Trespassing vidio Watch and discuss


Well-known member
Brain exercise???

Brain exercise. It gets me thinking, it gets me (hopefully) using logic, reasoning, sorting my thoughts, and putting them to paper (or screen, if you will). Also helps me see the perspective of others and alternative views of something. Helps promote better understanding. Sorry, I'm a geek. What can I say?

Some fire up the bong and others drink the bong water. :)

The former sounds pleasant enough; the latter, not so much.

@Dave -- I'm sorry. Was not my intent to be snarky and come off sounding like a j.a.


Active member
Not reading, LALALALALA

I think I'll stay away from the bong and the water!

Russ - You're fine! I've come across as a j.a. for real many more times than I care to admit! :)


Bingo Russ! You could not have said it any better

"Also helps me see the perspective of others and alternative views of something. Helps promote better understanding."

Dave, I wasn't suggesting you leave the site. I was just saying that those involved do so by decision and we did it intentionally for a reason,,in other works we want to and can. If the thread does not meet your liking it's easy just to not read it. Not being cocky, don't know how to explain it any differently. I see many threads I have no interest in so I don't post or read. Some threads I like go south so I unsubscribe, also, it's the nature of the beast. I use the unsubscribe feature a lot.

You know I love ya,,,,my brotha
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Active member
You know that fool is still trying to sell that Touareg!

Last I looked, he had it listed at $7,900 and $10,900 at the same time. I miss that car but, I'm looking to get rid of my wife's truck and get another one.

O.K. - Back to your thread! :)


New member
For the ones that say call the cops---*** are they going to do. Sledders will be long gone and its not like the cop has any chance to chasing them down. Sure you file a report and there are now on lookout for a couple of skidoos....... GOOD LUCK. But do you think the cop is to sit on your property and catch the next guy. Ultimately Landowner took matters into his own hands and did what he could do. I sorta applaud the guy really. Didn't need to kick the sled but he got point across and they won’t be back.

To guy that said they were lost…………..I am throwing the BS flag. They weren’t lost my friend.


For the ones that say call the cops---*** are they going to do. Sledders will be long gone and its not like the cop has any chance to chasing them down. Sure you file a report and there are now on lookout for a couple of skidoos....... GOOD LUCK. But do you think the cop is to sit on your property and catch the next guy. Ultimately Landowner took matters into his own hands and did what he could do. I sorta applaud the guy really. Didn't need to kick the sled but he got point across and they won’t be back.

To guy that said they were lost…………..I am throwing the BS flag. They weren’t lost my friend.

I actually agree with you on the cop thing. If I were in Rings situation I would pull up just like he did with the gun but not drawn, not kicking or slapping. I would demand their name and other contact info and turn the info to the cops.

Good point!
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New member
Action-two dudes trespassing, reaction-one dude with a gun demanding that they stop doing it...........Stay tuned for the sequel.

If not for the action there would be no reaction. Who's in the wrong here?


Action-two dudes trespassing, reaction-one dude with a gun demanding that they stop doing it...........Stay tuned for the sequel.

If not for the action there would be no reaction. Who's in the wrong here?

if we use the action-reaction thingy, is there a limit on reactions because ring reacted to dooskis, now dooskis could react to Ring and end the mess entirely, that is a reaction, correct? Still wanna use that logic? Seriously, just asking, all joking aside.


New member
Yeah you're probably right, this thread is living proof. Although my prior statement does pretty well sum up my position on what was seen in the video.

As I stated earlier in the thread, I doubt that those two will ride on that guys property again making the reaction effective, whether we like it or not. Just sayin'.


Yeah you're probably right, this thread is living proof. Although my prior statement does pretty well sum up my position on what was seen in the video.

As I stated earlier in the thread, I doubt that those two will ride on that guys property again making the reaction effective, whether we like it or not. Just sayin'.

no doubt bud, It's a crying shame they were ever there in the first place and your exactly right, they will NOT ride Rings property again. I do believe Ring could have accomplished the same ending maybe even better without force. Typically people do respond to serious talk. If ring would have screamed up in their face, spit a slinging, veins popped out the neck and body ridged, demanding info, skidooskis would not return and no illegal behavior.


Well-known member
Yep, I'm pretty sure they won't ride his land again. But I echo the sentiment that he could've achieved that result without putting himself in legal jeopardy, which would surprise me if it didn't happen. Will be interesting to know how this plays out.

