WI Trail Funding Poll

What should be done to get more money into the trail system in WI?

  • Try to get the CAP/STEP Program passed again

    Votes: 48 32.7%
  • Raise the registration fee for ALL WI residents

    Votes: 33 22.4%
  • Create a required trail sticker for anyone who rides in WI

    Votes: 54 36.7%
  • Other... (Please send me a PM or post your ideas)

    Votes: 12 8.2%

  • Total voters


Don't get the WSN anymore since I decided to leave the club I was in and have yet to find one that I woud like to join, but to me it seems that the AWSC can't get the hint that people feel that it won't solve the issues as all it does is put a band aid on the problem.


Well-known member
March issue of the WSN Mag. is really pushing for everyone to get on board with trying again to get the CAP/STEP passed. Unfortunately the WI DNR does not see it getting passed since the majority of lawmakers in Madison are not in favor... time will tell!

It's a good thing the AWSC keeps paying a lobbyist to know this stuff.................. (sarcasm):(


haha, as my favorite podcaster likes to say I'm not dumb enough for politics. As a former club president and groomer alliance board member I see the problem and want a fix that fixes it and isn't tbecsimple way. We as a state need to take an overall approach and retool the system but I have a feeling it won't happen. Not enough people like Blu2 that see the big picture and are willing to hear what we have to say.



Maybe you can go to Green Bay June 6-7-8 and tell the world how to fix problems. Clubs and Asoc need suport to get problems fixed.

I am a menber of clubs in Ill,Iowa,and Wis. So I know there a things that need to be changed, but they will never be changed if we do not suport our State Asoc's.


Well-known member
You are right about supporting your state assoc. But, if that assoc. has had 10 years and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to get something done, with no results and no Plan B, I can no longer support their thinking. It is time that they know we want them to drop it and try something new. I am talking about the AWSC and the CAP/STEP.


New member
Thanks for the nice remark rocky367! As the treasurer of the largest club in Outagamie Cty I see firsthand what limited funding we get from the State. Without the fundraising events most clubs would go broke. It doesn't seem right that not only are the clubs responsible for the trails, but they have to raise money so they can continue to operate...


Snoduke, I'm a member of a club in Minnesota along with looking for one in Wisconsin to join again. I'm pondering going to the AWSC convention here in LaCrosse. When I was on the county groomer board and president of my old club I went several years to Stevens Point and have been following Cap/Step since they came up with the idea. I'm with JR37 in his thinking that they have to move on with their thinking.

Blu2, I totally agree with the financial issues, but it is also trying to get people out working on trails like in areas that don't open or only for short periods every winter where people don't support the local clubs as much since they go north to ride. We have started to emulate Monroe counties model where we run tractors and rent them to someone during the summer to help us have funds to continue on. But the issue is bridges and trails need to be built and upgraded and no manpower or money. I'd love to sit down and have a nice conversation to discuss this with a bunch of folks from all over the state to come to a grip with this issue.


Well-known member
rocky367, I am going to the AWSC convention. If you go, let me know. I will PM you my number and maybe we can get together. Still hoping blu2u2 changes his mind and shows up also.


jr37, since the convention is right here in my town even if I don't make it I'm sure we can get together. I hope he changes his mind also.


We were talking after a club meeting last week about the AWSC in general and this topic. We drew a parallel with the Wisconsin Tavern League. How many bars and restaurants are there that you know of that DONT belong to the Tavern League? Of the places I stop I cant think of a single one. The WTL is arguably the strongest lobby presence in Madison and get darn near everything they want. Now look at the AWSC. I heard a number thrown out that only about 10% of sledders are club members. I dont know what the real number is but I'm sure it's under half. Now imagine if only 50% of bars were members of the WTL. They would have much less influence. The cost to join the AWSC is only 10 bucks and then an extra 10 or 20 bucks to the local club. At 30 bucks I dont think the cost to join is the problem. CLEARLY, the AWSC and locals (which I am one) area doing something majorly wrong if we cant get more than half of sledders to support the sport. Imagine a marketer for a company that cant get more than 10% market share, they are soon going to be looking for a new job.

So before we can expect to see success in Madison the AWSC must get serious about building membership and support. We need new ideas on how that can be done. One idea could be to make it an option when renewing or buying registration for your sled. Most of us use the online renewal system right? The system already has your address, so let's take that a step further and suggest local clubs that maintain the trails near you. I think we would get more members if we could ask sledders at registration time to support their local trail system. It's been my experience as membership chair that most people just need to be asked to join. This is a simple way to ask ALL state sledders. I'm sure there are many other suggestions people may have.

If things don't change and Madison doesn't show the clubs a bit of appreciation for propping up a multi-million dollar industry i'm afraid you'll see things like organized trail closures in protest. If clubs banded together that way the State would HAVE to take us seriously. Small clubs continue to fold and larger clubs are running deficits or cutting into reserves to pick up slack. The current state of snowmobiling cant continue this way.


Well-known member
Cap/Step might work don't know just don't like telling me I have to join an organization not a good precedent & 1 of the reasons many don't like Cap/Step. I'm on the fence now warmed up to the idea overtime.


Well-known member
I like your idea about marketing. Maybe the AWSC could get rid of their lobbyist and use that money towards marketing. I also like the idea about joining a club with your online registration/ renewal. It may be a administrative problem to get it ironed out between the DNR and the AWSC, but a good idea. I really believe the AWSC wants more/ new members. Every new member is money in their pocket. I just think they need a new approach on gaining those members, and you just had 2 good ideas on how to do it. I suggest you let your county AWSC Director know your ideas.


i agree with arctive. i do not mind paying my share of the bill but everyone should have pay there share too.i pay to reg. my sled this yr and it never left the shed.

