So.......I started a project, My new Garage!


Well-known member
Bought a bravo for $600 great little machine sold it 3 years later to friend for $600 he kept it for 3 years sold it for $600. I had friends lined up by the door waving cash around so told my buddy come and get it quickly I’m making too many friends mad at me for not selling to them. 🤷‍♂️


Well-known member
Can probably get more than $1200 now since covid
Listings online now are between $1,500 to $3,500.

Realistically I'm thinking a used 120 will be listed 1500 to 2500 (I don't know I may even still be on the low side. There are some high prices out there, at least with what their asking) for the one showing their design age but in good condition. I sold mine three years ago I think. I wish I would have kept it... Both the boys loved it! When I sold it, they were listing anywhere between $1,000 to $2,500... I sold it for $1,600 no haggling, I felt I could pass it on to another family to enjoy. We basically had it for 11 years and with the mods and maintenance I did I on it, I was right around breaking even. So I looked at it as great memories that really did not cost us anything...

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Well-known member
Listings online now are between $1,500 to $3,500.

Realistically I'm thinking a used 120 will be listed 1500 to 2500 (I don't know I may even still be on the low side. There are some high prices out there, at least with what their asking) for the one showing their design age but in good condition. I sold mine three years ago I think. I wish I would have kept it... Both the boys loved it! When I sold it, they were listing anywhere between $1,000 to $2,500... I sold it for $1,600 no haggling, I felt I could pass it on to another family to enjoy. We basically had it for 11 years and with the mods and maintenance I did I on it, I was right around breaking even. So I looked at it as great memories that really did not cost us anything...

Here was my little dudes. Bought early 2019 winter for $600 (didn’t run, easy fix), sold end of 2020 winter for $1750. He was on the verge of outgrowing after 2 seasons. Kind of wish we kept just for him and his friends to tool around with in the yard even if he was too big for it. IMG_6508.jpeg


Well-known member
Morning all, I will have some updates soon and yes, insulation, wiring, lighting, improvements have begun on the inside. My laptop screen has gone dark so I am on my iPhone, not the best way to do this but will adapt.


Well-known member
I asked paul yesterday if he had any updates and he said he was doing inside boring stuff but would have something soon. I think the baby sled comments need it's own thread. Every time I see a comment I think it's an update on the garage, but it's a side conversation.


Well-known member
Sunday night December 3rd, sorry, it appears my "H" key may not be working right. Work this week had me doing a lot of things mostly on the lower level. I finished wiring the lights on the shop side and ordered 6 more so I can be well lit on the other side as well now, that will happen next week when they get here. Running wire and putting in outlets (lots of them) I built the first workbench, it's 16ft long! and will have the far end with base cabinets and work space as well as an island. I am in the process of getting things organized the way I want them in my shop area. Funny thing happened this past week to my garage door as it started getting out of wack and was up higher on one side from the other, was proud that me and a fried were able to install it a couple of months ago but while it looked good there were many issues with our install. I called in a professional and he spent 1.5 hours straightening out the door and I must say it was the best $150 I have spent, door works great, sounds great and is super level. Thanks RPH 130 for the suggestion on the the guy from Boulder Junction, he is very good! As you can see by the p ics insulation is continuing to be installed and I have become an electrician! I have a very good teacher and you tube, so far so good. Also installed lighting on the front of the garage, a super bright driveway flood light and some decorative light that I found and restored on each side of the garage door. I have almost 50% of my electrical panel filled and will be moving towards the upstairs soon. I think I mentioned that the furnace is running and keeps the place cozy, I have one tv sett up and will have 2 more 32" set up downstairs, one for just seeing you tube videos (wish they had YT when I was younger!). I will going over and picking up mys sled this week so I can chnage the oil and get it ready for the season, we have 2" on the ground, that's it so far. Check innwith you next week!
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Well-known member
A lot of progress good to be inside and warm. Electrical wiring not difficult just need to not let your mind wander and tag wires correctly mark your fuse panel correctly. No wood burning stove?


Well-known member
A lot of progress good to be inside and warm. Electrical wiring not difficult just need to not let your mind wander and tag wires correctly mark your fuse panel correctly. No wood burning stove?
Pete, I thought about a wood burning stove but went with gas forced air for convenience. It’s 1200sf down and 600sf up and I burn wood in the basement of our cabin to offset electric only heat until we remodel and put in gas furnace. I’ll keep the wood burner for those power outages. I usually burn at least 2-3 cords per season. As you probably know, most Springs are spent splitting and stacking wood for next season. Been very El Niño mild so far this winter. Every time I run a circuit I mark the panel so I know exactly what breaker covers what, so far so good.


Well-known member
Very nice, one suggestion.
Your chop saw table should be lower so the cutting height is the same as the work bench to support your piece as you cut.


Well-known member
Pete, I thought about a wood burning stove but went with gas forced air for convenience. It’s 1200sf down and 600sf up and I burn wood in the basement of our cabin to offset electric only heat until we remodel and put in gas furnace. I’ll keep the wood burner for those power outages. I usually burn at least 2-3 cords per season. As you probably know, most Springs are spent splitting and stacking wood for next season. Been very El Niño mild so far this winter. Every time I run a circuit I mark the panel so I know exactly what breaker covers what, so far so good.
I used a high efficiency fireplace insert in our open kitchen/living room /dining room area. We had a LP furnace with 1000 gallon tank but kept the insert going 24/7 especially on -25 weeks. Something about wood heat that takes the chill off maybe because I would get close heat up my clothes then go sit down very soothing. Lol


Well-known member
Very nice, one suggestion.
Your chop saw table should be lower so the cutting height is the same as the work bench to support your piece as you cut.
Yeah, I need to lower it by about 4”, miss measure on my part, I had to account for the caster wheels that drilled in the legs and got sideways a little bit. Not the first time I’ve had to regroup on a project!


Well-known member
I used a high efficiency fireplace insert in our open kitchen/living room /dining room area. We had a LP furnace with 1000 gallon tank but kept the insert going 24/7 especially on -25 weeks. Something about wood heat that takes the chill off maybe because I would get close heat up my clothes then go sit down very soothing. Lol
Totally agree with you on the wood heat warmth. Our remodeled house will have a nice insert with double doors when all is done.