Restaurants Bar/Grills Open


Active member
This thread never was intended to be political regarding wearing a mask and blame anyone or political party for Covid spread. Mods feel free to delete I can always restart a similar thread in the future. It’s going to be difficult to avoid political slants in an election year but Midwest Player takes us down political Main Street with every post. It’s unfortunate and disruptive to Snow Central and MP will probably never stop even after the election.

X2 I would like to know if there have been any posts by MP that are not politically slanted. Nor have I seen any love of snowmobiling. The primary purpose of this site.


Well-known member
Are you serious? They actually gave that date? How obvious is that? Our district gave us the choice and are kids want to go and are definitely going! I am self employed and my wife has a great job that carries the insurance, so i would be the one forced to stay home. People that want to temporarily watch kids to make some money will be the only ones benefiting. All these day cares that remained open and even took on more kids had very little issues. Teachers are essential.
Is is also probably the last day of the first quarter and the district is trying to take it 1 quarter at a time, and make changes then to keep some consistency.


It is a disgrace how the United States can't get this under control when other countries like to European Union have done very well in taming the beast.

Despite the US having about 330 million people and the EU having about 446 million (35% more people in EU), the EU has had 5 times as many COVID deaths as the USA! There have allegedly been 132,000 COVID deaths in USA (probably exaggerated greatly), and 645,000 COVID deaths in the EU!

And we do have it under control. deaths per week.JPG


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We were never really free. Society demands rules in order to function. You know I would like to drive my car right down the center line of the road, but for our transportation network to function we must have rules of the road. Freedom doesn't mean yelling "fire" in a crowded building. Nobody gives a second thought about having to wear clothes, but it would be a lot safer to run around naked than not wearing a mask.

There should be nothing political about wearing a mask, but our President made it a political issue. Yeah, tough folks don't wear a mask, be brave. It is a disgrace how the United States can't get this under control when other countries like to European Union have done very well in taming the beast.

Here are a few facts. There are not meant to be political. By the middle of June the U.P. pretty much had low covid numbers. Maybe just one case per day for the entire U.P. On June 25th President Trump made a visit to the U.P. at Marinette and Menominee and there were over a 1,000 folks lining the streets to watch the motorcade most without masks. Exactly two weeks later covid cases exploded in Menominee County. Right now on a case per 100,000 of population Menominee County has over 300 cases, the highest in the entire U.P.

Okay, I know what you are going to say. "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy.
Okay I can't prove this was the cause, but you can't prove it wasn't. However, I do believe the huge number of summer tourists is the main cause of the spike in covid cases in the U.P.

I'm glad our Governor made masks mandatory in MI and maybe we can still turn this around so our kids can go back to school in a month. Don't bother coming to the U.P. if you don't have any intention to obey our laws.

Lmao. It's not a law.


Well-known member
I was in n. WI and the U P the past 10 days.
no one local is concerned. no one wearing masks except ppl from big cities at the WI was comical.....80% mask wearers in the northbound piss stops and 2% in the southbound piss stops


Active member
It has been noted that there is a "spike" in coronavirus cases in Texas and southern states.

This is due to increased testing.

If they increased the number of IQ tests that were given there would be an increase in idiots.

(Following saying was posted at a gas station near me).


Active member
Seems like many business owners I talked to have reduced days or hours of business due to lack of employees wanting to lower their income by working instead of collecting the free money handouts by staying home... This was more at restaurants as the bars seem to collect more in cash and are still able to collect free money...


Active member
I work for a large food distributer and after hiring a research firm that told us we will be losing around 30% of our business and it wont be coming back for 5 yrs or more considering their findings we let go or laid off around 30% of our people to meet the new normal of demand so i am a little worried of the coming season.