The 2011-12 winter, the trails I signed never opened. But guess what, I still spent about 20 hours of mytime putting out 15 miles worth of signs across farm fields. Another couple days removing them in the spring. I spent $100 out of my pocket on gas to sign those fields. I know I could probably ask for reimbursement from the club but if we all did that our club would probably need to do another brat fry to raise money to cover it.

This isn't about me whining. This is about the thousands of others just like me across the state that do the exact same thing simply for the love of the sport. All we would like to see is some respect from Madison to show they appreciate the efforts we all take. Snowmobiling is the ONLY State program that is entirely self-funded. Not a penny of tax money supports the trails that brings in millions in tourism revenue. The people who install and maintain the trails are asking to raise rates we sledders pay. Were not asking for a handout from general tax money. They should show us that respect.

Sorry for the soap box rants today. It just happens to be fresh in my mind.


Cap/Step might work don't know just don't like telling me I have to join an organization not a good precedent & 1 of the reasons many don't like Cap/Step. I'm on the fence now warmed up to the idea overtime.

I agree whitedust. I don't want club members to join if they don't want to either. I would hope most would join our club because it's the right thing to do. I would propose something where everyone pays the same amount for registration. Let's say $50 but it could be any number. So $50 for a two year sled registration which is still cheap in my mind. Then when you register, you have the option to join a local club. My club costs $30 ($20 stays with us and $10 to join the AWSC). So if you decide to join our club at registration time you would pay the $30 to our club and $20 to the DNR. Club member or not, we still all pay the same price to register. The difference being is the money gained from new members goes directly to the club of your choice.

I would guess the majority of people would much rather pay money to the people grooming, installing signs and cooking the steak feed for landowners instead of the DNR.


Well-known member
We were talking after a club meeting last week about the AWSC in general and this topic. We drew a parallel with the Wisconsin Tavern League. How many bars and restaurants are there that you know of that DONT belong to the Tavern League? Of the places I stop I cant think of a single one. The WTL is arguably the strongest lobby presence in Madison and get darn near everything they want. Now look at the AWSC. I heard a number thrown out that only about 10% of sledders are club members. I dont know what the real number is but I'm sure it's under half. Now imagine if only 50% of bars were members of the WTL. They would have much less influence. The cost to join the AWSC is only 10 bucks and then an extra 10 or 20 bucks to the local club. At 30 bucks I dont think the cost to join is the problem. CLEARLY, the AWSC and locals (which I am one) area doing something majorly wrong if we cant get more than half of sledders to support the sport. Imagine a marketer for a company that cant get more than 10% market share, they are soon going to be looking for a new job.

I'm on board with your idea, the Clubs need to get the AWSC to act like the WTL.

The flaw with this comparison is, people that use the bars pay to play, just like the sledders that belong to clubs, pay to play. HOWEVER, bars MAKE money without members, Snowmobile Clubs don't.

I agree we need to get more people to join clubs, and be active, but so many don't feel as though they have to do anything, which is why only higher registration rates and trail pass fees will work.


Well-known member
I agree whitedust. I don't want club members to join if they don't want to either. I would hope most would join our club because it's the right thing to do. I would propose something where everyone pays the same amount for registration. Let's say $50 but it could be any number. So $50 for a two year sled registration which is still cheap in my mind. Then when you register, you have the option to join a local club. My club costs $30 ($20 stays with us and $10 to join the AWSC). So if you decide to join our club at registration time you would pay the $30 to our club and $20 to the DNR. Club member or not, we still all pay the same price to register. The difference being is the money gained from new members goes directly to the club of your choice.

I would guess the majority of people would much rather pay money to the people grooming, installing signs and cooking the steak feed for landowners instead of the DNR.

Agree I have seen people join sports clubs & other clubs with an agenda ...then you have to listen to all their horsepoop when they don't know jack about what they are talking about. Just gives me a headache I don't need & slows down day to day biz. Been there done that PITA. Maybe should be Jr members or something move on to full senior member when they know more. I'm all for club meetings as long as stuff gets done!


Loving the thoughts and ideas being kicked around. Seems like my thoughts aren't just limited to me and good to hear others were in the same boat last winter. I love the idea of being able to snag folks as they register, too bad we can't get those lists to canvas with.


Well-known member
Just got back from the AWSC Convention and the AWSC is pursuing the CAP/STEP again. They offer no Plan B if it fails and will not say if they would come with a Plan B if it fails. It sounds like it's a long shot at passing, but you never know. I never heard so much preaching about staying united, because if we are not united we will never get anything accomplished. That may be true, but at what point do you voice your opposition. They obviously know support is slipping, that is why the "united" preaching was heard so much. We will know in a month or so if the CAP/STEP is going anywhere this time. If it fails again, I'm sure there will be a lively debate at the Directors meeting in June. It's time to move on.


New member
Thanks for the update on this jr37! I would have really liked to go but I had to work on Sat. I was voted out as the AWSC Rep. for Outagamie Cty. so now I will just be another concerned snowmobiler if I attend future AWSC meetings.
I do give the AWSC credit for their persistence! However, how many more years will this continue??? For the 3 years I was a Dir. & Rep. I tried to keep an open mind and not drink too much Kool-Aid. I probably wasn't liked since I didn't always go along with what the AWSC was trying to sell. Maybe now if everybody is on board they will finally get the CAP/STEP passed????