I want to express my opinion on this “pandemic”. I take issue with much of how the US handled this. I’ll list them in order:
1) Early on last March, a CDC stat came out that expressed 80% of those who contract CV will have mild to no symptoms, part of the remaining 20% less than 15% of those will have flu like symptoms, with the death rate similar to the yearly flu. If this is the case, than why destroy businesses, increase all kinds of social problems such as suicide, alcoholism, child abuse, drug abuse, depression, bad attitudes, etc?
2) Mandate a mask order. I can accept a mandate for a period of time until that time period creates more damage than the crisis at hand. There have been controlled research studies, clinical trials of the effectiveness of masks. Prior to COVID-19, the results indicated that the controlled study groups fared no better for those wearing masks so why was the science not driving the mandate? Today, we are still following the narrative that masks slow the spread when indeed the science shows that a contaminated mask increases the risk of spreading the virus. I debate this topic often with friends and I was lucky enough to make a video one morning while I was pumping gas. I made a video at a gas station and watched numerous people enter the gas station. As they walked up to the gas station, they put their mask on. Next they touched the door, got their wallet out and payed for their purchases which sometimes included them buying items, opening doors, opening cooler doors etc. Now, everything they’ve touched since they touched their mask could potentially be contaminated. They would exchange their money or credit card with the cashier as they’re adding warm moist air to their mask. As they walk out, they’ve just touched the door handle, they get their keys out come open the door and then sit down touching the gear shifter, turning the radio on or whatever else they do inside their car. Everything they’ve touched is potentially contaminated. We know that a virus can live on surfaces for prolonged periods of time. What I observed during that video I made, which I sent to my friends is astonishing and typical of how most Americans conduct their face mask wearing. Even in a professional setting where doctors and nurses are practicing the best hygiene they possibly could, infection rates are something to be concerned about. Now we have the average citizen who is wearing the same reusable nasty mask over and over just to satisfy a business so they can enter. To add to that, we’ve adopted cloth masks which are highly contaminant, worn over and over which is absolutely sending us backwards because the contamination is located on your face as you fidget with the mask all day long. Like I said, even in the best case scenario with professionals wearing masks, masks are not effective as indicated yet we are being told that this mask it’s going to slow the spread and save lives. I stand firm on the statement and I say this, masks are continually adding to the spread of the virus rather than the slowing of the virus. Anthony Fauci stated it properly in an interview when he said that nobody should be wearing a mask unless you are ill, coughing or sneezing. The main point that he made was that often we are fidgeting with the masks and there are unintended consequences. What do you think the unintended consequences are? The unintended consequences are we are contaminating everything we touch thus spreading contamination. You have all heard the saying that a mask catching a virus is similar to a chain-link fence trying to catch a mosquito. Now, I don’t subscribe to that theory and I think it’s somewhat false but what I will say is that the research that I’ve read indicates that when somebody sneezes or coughs through a mask, the discharge hits the air and moisture evaporates very quickly. Similarly to if you were to take a can of spray paint and sprayed into the air. If you spray that paint straight up, that paint will land on the ground dried. My point is as we sneeze and cough through our masks or even talk, our respiratory system is discharging anything that is contaminating it. As that discharge enters the atmosphere, the moisture evaporates almost immediately while any other particles remain separated from the moisture. The coronavirus is extremely small and can stay suspended in the air as a person walks about, sits down for a dinner. Currents in the air from ventilation, heating or cooling systems will cause tiny microscopic particles to stay airborne and follow currents. Improper use of the masks only decrease its ability to perform and don’t forget while in a controlled professional setting, non-mask wears compared to mask wearers we’re nearly identical in the rate of infection. A study in 2015 which I already posted above shows similar findings. Now we are still equipping people with non-scientific mandates and we are paying the price.
3) Mandates are limited in how long they can prohibit the free movement of people. Governors must enact new legislation if they want to continue to apply such restrictions to people yet they have not done that. These mandates do indeed prohibit people from functioning by the means in which they deem necessary. Since we can observe the fact that mandates have time limits, the breaking of that time limit goes against the liberty of a citizen to live his life as he sees fit. Currently, we are being exploited and prohibited from living our lives freely and necessary. Some of you may say that it’s worth doing anything that’s going to save lives and how can somebody argue with that but the reality is we are mandating masks which only spread the virus more than they contain the virus, subjecting people to tyranny which prohibits them from living their lives as they need to live them. The collateral damage from the mandates is extraordinarily high yet we continue to do the wrong thing over and over.
4) The survivability rate for those two contract COVID-19 is 99.7% for those who are 70 years of age and lower. Close to 82% of the population is made up of people that are 70 and younger yet we subject the majority of the population to extreme measures that slow our ability to reach heard immunity, destroy livelihoods, businesses, increase suicide, bankruptcy, alcoholism, child abuse, and all the other forms of social abuses.
5) Why is all this happening? Why is the United States as a sovereign nation being subjected to the philosophies and techniques of socialist and communist countries? Do we not have the ability to implement our own policy? Some of you may see my comments conspiracy theory type. It’s easy to prove that my comments are not conspiracy in nature. Look at what’s happening in our society today. Movements like black lives matter cofounder Patrice Kolors is a proclaimed Marxist. She made a second video addressing the fact that some people have called her a Marxist and in that video, she only confirms that it is not a suspicion but the fact is she is a Marxist. We embrace these types of people in our society today. We worship the environment rather than use the resources that it provides. Bernie Sanders was a socialist Democrat and gained much traction and has a lot of appeal to many people. The fact that socialism, environmentalism and progressive liberalism exist shows that we are transitioning from a traditionally conservative country to a different form. What I’m telling you is observable so it’s not speculation or conspiracy theory in nature. Something has to be done folks. As a Christian conservative, the good book shows that the world will indeed be a one world government so it is in evitable but does that mean that we just continue to give up traditional values and our freedoms? We send people overseas to defend our freedoms yet we allow them to be stolen from us in front of our very faces. We need to be willing to give up something and fight this abhorrent advancement of depravity. Today we embrace the idea that you determine what sex you are by how you feel, we don’t seem to fight the fact that pedophilia is rampant in this country. Our only hope is that we have a revival of our hearts and then we turned back to the living God Who articulated our God-given rights and freedoms in our US constitution. The Constitution and our bill of rights is the law of our land and they are in severe jeopardy right now. I think it’s worth fighting for and I’m willing to fight for it. What does that fight look like, I don’t know yet but I’m keeping my eyes open.