master at your craft! any hint at what would be "more interesting to people"? looking forward to the next! Like the snow too! wished it looked like that here too!
I guess I’m not sure the direction I might go on a future project. I think that if I were to attempt another project it might be to go back to something green, as in John Deere. Yes, John Deere. I have some thoughts in mind.
And yes, we are lucky to have enough very local snow to do some limited riding and the lakes/rivers are snow covered and good riding where the ice is safe.
Thanks again Kelly for taking us along on the journey, will be at the Boondocks Inn vintage ride in Twin Lakes
Excellent, if I can make it, I’ll message you. With a little luck I'll see you there!
It's a work of art. Very impressive. You should be proud.
I was sitting out in the shop last night, sipping a couple of cold ones and just studying the sled. I will say that this is the build I’ve taken the most satisfaction in completing. Everywhere I look on the sled I see subtle and not so subtle modifications/fabrications and yet, I think it still looks like a sled that could have come off the assembly line, which as I’ve said before, was really my vision for the project.
My wife snapped this when I was running laps around the property. When I saw this photo, I thought: “Old guy, old sled – guess it fits.”