Trayvon Martin


Well-known member
For the record, Lenny.....just because somebody appears to have insignificant injuries on the exterior does not mean that they don't have significant injuries internally. Not saying that is or isn't the case here with GZ, I'm just pointing out the old cliche that "ya can't judge a book by its cover".

He obviously took some sort of blow(s) to the head. Personally, if somebody is taking liberties with my melon I'm going to take that as an imminent threat that they mean to do me great harm and react accordingly. I'm not going to wait around to find out or ask them if they really mean it.


Well-known member
As far as I'm concerned neither TM or GZ are/were bad people just met in a time & space & chose to fight with tragic results. I'm being redundant but the better choice is not to fight & let the police handle police biz. Program yourself to solve confrontations in a peaceful manner not pull guns or throw punches this is not the Wild Wild West of the 1800s when you could pull your gun & blow the drunk away because he pissed you off. We have courts of law & LE everywhere so you will meet both if you choose to fight just not a good idea when you have alternatives.


For the record, Lenny.....just because somebody appears to have insignificant injuries on the exterior does not mean that they don't have significant injuries internally. Not saying that is or isn't the case here with GZ, I'm just pointing out the old cliche that "ya can't judge a book by its cover".

He obviously took some sort of blow(s) to the head. Personally, if somebody is taking liberties with my melon I'm going to take that as an imminent threat that they mean to do me great harm and react accordingly. I'm not going to wait around to find out or ask them if they really mean it.

so you are #2 that will kill someone and assume "imminent threat" for the record!

Okay lets say you are correct that you don't need to see the injuries to believe they were significant. What about if the injuries were examined by a doc and the doc says they were not significant? With all due respect, how you gonna skip around it now? Why try? He didn't have serious injuries and the doc said he didn't have serious injury. Only GZ says he feared for his life and he dais his head was repeatedly smashed into the concrete, GZ lied. He also said TM was on something, said something was wrong with TM, said TM had something. GZ screwed up big time.


New member
In a court of law, the judge won't allow previous "history" to enter the case because and for the very reason that it tends to taint the jury in a direction and does not allow the trial to be considered on the merits of this case alone.

Even if Mr. Martin was a thug based upon a hundred different confrontations, in this case he needed to be judged based upon the findings of facts that were presented by the lawyers.

If Mr. Zimmerman had intended to kill this young man, would he call 911 first? Did Mr Zimmerman have lacerations to his head?

Did Mr. Martin circle around and get close enough for a confrontation with Mr. Zimmerman?

While the defense and prosecution will try to get the jury to connect the dots, in a court of law in our land, it is not always possible and if there is reasonable doubt, then the jury usually will see thru it and there will not be a conviction.


Well-known member
For the record, Lenny.....just because somebody appears to have insignificant injuries on the exterior does not mean that they don't have significant injuries internally. Not saying that is or isn't the case here with GZ, I'm just pointing out the old cliche that "ya can't judge a book by its cover".

He obviously took some sort of blow(s) to the head. Personally, if somebody is taking liberties with my melon I'm going to take that as an imminent threat that they mean to do me great harm and react accordingly. I'm not going to wait around to find out or ask them if they really mean it.

so you are #2 that will kill someone and assume "imminent threat" for the record!

If they are bouncing my melon off the ground, then yes -- I'm going to take that as an imminent threat. It's pretty easy to die from head injuries, even some that don't immediately appear serious.

Okay lets say you are correct that you don't need to see the injuries to believe they were significant. What about if the injuries were examined by a doc and the doc says they were not significant? With all due respect, how you gonna skip around it now? Why try? He didn't have serious injuries and the doc said he didn't have serious injury.

There is no assumption about it -- it's fact. Only examination by a doc and a battery of tests will tell the story. If the doc said he didn't have significant injury, then so be it. All I'm saying is we can't make a judgement as to the severity of his injuries based on a couple of photos.

So what you're saying is, GZ should have waited until he had significant injury before he used deadly force? That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Pete makes the most sense when he says they both screwed up and the best solution is to just avoid confrontation.


