Propane prices are sky high!


New member
Funny thing is I saw hundreds of natural gas flair off burners running around in North Dakota this week.




LANSING -- Gov. Rick Snyder today issued Executive Order 2013-11, declaring a State of Energy Emergency in Michigan due to temporary shortages of propane in areas of the Upper Peninsula.

“Michiganders and those visiting the Upper Peninsula who rely on propane for heat and other uses are in our thoughts,” said Snyder. “This executive order will help make sure that there is enough supply in the coming days and weeks until problems are resolved.”

The propane shortage was caused by increased demand due to higher than average usage for crop drying in the Midwest and Great Plains area, winter weather setting in sooner and more severely than anticipated, and because of repairs to the Cochin propane pipeline serving the Upper Midwest.

Propane carriers must drive longer distances, go through long wait times, work longer hours and are having difficulty meeting supply needs in concert with state and federal hours-of-service regulations.

The executive order suspends state and federal regulations relating to hours-of-service for motor carriers and drivers transporting propane within Michigan, enabling these individuals to exceed the number of hours and consecutive days in which they can operate a commercial motor vehicle.

Motor carriers or drivers currently subject to an out-of-service order, in which operations are prohibited, are not eligible for the exemption and suspension until the out-of-service order expires or the conditions for rescission have been satisfied. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Michigan State Police require that drivers for motor carriers operating under the Declaration of Energy Emergency must have a copy of the declaration in their possession. It is available at


New member
I work in the HVAC field. Here is western wis i have heard as high as 2.99 right now. Was told 3 times in the last 2 days that there is a propane shortage. 3 different companies are only filling the tank to a max of 60%. The excuses are a down pipeline, farmers to the south drying corn that was planted late,and some big export. Personally think its a little bit of a scam that the prices are high now the companies need to buy more but dont want to pay the higher prices so the customer is now getting the short end of the stick.

These were the reasons i heard this fall with the propane companies being put on a rationing type system.I'm glad i switched to natural gas back in november....


Active member
I filled up again last week and paid 2.69 now im hearing its around $4-5 gallon right now!! Less money for riding for me!


Active member
It is nuts. Def need to lock in pricing in the summer. Bigger the tank the better.
I have a 500 G tank. I only use the furnace when not home. (set to 45)
When home using indoor forced air wood burner. (best thing I ever did for saving$)

Tank lasts years so able to buy when at its lowest.
Mega insulated home.

I feel for those getting hit with these prices. So much corruption and greed.


New member
Business got filled today at 1.29 a gallon, we where told today's price was at 4.85 a gallon. Also informed that today would be the last fill at the contract price and the rest of the winter would be at market prices.


Well-known member
Business got filled today at 1.29 a gallon, we where told today's price was at 4.85 a gallon. Also informed that today would be the last fill at the contract price and the rest of the winter would be at market prices.

Funny how those contracts are meaningless when shortage. We are SCREWED checking into electric heat see what is available?


Well-known member
in spooner it has gone up .90$ a day the last 3 between 4.50 and 5$ some can,t get any to deliver, prebuy contracts you can pin in the out house


New member
On Monday could only get 100 gallons for each house. Put in 2 houses and paid $2.50 a gallon. On Tues had a 100 gallons put in another house and paid $2.80 a gallon.


Business got filled today at 1.29 a gallon, we where told today's price was at 4.85 a gallon. Also informed that today would be the last fill at the contract price and the rest of the winter would be at market prices.
Because you met your gallon quota that they preordered this past summer already ???? Once you meet whatever gallons they set aside/bought for you under contract based on your average use over the years , well - If you havent met your gallon total yet that you signed under contract , i would bee making a few phone calls and raising ****


New member
$5.27 a gallon in N.E Iowa as of yesterday.Glad we contracted 1000 last August @1.24.Wife works at a petro supplier here and a lot of sad stories of people who need lp but are on fixed income and just cant afford it.To bad we exported 40% of the supply this country had to Asia.And the news is saying its because of the late harvest.Bull crap.We have had wet falls in the past and used just as much gas as this year.


I got a 100 gallons 3 weeks ago and price was 2.40 but looks like it went up to 2.80 now, Screw that, I'm putting the wood stove back in today!