Vacine Shot


Staff member
It would be VERY interesting to see the same thing done to the deaths reported due to covid-19. Unfortunately, that data is probably no longer available, as a full autopsy probably needed to be done to determine the exact cause of death.<br><br>My guess is the total number we have right now would be 30-40% smaller. Too many with pre-existing conditions were reported as a pure-covid death and not a contributing factor + the other health issues.


I’m with you brother acccept I think the number is probably up to 75%.


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Staff member
<br><br>I hope the fact that there is no law on the books to require a US citizen to be vaccinated against anything else (measles, mumps, polio) will set a precedence for this vaccination. Forcing someone to have something done to their body takes us into some very ugly territory. Hopefully most of us would recognize that.&nbsp;<br><br>I will say I got my vaccinations, but am not sure I would have if I was not solidly part of the population that would not likely survive a dance with this covid virus.<br><br>With that thought, just for curiosity and I know it&#39;s a hypothetical question, but for those of you not wanting to get it. If you were part of the population that would not likely survive the covid virus, would you then get the vaccinations?<br><br>-John<br>

If I were someone with a lot of underlying health issues, the chances of me getting the vaccination would be much greater than they are currently. I may be a bit chubby, but I have zero health issues, I'm not on any medication for anything, no high blood pressure, cholesterol or anything of that nature. There is a lot of good info other JD members are providing in this thread, and I think everyone is doing a great job of respecting the opinions and thoughts of others.

On a side note John, how are you doing? What is the latest concerning your procedure?


Staff member
I could not have the catheterization on Tuesday as they had no openings. I will be having that on Monday next week, then come home the same day. If a stent is needed (which there is a very good chance of), then I have to wait 3-4 months for the ablation.<br><br>My stress test showed that my ejection fraction ( is 18! <10 you do not live for long.<br><br>The blockage(s), the ablation, as well as the thickening of my heart muscles are combining to produce that 18 for my EF. Fixing the blockage could improve that significantly. Can't wait!


Well-known member
<br><br>I hope the fact that there is no law on the books to require a US citizen to be vaccinated against anything else (measles, mumps, polio) will set a precedence for this vaccination. Forcing someone to have something done to their body takes us into some very ugly territory. Hopefully most of us would recognize that. <br><br>I will say I got my vaccinations, but am not sure I would have if I was not solidly part of the population that would not likely survive a dance with this covid virus.<br><br>With that thought, just for curiosity and I know it's a hypothetical question, but for those of you not wanting to get it. If you were part of the population that would not likely survive the covid virus, would you then get the vaccinations?<br><br>-John<br>

John, good question and valid point. For my part, if I were in a high-risk group I think I would give it serious consideration. Everybody's different, and gotta do what's right for you. I just don't get why so many people feel the need to proudly announce to the world that they got their vaccine (talking FB here, not this forum).

Edited to add that under no circumstances do I think this (or any) vaccine should be mandated by the government.
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If you were part of the population that would not likely survive the covid virus, would you then get the vaccinations?

I would recommend anyone that is high risk, who has not already had covid19, to seriously consider getting the shot to protect themselves.

Reviewing/researching the available shots should be right up there too. Some may be concerned that the mNRA technology/methodology used in some of the shots do not have enough long term (>1 year) research on people; some may be concerned the technology used in other shots were derived from aborted fetal cells.

Wikipedia article on the fetal tissue item relative to common vaccines: Random article specifically about the J&J covid19 vaccine's "use" of retinal cells from a fetus.


The vaccine cannot be made mandatory. It is only approved for emergency use and thus is completely voluntary. It has not been granted a Biological License Application which could take a few years. This is federal law. There is just not enough data to establish if these vaccines are truely safe enough for the FDA to issue the license.


Well-known member
My 79 year old Mother got her 2nd shot yesterday. A little headache, nausea, and a sore arm today. She's probably in the 2.6 comorbidity group.....


Well-known member
It's a bummer that this topic becomes such an emotional issue about belief vs. fact. It is a difficult decision for all of us and no one is right or wrong. Facts are our best tool to help with the decision. That tool is difficult to utilize with all the information sorting and mixed in emotional perspective.
I would love to just walk through this with no vaccination and no implications. My odds are pretty good based on the facts and statistics for my category. Unfortunately, I also have people close to me that don't fit into that category. I often interact and enjoy the company of people that do not fit into the category. I also have to deal with the reality of a yellow card to visit with part of the family. (We are pretty lucky in this country, nobody really thinks about measles, polio, or yellow fever.)
So, I'm looking for facts from real people. I'm also looking at facts from the research and that isn't easy. I have been involved in related fields over the years and still try to keep in touch with the current situations. This time is tougher with the speed and quantity of information. We have never seen this happen before, and yet it is our future.

I appreciate those that have shared their real experience with the process. I will also be a part of the facts in the near future. It is my reality and my decision.

BTW John, thanks for the update with your situation. We wish you the very best.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I could not have the catheterization on Tuesday as they had no openings. I will be having that on Monday next week, then come home the same day. If a stent is needed (which there is a very good chance of), then I have to wait 3-4 months for the ablation.<br><br>My stress test showed that my ejection fraction ( is 18! <10 you do not live for long.<br><br>The blockage(s), the ablation, as well as the thickening of my heart muscles are combining to produce that 18 for my EF. Fixing the blockage could improve that significantly. Can't wait!

Positive thoughts my friend. I'm looking forward to riding sleds with you again next season!


Active member
As far as if you die of covid or most likely from a pre existing condition I think of it in terms of If you cant swim and someone pushes u into a lake (covid) do u blame the lake or the guy who pushed u in? Just a thought


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Staff member
I believe it is Royal Caribbean that has said you need a vaccination card to be allowed on their cruise ships. I'm ok with that, never wanted to go on a cruise anyways. Waaaaaay to many people for this country kid.


Well-known member
My 79 year old Mother got her 2nd shot yesterday. A little headache, nausea, and a sore arm today. She's probably in the 2.6 comorbidity group.....

She is feeling much better today. Seems to be the normal experience for most.


Well-known member
does anyone find it coincidental that with "some" states easing or removing restrictions and "spring breakers" doing what they do that all of a sudden we have an "up kick" in cases, our local news outlet claims greater than one we had in january, when daily cases were in the thousands, not hundreds as they are now, not quite sure where they are getting their comparison facts from. Let the fear mongering begin once again, but surprise surprise Whitler says she isnt going to pull back on eased restrictions, hmmmmm


Well-known member
does anyone find it coincidental that with "some" states easing or removing restrictions and "spring breakers" doing what they do that all of a sudden we have an "up kick" in cases, our local news outlet claims greater than one we had in january, when daily cases were in the thousands, not hundreds as they are now, not quite sure where they are getting their comparison facts from. Let the fear mongering begin once again, but surprise surprise Whitler says she isnt going to pull back on eased restrictions, hmmmmm

Nope.....that's what happens in Michigan every time restrictions begin to ease.
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Well-known member
I spoke with an elderly gentleman the other day. 3 people he knows got the second shot and became very ill. Two ended up hospitalised and one is expected to die. Ages of the 3, 70's to 80.