Well-known member
and the best way to avoid that confrontation would have been to just go home and stay there. Not turn around go back and start a fight.
1 more time the jury and the alternates all saw the trial all payed far more attention than any one on this site or NBC.
they all came the the same conclusion. the same conclusion all the cops had come to during the investigation.
this ALL was brought to U by the fed justice department to try to push a agenda. Unsuccessfully I might add "SUCK IT HOLDER"


New member
and the best way to avoid that confrontation would have been to just go home and stay there. Not turn around go back and start a fight.
1 more time the jury and the alternates all saw the trial all payed far more attention than any one on this site or NBC.
they all came the the same conclusion. the same conclusion all the cops had come to during the investigation.
this ALL was brought to U by the fed justice department to try to push a agenda. Unsuccessfully I might add "SUCK IT HOLDER"

Wow, look at all the big words. New spell check?


New member
Okay lets say you are correct that you don't need to see the injuries to believe they were significant. What about if the injuries were examined by a doc and the doc says they were not significant?

Ok so his injuries weren't what you or the doctor calls "significant", but would one more blow to the temple have killed him? One more blow caused him permanent mental disabilities? I know its more "what if's" but the truth is NOBODY will ever know. All it takes is ONE hit to the right place on your head and you can kill a person. You have to draw the line at some point and that should be to PREVENT significant injuries from occurring.
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Deleted member 10829

and the best way to avoid that confrontation would have been to just go home and stay there. Not turn around go back and start a fight.
1 more time the jury and the alternates all saw the trial all payed far more attention than any one on this site or NBC.
they all came the the same conclusion. the same conclusion all the cops had come to during the investigation.
this ALL was brought to U by the fed justice department to try to push a agenda. Unsuccessfully I might add "SUCK IT HOLDER"

Nailed it on the head!


Well-known member
1 more thing.I have taken my share of spills over the yrs.
more than 1 time I have smashed the Mellon on the cement.
u know the thud it makes u know how dazed u can feel. I have woken up on the ground with a sore head confused about what happened for a second then seeing a skateboard and remembering OH yeah . never seeing a drop of blood big welt yep blood nop.
all I know is a few of those hollow bell ringers in a row could deff make u think u were in a dire situation


your right, there is no assumption about it. He was examined and the conclusion was NO SIGNIFICANT INJURIES.

You guys are missing a point. TM did not need to go home. If you think so, why? TM was on his way home. You guys are believing the lie of GZ when he says he was jumped out of the blue. GZ first said ne never went farther than 50 ft away from his car yet is has been determined that GZ meet TM in the back common ground according to numerous witnesses who heard foot steep on grass and pavement. According to GZ, TM ran from George, GZ got out of his car, and started to persue TM. Dispatch asks GZ if he is following TM and GZ says yes. The scuffle begins in the back yards between two residences, the residence of John Good and Jenna Lauer. Jenna Lauer testified she heard footsteps and than a scuffling on grass and pavement. She than describes the noises as grunts and scuffling. John Good hears the scuffling. Now if GZ was not persuing TM than how did he get in the back yard common area. GZ never said TM drug him any distance to the back. GZ told dispatch he was chasing TM but later said he was moving in TM's direction. GZ said TM ran. GZ said he was following TM and a scuffle ends up in a common area behind the town homes. How much more clear does this need to be for you guys. Do you even bother to click the links I paste for you. I am pasting actual eyewitness accounts, not speculation. GZ carries the responsibility of concealing a firearm capable of death. GZ came to the conclusion TM was suspicious. GZ concluded TM was on drugs. GZ concluded something was wrong with TM. GZ said "these assholes always get away" meaning he believe TM did something illegal which prompted his actions towards TM. GZ said TM had something in his waist. GZ was severely mistaken on many accounts as to the intent and action of TM. GZ was so persuaded that TM was up to not good (which he verbally said verbatim) that he got out of the car and followed him into the back yards where they meet. No witness said that there was any circling back. GZ was not on his way back because the witnesses said they heard the footsteps in back. It is not remotely feasible that GZ did not follow TM into the back where TM had run to. GZ claimed he wanted to get house numbers in the area where TM ran into but the numbers are on the front of the houses, not the backs. No reason GZ had to go around back unless he was in pursuit of TM. There is a phone call recording of TM asking GZ "why you following me," "why you following me." TM was still on the phone with a girl.