- - - Updated - - -

Reading this thread I only have this one post. I have been involved in Snowmobiling at the local, County, and State level for years. I don't say I agree on how both parties acted in this action. What I don't believe is how everyone reacted, defending both parties instead of posting a positive attitude toward Snowmobiling. If all of you are club members you all know how hard it is to keep the trails open. In our area we ride on mostly private land, this means treating the landowners land with respect.It is so hard doing this when riders ( you know the ones ) cut corners, ride off the marked trails, ECT, ECT, ECT, you get my drift. Lets all get together and ride with respect for the ones that are letting us ride. We all for sure do not want it to come down to riding on State or Federal land only, if this happens we will all be riding in a big old circle. I'll get off my Peach crate now, Thanks. Let's all join a club and make our trail system great. Jim

Great 2nd post, points we can all live and learn by. You should get on your crate more often! :)
Welcome to the club!


New member
Pretty simple to figure out. Don't trespass!! We are our worst enemies! Take a look as your on a marked trail and look at all the tracks going off trail. I deal with the ATV bs on my land up north. Its marked and say 'no trespassing' and yet people still drive on my property to get to the river and tear up my property doing so. I even have a gate on the drive way and they'll squeeze through between the post and a tree. My next step is to drive a post in between the tree and gate. I like what 'jcd' says. I'm active with an ATV club, but not with a snowmobile club yet. I live for both motorsports!!


No sympathy for trespassers that get *****slapped by property owners from me either. After helping install over $1500 dollars worth of signs and wood slat snow fencing, we still had guys riding over the drift covered fencing at the back corner of my uncle's farm at night. They even broke into his hunting camper and stole his portable generator. If you thought Mr Ring was "hostile and overly aggressive", wait till my ornery 82 year old uncle finally catches these guys. And his farm is over seven miles from the nearest trail.
I can't even imagine how it will be when these newer off trail capable sleds find their way down the food chain and become the two and three thousand dollar beater sleds of tomorrow. We'll have a whole new generation of trespassers to deal with.
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New member
this stuff is too funny....I have had to deal with trespassing on my land bt 4wheelers they even wrecked my yard after I confronted them.....and to think some you condone Violence hahahhahahaha like I said prepared for jail....


this stuff is too funny....I have had to deal with trespassing on my land bt 4wheelers they even wrecked my yard after I confronted them.....and to think some you condone Violence hahahhahahaha like I said prepared for jail....

there is no other way to receive their message Pat, I think you are right, it is a form of condoning violence, kinda sad but hey, they feel strongly violated enough to possibly shoot someone or get shoot themselves. Personally I think it is more of a mater of them just being extremely mad and I understand and accept that but the violence part is over the top. Oh well, we tore this thread to pieces.


Active member
there is no other way to receive their message Pat, I think you are right, it is a form of condoning violence, kinda sad but hey, they feel strongly violated enough to possibly shoot someone or get shoot themselves. Personally I think it is more of a mater of them just being extremely mad and I understand and accept that but the violence part is over the top. Oh well, we tore this thread to pieces.

Now we agree, also!


Well-known member
one thing i don't get is why some people on this site (blutooth) are so concerned about what others think of us and snowmobiling in general.
i gave up that political correctness BS years ago trying to please all groups and everyone all the time.
who cares what someone or some group that has never met me thinks about me.
if someone reads about a trespassing snowmobiler and wants to classify us all as hells angels on skis well i can't fix that stupid narrow mindedness. nor do i have the time or energy to even try.
people need to stop being so concerned with how they think people portray them.
you don't like me or my sled?
you know what?
i don't care!

sorry for getting off topic but we need to stop trying to please all the people all the time.
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New member
one thing i don't get is why some people on this site (blutooth) are so concerned about what others think of us and snowmobiling in general.
i gave up that political correctness BS years ago trying to please all groups and everyone all the time.
who cares what someone or some group that has never met me thinks about me.
if someone reads about a trespassing snowmobiler and wants to classify us all as hells angels on skis well i can't fix that stupid narrow mindedness. nor do i have the time or energy to even try.
people need to stop being so concerned with how they think people portray them.
you don't like me or my sled?
you know what?
i don't care!

sorry for getting off topic but we need to stop trying to please all the people all the time.
There are many groups that want snowmobiling gone. We do need to police ourselves. It is not all about oneself.


Well-known member
every one involved Fed up.
from start to finish including sending the video to the news.
shows they felt no remorse and also wanted to punish some one for there bad behavior .
the land owner was way over the top
the riders knew they were trespassing they are in a farming community not a nat forest.
when u jump off the trail to rip up a field u know u are trespassing.