Trail 133 between Gay and Lac La Belle closed for good!


New member
I'm the most feverish private property supporter, but in this case I think your actions are just making things worse. No amount of cemented posts, spike strips, trenches, or closing the trail to legal use are going to stop these guys. I agree with Anonomoose, you are just creating a war with some locals up there. I lived up there for 6 years and I can tell you that they have more time on their hands than you do.....your going to lose this battle.

And to whoever came up with the "castle law I heard about on discovery channel"; Get real. If you really think shooting at some four wheelers or trucks on your 40ac property in the UP is something defendable in court today, your even more ignorant than the trespassers. You want to see some real vigilante justice, just shoot some local's kid trespassing on a four wheeler. Then you will have a real reason to defend your self when your in the Keweenaw. You will be the most hated person north of the bridge.

While I understand that private property ownership is fundamental to our democratic society, when the locals where you own property do not see it that way your fighting a futile battle.


New member
I like the idea of a motion cam and did think of that but guess what? I have waisted weekends, waisted money on signs, gates, time and everything else I can think of. Now I am supposed to spend $200 a pop on trail cams and then have to sit in court after taking the time to try to ID the people in the pics? And what do you think is going to happen to the cams if they look around doing the act and spot them? There are some places to hide them around the gates but to get any kind of pic close enough to get a good pic of the people doing this the cams would be able to be spotted and I can bet you a million that if they could not get them off the trees the little bits of what of left of them will be all over the 40. And there is a cabin that you can easly see from the road that is what blows me away that someone would do this never knowing when I am there. Long and the short of it why can't a**holes just respect property and not cross when they are not supposed to, and for people that keep saying 200 years ago we could go anywhere anytime then give me your address because 200 years ago your house was not there either so I will come camp in your front yard, 4 wheel in your back yard and s**t in your john because 200 years ago I could. I also ride and love being able to do so everywhere I can but I can bet you that the more this happens the more trails everywhere we ride will be closed down because people are not going to put up with this.


New member
amen to that, why can't a-holes respect private property.probably cause they are does not feel good to be taken advantage makes you feel violated.but how to stop it is really kind of a hum dinger.locks,gates,barbed wire,video survailance.all that does is keep an honest man honest.


New member
How about trying a solar powered motion sensing flood light? Now I know it won't do you any good during the day but from dusk till dawn it may deter the trespassers. Maybe even a "fake" security camera mounted next to the flood light to give the impression they are being watched. Or better yet a set of photocell type beams tied into a loud horn or bell that goes off when the beam is broken, like the beams on a garage door opener system except tie it into the horn or bell. If there is no power set it up with a solar powered inverter and keep it locked in an encloser kind of like what John had on the trail cam a few years ago.

I think the money you will spend to dig a trench will go to waste, ATV's will simply drive down and through it. Spend the $ on something like the above.

I think the ideal thing is to investagate the campground like someone already mentioned, try some way to get video or pictures of the trespassers get them to the PD and see about posting said pic's in the local gas station, diner, etc...

Look at it this way you have already spent your time and money on this why not spend it wisely try and deter and catch them the legal lawfull way. Don't lower yourself to their level.


Well-known member
Game Cam 'Em-Repeatedly

I would seriously consider this option, there has to be a place to strategically place one or two of them. If you could get video of the individual(s) repeatedly, you would be assured of having caught the culprit(s) & the problems should cease. I understand the amount of "wasted time" & frustration you are dealing with, but it would appear this is the same person(s) doing this to you. You have to outsmart the offender(s), & make an example of them. I am sorry to hear of all of this happening to you again & hope you will outsmart them, This is apparently a game to them & you need to be the better player.
I can't say that I blame your actions, but your anger is being misdirected as the issue here has nothing to do with the use you have so generously allowed. It is appreciated by those whom have used this trail & I am certain the businesses that benefit from the connecting trail which you have allowed on your property. Again, Thank You for allowing the use of your property for the sled trail, Good luck & be the smarter player.-Mezz


Well-known member
It is sad, but no amount of signage stops anybody. My dad had "squaters" move right into his place one winter several years ago (The lengths they went to were absolutely astonishing, including moving a 400lb wood stove up a 1/4 mile hill with no trail, and into the basement for heat!), and he has more signs than you do.

A Camera was how they were caught, and prosecuted.


New member
My buddy had a similar situation happen to him. He found out later that the people pulling down the posts had an easement the new owner was not aware of and had been using the road before the new owner was born. They will find a way around any barrier and possibly damage more of your property. I agree with a few of the others on the idea of trail cams. Finding the person responsible will make you feel better and assure you do not incur any more damage. If you are not living on your property you will not win


Active member
I think you should put up a TV monitor showing reruns of Detroit Shock WNBA games. That oughta keep them away from your property.


