It's a bummer that this topic becomes such an emotional issue about belief vs. fact. It is a difficult decision for all of us and no one is right or wrong. Facts are our best tool to help with the decision. That tool is difficult to utilize with all the information sorting and mixed in emotional perspective.
I would love to just walk through this with no vaccination and no implications. My odds are pretty good based on the facts and statistics for my category. Unfortunately, I also have people close to me that don't fit into that category. I often interact and enjoy the company of people that do not fit into the category. I also have to deal with the reality of a yellow card to visit with part of the family. (We are pretty lucky in this country, nobody really thinks about measles, polio, or yellow fever.)
So, I'm looking for facts from real people. I'm also looking at facts from the research and that isn't easy. I have been involved in related fields over the years and still try to keep in touch with the current situations. This time is tougher with the speed and quantity of information. We have never seen this happen before, and yet it is our future.
I appreciate those that have shared their real experience with the process. I will also be a part of the facts in the near future. It is my reality and my decision.
BTW John, thanks for the update with your situation. We wish you the very best.