TM was on his way back when all this happened, he even ran from GZ as GZ stated. GZ followed and a scuffle transpired. GZ thought many things that were incorrect. Listen to the links I pasted and learn from this. Very good chance TM did indeed throw the first punch, I probably would also considering the circumstances. GZ brough this situation to a head as a result of poor decisions, poor decisions that a responsible gun carrying citizen ought not be making. John Good a witness never saw TM smashing GZ head and was asked 3 distinct times if he had seen a head smashing taking place and his answer was a NO! John gave specific detail often referring to MMA fighting, using words like ground and pound, saying GZ was mounted. He was specific as to what he said he saw and was asked 3 times about the head smashing and he said he didn't see that. GZ injuries also do not support a head smashing.

If you guys want to continue to support the idea that deadly force is reasonable in a situation like this,,,,this exact situation,,,, than I fear that as a society where we have come to. I'll say this, one who carries ought to be more capable of good decision making compared to GZ because GZ could not have screwed up more than he did which I believe, as a result, ended up in a death.

TM made one mistake, he probably did initiate the physical assault but keep in mind what GZ had been thinking about TM up to this particular point. TM messed with the wrong guy who had sever misconceptions of the actions of TM. You think that may have influenced his decision to use deadly force?

Stand your ground law was not in affect because GZ has a reasonable method of retreat and chose not to use it. He won the case on self defense which is the only point of contention here despite all his proactive behavior.

Russholio, I am not saying he should have waited. I am saying he claimed his head was being smashed into the concrete. He said that the head smashing along with all the other assault lead him to believe he was in danger of death but medical professional said no significant injuries which in not consistent with what he actually received in the scuffle. As I have been saying all along, scuffles usually do not end up in a death. Both parties take their lumps and go home. It's a rarity for a death to occur in a scuffle and the injuries jive with a scuffle, not a life and death situation. A fear of death has to occur which GZ said did indeed happen and specifically the head being driven int the concrete which we learned never occurred. This scuffle was taking place 25 ft tops from the back door of the 2 witnesses. They said they did not hear TM tell GZ "your gonna die tonight." Seems a tad unbelievable to think he said that but works great at trial for George, who can argue it?


Nailed it on the head!

there is nothing to indicate TM went back. He ran away from GZ as GZ stated,,,,into a common area where people walk dogs and you can travel from area to area. George followed him in there and even admitted he followed TM on a recording. Not sure where you guys are getting your facts


Active member
i dont think there is a difference between the wild west days of the 1800s and present it would of been a fairer fight though if TM was also packing.then one of them could of pleaded "stand your ground" and get away with Murder o wait thats what happened anyway.never mind


Ok so his injuries weren't what you or the doctor calls "significant", but would one more blow to the temple have killed him? One more blow caused him permanent mental disabilities? I know its more "what if's" but the truth is NOBODY will ever know. All it takes is ONE hit to the right place on your head and you can kill a person. You have to draw the line at some point and that should be to PREVENT significant injuries from occurring.

reason would have it,,, no! Under these circumstances a death is a rarity. The odds of one dying in a physical altercation are slim and GZ put himself into this situation should have understood this. There were no weapons on TM or any violent actions to alert GZ when he first seen TM. Nothing to indicate his life may be in jeopardy. Nothing but a fight which almost NEVER kills a guy. He wasn't classing a desperate criminal who was caught in action. 2 problems here, a gun is present and a irresponsible person carrying a gun. The last thing we want to do is take away the guns and how do you expect a guy who called 911 52 times and was convicted of assault on a women to be responsible. That my friend is where the problem comes from. GZ should of never of been carrying a gun because he wasn't capable of the responsibility that come with it.

Watch this video, at the 10 second mark you can see the back yard common area with the sidewalk separating town homes from their backsides. The scuffle occurs in the grass closer to the back patio and than into the sidewalk. It's not far at all for someone looking out back to see fairly well, it was dark but good detail was given by John Good, witness #6.
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New member
Very good chance TM did indeed throw the first punch, I probably would also considering the circumstances.