Active member
Put up a trail cam and have a link to this site...make it a camera that can see at night. Even if the destroy it, it will have already taken a pic that would be stored on your computer. And heck, if it is linked to hear...we may be able to help catch the bastages that are doing it for ya.


New member
I agree with Yamahauler. If we can pick up a small dog pooping on the belaire cam in the middle of winter we will be able to catch these guys!!! How about strolling into the local tavern and offering a reward to the local who turns these guys in.

Rupp Collector

Active member
radsrh - - - - - if I read the first post correct, what exactly are you referring to when you mention spike strips? I hope it's not what I think. Years ago, when I was young and dumber, a neighboring farmer didn't like me bow hunting on the land next to his. He tried everything to screw me up, and it got to the point if he would see my vehicle, he'd be on the prowl looking to screw me up. It even came down to where my wife would drop me off out of his sight and leave so no vehicle and no disturbance from him. One predawn morning I stumbled on something near the road but in the trail I had through the cattails. When I returned later that day, here lies a 2x4 with a bunch of 16 penny nails sticking up. Now let me tell ya I was upset. I took the board with me, went to his house and told him if he ever messes with me again I'd hit him side the head with his "spike strip." Needless to say I would of been in more trouble then him cause I didn' step on it, but the problem stopped. I don't think it would have, but the guys wife witnessed the whole thing and looked upset with him when I left. Be very careful when you create hazards on your property. If you knowingly are doing this, you'll be in for a world of trouble these days.


New member
i wonder if the local snowmobile club would do a couple of saturday patrols. have you talk with local DNR ( i know it's a long shot) would they do a check point for a couple of hours?


This is a terrible situation and I understand your need to close the trail down at this time.
We appreciate you having allowed us sledders to use this trail across your property in the past, it will be missed. Perhaps some of these latest suggestions concerning the use of trail cams to identify the offenders may ultimately put the stop to this, so you might possibly reconsider the closure.

The best of luck to you on resolving this to whatever end you desire.


Active member
radsrh...wondering what you think the destination of the trespassers is? Is this a thru route or are they maybe going to a trout fishing spot. I am asking for a reason. I was on another forum and someone from Houghton (going to school their) was talking about trout fishing at a friends camp and how a land owner was not allowing access anymore. Found it interesting and I was wondering if the two forum stories could be about the same. Sounded similar

I read through the thread again and realize you have had this blocked for awhile, sorry I just read this other thread and this guys tale of fishing sounded like your spot and when I clicked on his profile it said Houghton it made me wonder if this could be your trespasser
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Active member
micro wire about 100yrd in from the gate about 4 feet off the ground attached to cemented in 4x4 posts with no trespassing sign on top verry harsh but effective

Premeditated murder? What if it where your kid just being a dumba$$ kid, that got his head taken off? Thats just sick dude!

As much as you have a right to feel its "Your property, Your rules", I have to agree with some others, from experience, that if you just let it go, and tell your kids to stay away from the trail, or provide access in a different location, it will be less of a headache and less money spent in the long run. Your only going to start wars that will last longer and cost more than they are worth.(has a familiar ring to it for some reason, dosen't it?) The locals have way more time and probably know way more people than you do. If they want to "pay you back" they will, maybe in ways you wouldn't ever suspect. Like ten years from now, when you want that variance to put up your new pole barn passed, and the guy you cut off from his favorite fishing hole just happens to be on the board. In the grand sceam of things, is it really that big a deal to have a couple quads go through once and a while. Seems to me there are more important things to lay awake worrying about these days.


There have been some good ideas that came of this post; I think talking to the local snowmobile club would be a great idea. Maybe some of the members could help out by getting the word out on what’s happening and also lend some time or possibly some trail cameras to help take care of this problem.


Well-known member
I seriously cant believe all the people who in a round about way condone trespassing and property destruction on this board.


Active member
I dont believe anybody has the right to trespass and that prosecution to the fullest extent of the law is the only deterent that will stop the problem. You can booby trap all you want but as stated "the game" will continue until the trespassers are caught. I dont think that injuring someone over the problem is condoned or warrranted no matter how frustrating this whole situation is. I would bet you that after you close the snowmobile trail you still have this problem and the only thing you will have accomplished would be to punish the wrong people. I dont know your situation or the lay of the land but if it is a short run across one end of your property maybe the local snowmobile club would spring for a fence along the property protecting your family and giving easement to that stretch for snowmobile use as well as atv use. They might even be able to pay for the easement? Im not saying to give in but kind of "if you cant beat them then join em" which will take this burden away so it doesnt consume you and become more important than enjoying what you have. I dont really see a viable solution since you cant be there 24/7 and you could spend a mint and never gain an inch.

Another thought is to post signs that the area is now under video surveillance (even if its not) by hidden cams and hopefully they wont want to chance getting spotted and caught. Just remember for you and your families sake a piece of dirt is not worth getting yourself in trouble and doing something you might regret.