Wierd things that happen on trail


Active member
It was last year, I think, We were in the UP out in the woods, coming to an intersection, when out of the woods jumped about four dudes wearing all white jump suits and masks. They were throwing thier arms up and running after us, then they ran back in the woods. We all had to stop a little farther up trail cause we were scared poopless. Could not believe what happened. Those guys are damn lucky one of us wasn't packing or we would have thought about using the weapon.
Man, even writing about it has my hands sweating.
Another time, in Wis., we came up on a pac of wild dogs on the trail, eating a deer, blood all over the dogs and all over the trail, like a murder seen on tv. That was a crapper in the pants also, because they were snarling at us and such. Got by there as fast as possible without hitting one of them.
Well I have to go to bed. These twelves are a killer.


Active member
Hiding their meth

Was out trail riding by Black River Falls WI (atving) and stopped to pee, looked over in the woods and saw a guy dressed in all black, wearing a welding helmet and carrying a black box. When he saw me watching him, he ducked back behind a tree. Got back to camp and was sitting by the fire ring, every little noise scared the crap outta me thinking this druggie came to find me. So, in the motorhome I went and stayed there til morning.


Well-known member
Wow! Nothing like that but this winter went Riding in Rhinelander and as we were gassing up noticed this Dad/younger son leaving, kid had red mohawk on, down the trail opposite way we were leaving. So were gassed up and leave and about 5-10 miles we come to intersection on the trail on a lake,stop and here comes this dad/son towards us and go down the same trail we just came down. No big deal, probably just riding close around were the left from. Take the trail to the right not sure maybe 20 miles we stop at another intersection chatting and...........yep here comes the dad/son at us again! I turned and said to my buddy "Are they going in circles or are we?" ;)


New member
It was last year, I think, We were in the UP out in the woods, coming to an intersection, when out of the woods jumped about four dudes wearing all white jump suits and masks. They were throwing thier arms up and running after us, then they ran back in the woods. We all had to stop a little farther up trail cause we were scared poopless. Could not believe what happened. Those guys are damn lucky one of us wasn't packing or we would have thought about using the weapon.
Man, even writing about it has my hands sweating.
Another time, in Wis., we came up on a pac of wild dogs on the trail, eating a deer, blood all over the dogs and all over the trail, like a murder seen on tv. That was a crapper in the pants also, because they were snarling at us and such. Got by there as fast as possible without hitting one of them.
Well I have to go to bed. These twelves are a killer.

Cat...as long as you continue to nurse those Twelvers.....I suspect that "weird things" will continue to happen. Actually the 4 guys in white was the grim reaper....reminding you to not mix drinking and riding together....as for the dogs...well, you need to feed them every night or they will get into your pantry and eat you alive!

You'll be alright in the morning....just remember to stay off the sauce for awhile.


New member
Was out trail riding by Black River Falls WI (atving) and stopped to pee, looked over in the woods and saw a guy dressed in all black, wearing a welding helmet and carrying a black box. When he saw me watching him, he ducked back behind a tree. Got back to camp and was sitting by the fire ring, every little noise scared the crap outta me thinking this druggie came to find me. So, in the motorhome I went and stayed there til morning.

Just say NO to weed!


Was riding in northern Idaho 30 miles from no where and this guy on an old Summit pops out of the woods with a Samari sword across his back, turned around, an headed back into the woods.


New member
Was riding in northern Idaho 30 miles from no where and this guy on an old Summit pops out of the woods with a Samari sword across his back, turned around, an headed back into the woods.
that's how some of us blaze trail. Ask Olaf our resident Ninja. :)


Active member
Weird funny but not scary - riding out of Eagle River for the week about 4 years ago...sh!% stained, EXTRA large men's underwear hanging from a tree on side of the trail. Saw them twice a day because it was our trail in and out. Kids thought it was HILARIOUS...adult kids too! :D


Active member
Cat...as long as you continue to nurse those Twelvers.....I suspect that "weird things" will continue to happen. Actually the 4 guys in white was the grim reaper....reminding you to not mix drinking and riding together....as for the dogs...well, you need to feed them every night or they will get into your pantry and eat you alive!

You'll be alright in the morning....just remember to stay off the sauce for awhile.
Anono, I wish I was on the bottle. Don't have time for that. I live at work these days.
Those guys that jumped out in the woods scared the crap out of some others too. We heard it was some group of greenpeacers or something, and another group had called the authorities. Don't know if anything ever happened.
As for the dogs. I wish I would have never saw it.


Well-known member
Helped pull out a guy that was hanging on the edge of basically a cliff near the bears den overlook north of sidnaw. May not have been weird but I think I was just as scared as he was.


Well-known member
I just forwarded the tread on to Stephen King,I think the is good stuff for one of his Creeper movies here!

ScottiStephenKing OUT


New member
well there was that time in the early 90 when we dropped a few tabs on a guys trip[/ QUOTE]

If I have to drink a diet pop, I prefer A&W Rootbeer
In Canada late in the season came across tire ruts on otherwise a beautiful trail. Kind of a pain when your ski got in one. 25 miles later we came across an abandon old F150. Were did the driver go? Nothing around for miles. And I don't think we came across any other sleds in that area.
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Active member
Pickup truck chasing us around the Gateway golf course was wierd. At one point he came right next to us and I could almost touch his sideview mirror. He was pissed off.


New member
How's about having a deer jump in your lap doing around 50? Looking down and seeing a does big eye staring at you inches away through your helmet lens. At first I thought maybe she just wanted a ride, but didn't appreciate the damage she did.


New member
Well, at my age,... I guess I saw a LOT of weird things,....
but for today,... I will go WAY back to around 1975,...
Me and a whole group of High School buddies had a day planned to ride
from my house (my parents) to the bay. (Bay Of Green Bay) (approx. 7 miles
through the woods with no trails) and then have a cookout and come back.
Well,... after we had a fun day of getting there and cooking out,...
On our way back one of my buds notices a SKI in the wake of his path,...
So he picks it up and starts cruising to see who it belongs to.
Well, he catches up to another class mate cruising along on his single cyl.
'71 olympique and notices,....uhm,.... he only has one ski???
So he looks over, points to the ski in his lap,... then points to the part of
the other guys sled where the ski "should be",... and the driver freaks out!
He didn't wreck,... but it sure looked like a scene from a comedy!
Had NO Clue it was even missing.
Them Good old days!


(disclaimer): please note that all of the area ridden in had permission
by the land owners or was State Land.
Pickup truck chasing us around the Gateway golf course was wierd. At one point he came right next to us and I could almost touch his sideview mirror. He was pissed off.

Probably the owner telling you to get off his PRIVATE PROPERTY. Hmmmmm....I wonder why he was pissed? GEEEESH!
