Maybe there IS something illegal, immoral or unethical going on. There is a state senator from MO looking into it just today. Maybe there is NOT. If there isn't, and it is just an unfortunate supply and demand problem due to agricultural needs, extreme cold weather, transportation issues etc. then the rise in prices is "normal" and is the best way the situation will be remedied. I certainly don't believe rationing is a good alternative. If businesses or individuals (like me) chose not to pre-purchase that is the risk they took. Well run businesses should have taken that into account, just like purchasing insurance. Obviously, no one wants those unable to pay to be cold so it is incumbent on us to help our neighbors in need. Once people, businesses and other users start turning down their t-stats, cabin owners turn them off and the demand shrinks the price (all other things being equal) should start to go down.
I read through the fine print I decided not to pre-purchase because I read that during war, terrorism, other disruptions etc. the pre-purchase price may not be honored. Well, war etc. may be the prime time that prices will skyrocket so why lock myself in. In our current situation suppliers seem to be honoring the pre-purchase price so those who did pre-buy are really doing well.
It is an interesting and unfortunate situation but good for discussion and comments! I may need to either turn off the heat, get a second job or buy stock in petroleum companies.