Maybe you need to learn some self control then. Why would you punch the guy he did nothing to you. It's not against the law to follow you (unless you have a PPO against me), but there are laws that say you can't touch me... Remind me to never walk behind you at night because your an irresponsible fist carrier and might just go crazy and punch me, because after all I was doing NOTHING wrong.

As I have been saying all along, scuffles usually do not end up in a death.

You must be a psychic to know that this scuffle wouldn't end with death or injury for GZ. You must also be a psychic to know that in the middle of it TM would pull out a knife, grab a rock, find a stick, pull his own gun, etc.

A fear of death has to occur which GZ said did indeed happen

A fear of death or great bodily injury. And if I was in a situation alone in the dark with some stranger on top of me punching I would say that fear has been met.
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Well-known member
there is nothing to indicate TM went back. He ran away from GZ as GZ stated,,,,into a common area where people walk dogs and you can travel from area to area. George followed him in there and even admitted he followed TM on a recording. Not sure where you guys are getting your facts
the jury disagrees with u the investigators disagree with U the time line backed up with phone records shows it

Deleted member 10829

TM made one mistake, he probably did initiate the physical assault but keep in mind what GZ had been thinking about TM up to this particular point. TM messed with the wrong guy who had sever misconceptions of the actions of TM. You think that may have influenced his decision to use deadly force?

You finally admit it! That was one big mistake, and that's how the jury saw it. If TM does not initiate the assault, none of this happens. The only thing that influenced GZ's decision to use deadly force was the beating he was taking.


Maybe you need to learn some self control then. Why would you punch the guy he did nothing to you. It's not against the law to follow you (unless you have a PPO against me), but there are laws that say you can't touch me... Remind me to never walk behind you at night because your an irresponsible fist carrier and might just go crazy and punch me, because after all I was doing NOTHING wrong.

You must be a psychic to know that this scuffle wouldn't end with death or injury for GZ. You must also be a psychic to know that in the middle of it TM would pull out a knife, grab a edicasyrock, find a stick, pull his own gun, etc.

A fear of death or great bodily injury. And if I was in a situation alone in the dark with some stranger on top of me punching I would say that fear has been met.

lol, that's a good one. You start following me you better have a good reason and I better know about it fairly soon. GZ had 2 easy opportunities to identify himself and give TM a explanation as to why he was interested but he never said a word. Being the head of neighbor watch and the homeowners association your think GZ would be privy to proper procedure when dealing with people in his community. GZ said TM approached his car and GZ never rolled down his window and said a word. TM runs and GZ heads in TM's direction never saying a word. GZ said TM appeared out of no where and said, what's your problem or why you following me. GZ says nothing reaches for his phone which is not in the same pocket, Maybe TM felt threatened. You got the guy following you who has made no attempt in any manner to identify himself and open up some communication, what do you expect to happen. My point is, anything could happen and if GZ had opened his mouth he could have resolved this entire mater. Yet he reaches for a phone to call AGAIN and he gets punched in the nose. I am not saying GZ deserved a punch but I can easily understand why he got one

I am no psychic but I can tell you that a death in a scuffle is rare and knowing that would allow me to keep a perspective that is in line with the threat. Your desperate to maintain GZ didn't know this would end up in a death. It seems to me that you easily assume the worst and would use deadly force as a means to justify the lack of none life threatening actions of TM. Even the homicide detective that interviewed GZ says GZ was lacking injuries consistent with the story he was giving. GZ concocted a profile of TM that was so screwed up it's not eve funny. He followes the guy and never identifies himself. When confronted with a verbal question he reaches for his phone and gets clocked, good for TM. TM should have choked him out (mma term) and left. Why did GZ never respond with communication which would show his interest, allowing TM to digest why he was being followed. There is no doubt that had GZ open his mouth, and handled this properly, TM would not have responded with force, would you? I wouldn't!

GZ was not speculating if he was in jeopardy of great harm or death. GZ was in an actual incident that could allow great harm or death. He said he was experiencing great harm or fear of death but when he was examined we learn he did not actually receive great harm. This is the part you don't understand. GZ claims he responded with deadly force to a deadly threat but the threat never actually occurred. Wondering if you are going to get great harm or death is not actually great harm or death. I am saying GZ responded inappropriately with deadly force just as he acted inappropriately through the ordeal,,,at least GZ is consistent