We were never really free. Society demands rules in order to function. You know I would like to drive my car right down the center line of the road, but for our transportation network to function we must have rules of the road. Freedom doesn't mean yelling "fire" in a crowded building. Nobody gives a second thought about having to wear clothes, but it would be a lot safer to run around naked than not wearing a mask.
There should be nothing political about wearing a mask, but our President made it a political issue. Yeah, tough folks don't wear a mask, be brave. It is a disgrace how the United States can't get this under control when other countries like to European Union have done very well in taming the beast.
Here are a few facts. There are not meant to be political. By the middle of June the U.P. pretty much had low covid numbers. Maybe just one case per day for the entire U.P. On June 25th President Trump made a visit to the U.P. at Marinette and Menominee and there were over a 1,000 folks lining the streets to watch the motorcade most without masks. Exactly two weeks later covid cases exploded in Menominee County. Right now on a case per 100,000 of population Menominee County has over 300 cases, the highest in the entire U.P.
Okay, I know what you are going to say. "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy.
Okay I can't prove this was the cause, but you can't prove it wasn't. However, I do believe the huge number of summer tourists is the main cause of the spike in covid cases in the U.P.
I'm glad our Governor made masks mandatory in MI and maybe we can still turn this around so our kids can go back to school in a month. Don't bother coming to the U.P. if you don't have any intention to obey our laws.