Walworth, Waukesha, Racine & Kenosha Counties SE WI 2017-18


Well-known member
yes it is ridiculous we have probably gotten 12 inches of snow in the last week or so but when you compress it you have about 2 to3 inches, barely enough to get a base started, a lot of people got out to ride which is good but unfortunately will be short lived, winter is not over yet so lets hope.
It's ridiculous that we get a good snowfall and it's weird powdery stuff that just wipes off the trail. I appreciate the effort all clubs do, but I give up trying to ride down south.


New member
Rode out of Genoa City and did a 100 mile plus loop of the Walworth County. Overall much better than expected. Biggest rough area (chisel plowed) was east of Zenda. With the new snow last night and expected tonight, if they are groomed overnight, we should have as good of conditions as seen in So Wi. In years. Get out and ride!


For sure the new snow helps, trails around Twin Lakes/Pell Lake saw really heavy traffic. Trails were trashed by the end of day yesterday. I did not loose any teeth but you could have in a few areas. I am trying to figure how to post pics from what I saw yesterday (the good and the bad), but no luck as of right now. Ride while you can.


We got 14 sleds together today from our snowmobile club. Trails were great today considering location. We did East Troy, Tibbets, Abel’s Corners, Lyons. Overall was a good trip. It is amazing how much 4-5” of snow helped the trails today compared to Friday. Was way better today than earlier in the weekend.

Enjoy now before it’s gone!



Walworth County will close at 6am I am told Wednesday Feb. 14th. Stupid warm weather. If only we could keep up the snow every day thing we were stuck in for a bit there. :(



Active member
Rode 60 miles last night with kids in Northern Walworth County. Trails were better then I expected. Past the groomer and hit many groomed trails, that appears to be it looking at the weather and who knows could be the only ride for me down here this year. Was nice to at least get out and enjoy the trails with all the work we put into marking and maintaining them.


New member
All Waukesha and more than likely Washington county snowmobile trails will close Wednesday too. If the temperature is suppose to be over 32 degrees during any time of the day, the trails officially close. Fine for trespassing can be received if caught riding. Last I heard, it was $275 per sled.


Well-known member
So many jr. deputies on this site....LOL....who would be giving out such a ticket.....the same 2 Racine Co. deputies I saw running the bike trail along Hy. 36 ???.....LOL
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Well-known member
yah and we'll tell the cops snobuilder said it was ok to ride the trails. mail the fine to snobuilder officer.

So many jr. deputies on this site....LOL....who would be giving out such a ticket.....the same 2 Racine Co. deputies I saw running the bike trail along Hy. 36 ???.....LOL


Well-known member
yah and we'll tell the cops snobuilder said it was ok to ride the trails. mail the fine to snobuilder officer.

In my best "Red" voice....Yur a dumbass. We all have eyes..... My stance is that no one needs to be told the trails are schit and stay home....except for the puny group of you control freaks that think we all need your pathetic guidance.

BTFk'nW...the dipstick sheriffs didn't know sleds from rocking horses.....and i need to respect their dumbasses????.....they couldn't find the sled trail on the other side of the Highway....you go ahead and stick up for them timmy.....LOL
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Well-known member
Keyboard cowboy get some rest

In my best "Red" voice....Yur a dumbass. We all have eyes..... My stance is that no one needs to be told the trails are schit and stay home....except for the puny group of you control freaks that think we all need your pathetic guidance.

BTFk'nW...the dipstick sheriffs didn't know sleds from rocking horses.....and i need to respect their dumbasses????.....they couldn't find the sled trail on the other side of the Highway....you go ahead and stick up for them timmy.....LOL


Well-known member


shout out to elkhorn sno drifters. that's a lot a work for such a small window of opportunity.
thanks your effort shows.


Completely completed now. Dammit, for some reason I think that might be our only chance for the year. 5 days and that's it?! Maybe we will get lucky again....



Active member
Man did one day of 45 and sun just take what little snow was left on trail and take it to dirt. Still have a solid 8"-10" in yard and 200 yards away trail is mud. Looks like we are back to square one again.


New member
We got 14 sleds together today from our snowmobile club. Trails were great today considering location. We did East Troy, Tibbets, Abel’s Corners, Lyons. Overall was a good trip. It is amazing how much 4-5” of snow helped the trails today compared to Friday. Was way better today than earlier in the weekend.

Enjoy now before it’s gone!


I ran into one of your friend's sleds (ski-doo) out of gas on Monday at Barley's. Trails were still good at that point.


I ran into one of your friend's sleds (ski-doo) out of gas on Monday at Barley's. Trails were still good at that point.

HAHAHA! He was having a bad day that day. You are right the trails were good that day. He decided he was going to ride all weekend Friday through Sunday 300+ miles ended with no carbides left on his skis, needs new skis now, zero hifax left he had to drop track to get them off, upon dropping track noticed his rear suspension was broke, running out of gas on Sunday night topped it off. LOL 300+ miles on SE WI trails with the snow we had will do that to you. It was fun while it lasted.
