WI residents: AWSC wants to force you to join a club or raise your registration


New member
The bottom line this - without the clubs there would not be trails - period. They wouldn't exist.
The state has little to no inherent interest in setting up trails. Most people do not ride snowmobiles and to a lot of politicians they are not politically correct. So the clubs not only set up the trails, but they also have the job of stroking the politicians.
Join a club.


Everyone complains when the trail is rough but try to get them to join a club, might as well talk to the wall.

If snowmobilers don't pay their way, there will be no trails. I don't like government but in this case, something needs to be done.

My club is raising money right now but have $2000 worth of tickets to sell in the next 2 weeks but in this economy it will be tough. Normally we have people wanting these tickets but not this year.


Active member
People should look at it this way. Costs are way up so registration needs to go up. With this bill, you get the chance to join a club for free if you want to. As far as registration in canada I don't know what it is, but I am willing to bet wisconsin is the cheapest place.


To back up a little bit it would be my guess that "eliminating the sunset on the nighttime 55 mph law" means that the original legislation stated there would be an end to the 55mph at night temporary law. By eliminating the sunset or end of the temporary law it means that 55mph at night will stay that way. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Not to take the topic any further away from the Step part, but the 55 at night part is one thing in there that I don't want part of an otherwise decent legislation in my thought.
Not that I'm against 55 at night as I don't ride that hard especially at night, but when they came out with it as a trial my first question is what are they basing this on? At the time we didn't have much in snow and my thought was that they'd claim in the non snow years that the new law helped. And now the last couple of years the northwoods haven't had snow, but we down south have and I don't think you can compare the riding and trails as they are way different. So, they come out saying that it has reduced deaths because of the 55, come on!
Sorry, just irks me that the DNR thinks that 55 at night is the way to reduce injuries and deaths. Sad thing is I am for it in one way, but hate it the other.