Trespassing vidio Watch and discuss


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Lol, so the guy has a shotgun in his hands, and a couple of you are thinking you would "drop the guy" for kicking your sled. Thats comical right there i tell ya!


Well-known member
It said he thought his cat was run over by a snowmobile. Now all you dog owners on here what if it was your dog? How would of you reacted?


New member
Skylar exactly what I was thinking...

Harvest been a dog owner for ever...parents had dogs 30 years or more before I was born. Always have had dogs, always will have dogs. But they are just dogs, no matter how attached no ones life mine or anyone elses is more important then a dogs. Just like a sled is a sled. Would have been peeved that he kicked it but what the heck I am gunna catch a tree or something with it anyhow.


Well-known member
I don't think the land owner acted the best, but when you have problems like this and you finally get to catch someone in the act you get the chance to vent your frustration on the person you caught. Maybe they were not really
Trespassing and lost but they were in his eyes. And yes as a land owner if I went to confront someone on my property I would carry a gun, not in a aggressive manor but I would have one and would use it if needed. Call it the castle law.


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In a situation like in the vid, the first thing to do is to remain calm, diffuse the situatuon. Obviously the land owner was so pissed he brought his gun, not a situation where the trespassers should be swearing at the land owner, the trespassers were in the wrong from the get go
A few years ago a buddy and i were riding near home, the trail ran along side the road for about 50 yards. Well it was all pavement so we hopped up on the snow bank, yellow ribbon strung up between signs was about ten feet in on the owners property. We were on the bank, but it was still on his property. About a mile down the road was a riad crossing, land owner was there waiting for us. He chewed us out big time, nit onky us, but sledders in general. We were not the only ones who hopped up on the bank, but we were the ones he decided to chew out. We remained calm, let him have his say, apologised 3-4 times, and by the end of the discussion, he had calmed down, and apologised for being such an ***, and we were on our way. My buddy did call the local club, and they ended up moving the yellow ribbons to the road line, to keep the sledders on the road, abd to avoid any other problems.


Well-known member
goofy600 - "Call it the castle law". Sorry, if you're "Outside the Castle", that would not work for you legally.-Mezz


I get the landowners frustration, but wow that could have ended badly. He should not have just started kicking the sled & slapping the guy upside the head without cause. Stop them, yes, have a gun on you, ok, but not be hostile & waving the gun around aggresively. The sledders did not appear to be hostile toward him, they stopped right away & seemed to be trying to figure out where they went wrong. But as a sledder, you should not go where you do not know, STAY ON TRAIL.


New member
Mezz if you read the law for MI the castle law applies for anywhere on your property, and your vehicle if parked and approached. So you don't have to be in your residence to apply the castle law just on your land.


Active member
Mezz if you read the law for MI the castle law applies for anywhere on your property, and your vehicle if parked and approached. So you don't have to be in your residence to apply the castle law just on your land.

Look at the video again. He blocked their path and got into their way. I see the sledder's making one misdemeanor (recreational trespassing) and the other guy making one misdemeanor (destruction of private property) and two felonies (assault with a deadly weapon and battery). If I was one of the guys on the sled, I would take the video to the police. So I get a ticket, big wipe.


Well-known member
Look at the video again. He blocked their path and got into their way. I see the sledder's making one misdemeanor (recreational trespassing) and the other guy making one misdemeanor (destruction of private property) and two felonies (assault with a deadly weapon and battery). If I was one of the guys on the sled, I would take the video to the police. So I get a ticket, big wipe.

What was the assault with a deadly weapon his 70 year old hands? He didn't shoot the gun he just carried it. That is the problem with the world it's always someone else's fault.


New member
Suprised more of this doesn't happen. Landowners are FED UP with this crap and sooner or later someone will get shot over it. I know if i was trespassing (and i never will) the last thing i would do is drive right up close enough to the guy holding the shotgun that all he has to do is lift his foot to kick it. He drove right up there just like the guy did with the moose. LOL to the guys who are gonna kick his butt while he has the gun.... I stand by the landowner and his cool shotgun....


