MISORVA (was MSA) has no control of the funds. Hermie is referring to the MI DNR who is not releasing funds for maintenance or grading.
This is due to the Gov ordering all Govt departments they must freeze discretionary spending. Currently impacting the ORV program. We were not allowed to do any ORV trail maintenance or grading, even though the funds are from the ORV stickers, that are in a protected fund, with a balance, with contracts already in place.
DNR Trail staff have been fighting to get those funds released and have been partially successful now. We were able to brush and sign in June (2 months after normal), can do the second pass this summer and just in the last couple of days we've been allowed to start limited grading (our Club was approved for 1/3 of our contracted grading mileage). We are skeptical that all normally allocated funds will be allowed for expenditure to the ORV program.
The Snowmobile program has already been directly impacted, but will be worse if we don't keep pushing DNR to allow us to run the program as per normal. We are coming into paperwork season and soon will be brushing/signing. Major projects (ie bridges) are generally on hold right now.
While it's good for the Gov to say, "hey, we shot ourselves in the foot with this covid thing and so have no economy to bring in tax dollars, so let's not spend money unless we have to", it's bad for them to say "and don't spend any of that protected by law, user-generated, already contracted, program funding that makes for safe trails".