Well-known member
Where was the explosion of cases surrounding grocery, home improvement and essential businesses that were open and have remained open since day one of this "pandemic"? why weren't they there? in my opinion...once we wear the mask...they will never come off, think about it, this is a "virus" name one we have complete control of even with a vaccine, viruses mutate. Im not comparing it to but the "flu" kills on average half a million people every year, with a vaccine and has done so for how many years and what have we done??? dealt with it! Once the masks go on I want someone to tell me when it will be a good time to take them off? what is that magical date? and if masks are "that effective" at "slowing or stopping" the spread, I guess we can begin to open everything up, right? the economic destruction can finally be stopped simply by wearing a mask, but that wont happen. For all of those pro-mask people out there, unless we come up with a 100% effective vaccine, Mandate that everyone get the injection and barring this thing doesn't mutate as the "covid" virus has done so many times before this, I ask you...once the mask goes on...when does it come off??? because I assure you unless those three things happen...its never going to go away.


Well-known member
I work for a large food distributer and after hiring a research firm that told us we will be losing around 30% of our business and it wont be coming back for 5 yrs or more considering their findings we let go or laid off around 30% of our people to meet the new normal of demand so i am a little worried of the coming season.



Well-known member
Exactly two weeks later covid cases exploded in Menominee County. Right now on a case per 100,000 of population Menominee County has over 300 cases, the highest in the entire U.P.

So .3% is "exploded" case counts?? That is absolutely laughable.

Here in MN with a mask mandate, you walk in the door of a restaurant, and you have to have a mask on. Once your butt is in a chair, no mask required. LOL - That's really going to "SLOW" the spread. Get up to go to the bathroom? Put your mask back on.

I'm hoping some of my favorite places to go during sledding season don't mind me setting my helmet on the bar or table I'm sitting at, because I will wear it to my seat before taking it off since that fits the mask "mandate" (Notice I didn't say LAW).

Snowmobiling really is the perfect social distancing and face covering sport! Let's hope our Dip S**t "leaders" recognize that and don't put the kabash on trail maintenance and grooming this coming winter.


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The company I work for makes a lot of cabinets and fixtures seating booths etc for restaurants. Chipotle, Culvers, Starbucks, Noodles, Panera Bread, Mod Pizza etc. EVERYONE put the brakes on for the rest of the year. Culvers has slowed way down, Mod Pizza pushed everything out till January, Starbucks is doing very little till October. We have two complete stores in house, finished, for Panera Bread, they paid us, then said throw it all in the dumpster. Chipotle however, is full steam ahead thankfully. All because of the shut down. The question is, will things go back to normal, and by normal, I mean people going IN to dine, or to socialize over coffee. I hope so my job depends on it!


Well-known member
The company I work for makes a lot of cabinets and fixtures seating booths etc for restaurants. Chipotle, Culvers, Starbucks, Noodles, Panera Bread, Mod Pizza etc. EVERYONE put the brakes on for the rest of the year. Culvers has slowed way down, Mod Pizza pushed everything out till January, Starbucks is doing very little till October. We have two complete stores in house, finished, for Panera Bread, they paid us, then said throw it all in the dumpster. Chipotle however, is full steam ahead thankfully. All because of the shut down. The question is, will things go back to normal, and by normal, I mean people going IN to dine, or to socialize over coffee. I hope so my job depends on it!

This is why the economic destruction needs to stop, the trickle down effect of this has yet to wield its very ugly face and the longer this continues the deeper the cuts will be and the longer the duration and recovery will take, as a country we cannot afford this, then what? will we turn again to the very country where this all originated from.


I work for a large food distributer and after hiring a research firm that told us we will be losing around 30% of our business and it wont be coming back for 5 yrs or more considering their findings we let go or laid off around 30% of our people to meet the new normal of demand so i am a little worried of the coming season.

Do you distribute to restaurants or grocery stores? There will be less restaurants. Far less Ma and Pa restaurants. Grocery retail is still strong.


Well-known member
Do you distribute to restaurants or grocery stores? There will be less restaurants. Far less Ma and Pa restaurants. Grocery retail is still strong.

Anyway we look at food distribution it comes back and bites the farmer big time. From cruise ships to ma and pas restaurant the farmer / rancher has less points of distribution. Sure it will recover but slowly months and years. I sure hope we don’t return to plowing crops under and culling herds. No profit in that at all.