Active member
What was the assault with a deadly weapon his 70 year old hands? He didn't shoot the gun he just carried it. That is the problem with the world it's always someone else's fault.

That was the assault part. He was using the gun in a threatening manner and not a defensive manner. Threatening, in his hands. Defensive, holstered. He had no reason when approaching the sledders to have his gun drawn. They weren't an immediate threat. He could have had it down by his side or slung over his shoulder when approaching them. Same effect.


Well-known member
That was the assault part. He was using the gun in a threatening manner and not a defensive manner. Threatening, in his hands. Defensive, holstered. He had no reason when approaching the sledders to have his gun drawn. They weren't an immediate threat. He could have had it down by his side or slung over his shoulder when approaching them. Same effect.

Ok, I'm not a cop or a lawyer so didn't know walking with a shotgun is considered assault with a deadly weapon. I didn't really see where he pointed the gun at them in a threatening way yes he got a little crazy but just didn't see assault with gun maybe slapping they! According to press it was turned over to the authorities so hopefully someone can post what happens in the end.


Well-known member
That was the assault part. He was using the gun in a threatening manner and not a defensive manner. Threatening, in his hands. Defensive, holstered. He had no reason when approaching the sledders to have his gun drawn. They weren't an immediate threat. He could have had it down by his side or slung over his shoulder when approaching them. Same effect.

So if you are trespassing (Knowingly or not, ignorance is no excuse for not knowing the law) you are going to confront a guy with a gun and claim he assaulted you by carrying a gun? LOL

And they weren't an immediate threat riding up to him on their 600 pound sled, that just as easily could have been used as a weapon? LOL


Active member
Ok, I'm not a cop or a lawyer so didn't know walking with a shotgun is considered assault with a deadly weapon. I didn't really see where he pointed the gun at them in a threatening way yes he got a little crazy but just didn't see assault with gun maybe slapping they! According to press it was turned over to the authorities so hopefully someone can post what happens in the end.

I'm not either. But I do know someone serving 21 years in Illinois' State prison for confronting people on some one else's property with a gun, in his hand but not pointed at them, in Cook County. Because the people where trespassing. He got charged with assault with a deadly weapon and kidnapping. Go figure.

- - - Updated - - -

So if you are trespassing (Knowingly or not, ignorance is no excuse for not knowing the law) you are going to confront a guy with a gun and claim he assaulted you by carrying a gun? LOL

And they weren't an immediate threat riding up to him on their 600 pound sled, that just as easily could have been used as a weapon? LOL

Now you're speculating. I'm not going to get into that argument. It would be like talking to my teenagers.
Calm heads usually prevail. Unless the land owner has had trespassing issues in the past, I would say this was an overreaction on his part. Calm down and take a deep breath, this is not the end of the world. Call the police and let them handle the trespassers.



Active member
I'm sure that's what the guy with the gun thought.

You know what, I'll play just this once. Tell me what would have happened to the guy with the gun if the sledders where two DNR officers investigating a call. And the guy with the gun held the gun the same way in front of them, kicked the DNR's sled, and hit a DNR officer across the helmet? Then, tell me why it is different for these two?

- - - Updated - - -

Calm heads usually prevail. Unless the land owner has had trespassing issues in the past, I would say this was an overreaction on his part. Calm down and take a deep breath, this is not the end of the world. Call the police and let them handle the trespassers.

Agree 100%. That's my position. Even if he has a trespassing problem in the past, it's for the police to handle, not for him to handle the way he did.


Well-known member
Lol, so the guy has a shotgun in his hands, and a couple of you are thinking you would "drop the guy" for kicking your sled. Thats comical right there i tell ya!

Pretty sure the guy ain't psycho enough to shoot you, gun is just there to scare you.