10-13 MI Snowmobile Fatalities report


New member
That's a good point and true but still no excuse to miss a corner. It makes it easier to miss but ultimately my life is priority one and I just have no interest in riding to fast that I cannot make the corners anymore. I haven't missed a corner in 3 years and plan to never miss another.

My point is that these corners are signless. Not actually covered with snow russ but I have seen that before too.


Well-known member
My concern is the subjectivity in deciding what is a 90 degree turn and what isn't. I think we'd all agree that this is a 90 degree turn:


But what about this? Why or why not?


To me, although technically not a 90 degree turn, it IS a 90 degree change in direction and should be marked (depending, of course, on how sweeping the curve is which I cannot adequately demonstrate here). I've seen some that were, and many that weren't. Just my opinion, of course, and obviously those who signed the trails felt differently. And therein lies the problem: lack of consistency.


New member
My concern is the subjectivity in deciding what is a 90 degree turn and what isn't. I think we'd all agree that this is a 90 degree turn:

I've seen some that were, and many that weren't. Just my opinion, of course, and obviously those who signed the trails felt differently. And therein lies the problem: lack of consistency.

And of course part of the reason for the change was consistency...but as Lenny stated it was at his discretion to leave or remove a sign. Therefore making what is stated in the DNR handbook invalid. Major, major problem with this logic, or rather lack of.


Well-known member
And of course part of the reason for the change was consistency...but as Lenny stated it was at his discretion to leave or remove a sign. Therefore making what is stated in the DNR handbook invalid. Major, major problem with this logic, or rather lack of.

I agree. It seems, to me, that when I started riding in the mid 90's that there was a wide variance in consistency. Over the years, that gap had narrowed to almost uniformity. Now I think we've taken a step backward, as far as consistency goes. Certainly not to the point it was back then, and I'm sure over time the bugs will be worked out, but for now, at least, there are some growing pains.


if you have a problem with a corner call the club, we are the ones to put up signs. The dnr had indeed inspected our work and conclude it is up to par. Stop complaining and slow down,,problem solved. Up to 5 years ago the chevron sign did not exist on sled trail. We have a similar sign in the corner as we did before the chevron so maybe you gave forgot that even what you depend on is just 5 years old. We were required to have 3 arrows in a corner which is stupid as **** and was modeled after roadways. Mr.Freeze has nearly 30K miles in 4 years and and no issues. DWZ had 10k in 2 years and no problems.

Russ, consistency? R u serious, not even close. It is as consistent as can be now.

We can continue to speculate and show our displeasure but the fact remains, deaths have decreased percentage wise as has been pointed out in previous posts


Well-known member
Lenny, yes I'm serious. I respectfully beg to differ. Maybe things are different in your neck of the woods, but where I've ridden, it's my experience that consistency has taken a step backward. My riding this year has taken me through at least 10 different systems throughout the eastern U.P. and northern L.P.

It might be "as consistent as can be now" on paper, but I'm here to tell you that just ain't so in the places I've ridden.


And of course part of the reason for the change was consistency...but as Lenny stated it was at his discretion to leave or remove a sign. Therefore making what is stated in the DNR handbook invalid. Major, major problem with this logic, or rather lack of.

it was our discretion and the DNR had determined it was in line with the objective, safety and consistency. If we hand't been in line there would have been corrections as we have no authority to determine the legitimacy of the new signage. We can only interpret it as well as we can and than it is inspected.
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Lenny, yes I'm serious. I respectfully beg to differ. Maybe things are different in your neck of the woods, but where I've ridden, it's my experience that consistency has taken a step backward. My riding this year has taken me through at least 10 different systems throughout the eastern U.P. and northern L.P.

It might be "as consistent as can be now" on paper, but I'm here to tell you that just ain't so in the places I've ridden.

understood! Let me ask you this, do you ride with the mindset that the idea is bad and you are looking for discrepancies in the signage or are you riding the trail like normally and finding that these sign caused you some inconvenience or other mishap. Have you personally missed a corner? Are people riding to fast to miss a corner? Still at a loss how lack of sign can trump an ability to adjust to new conditions? No signs means we die?

5 years ago the big problem was over signage,,,, do you remember all the complaints and controversy? 3 signs in a corner, arrows for slight bends. Honestly, all you are missing now that were useful are the slight corners, bridge, although the bridges do have reflectors on them and you can see them coming up.

Do you agree that a slower speed at times will allow better decisions and prevent bad things from happening. This may not be what many call the ideal approach but it does require more from those who operate a sled and that is something good for the operator. Take the responsibility seriously and protect yourself with your own actions. No more passing the buck and blaming other. Russ, I am speaking in general on the topic now, not implying you need a lesson.
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New member
um well ok enlighten us Lenny how the **** do you hit a tree in a staright away? or does common sense tell you that less sinage and rise in TREE hits is kinda a close paralle to less sign = more crashes into trees as you miss the turn? or wait its cuz they where dribnking and missed it or wait it cuz there was more snow then in past.........Really.........well lenny back in 2000ish there was no snow anywhere and the UP seen huge traffic and the stats where way down for fatals I belive it was 7ish...yes Lenny I do read them stats I see this is your first time ever seeing that there is a full report on every accident I do go and read this stuff every year for Mi,Wi and Mn so this is not my first rodeo there Cowbow....

if you ever rode in Mn you might understand why signage is important..I will tell you one reason we stoped riding in mn and made our way to Up was the better trail sys and the way it was signed...yes belive it or not I spent alot years riding in Mich becuse the signage is Superior to MN...I have a friend from high school die here in town becuse one sign was knocked down off a trail and he hit a tree at the opening where you had to make a turn....yes sign was laying on the ground.....Belive me Lenny come ride mn once tell me how less is better and when your looking up the stats look and see how many we have here in any given year

cat im curious where in mn ur riding, im western twin cities, my club trails r signed excellent, and i tried to stay off the sign thread for the most part becuz the banter was just too extreme, but we sign our own trails and our neighboring clubs are just as good, but one sign i dont see in MI is the CAUTION sign, which we use here..of course u dont have 20 foot drainage ditches up there, but i think that is a sign that shuld be used more, especially aroung the bridge gaps since they removed bridge signs altogether...

and im not sure about ur numbers, but we have averged 7 deaths here per year i believe they last 5r years, except for 2 years ago with the big snow when we hit 27 i believe


New member
no Wayne just a sign for turns...no one is asking for a sign for every tree....see Wayne this is what I am talking about the jokes in theses threads seem childish....becuse your not willing to discuse this but you seem to be very one sided on it then you throw stupid jokes..now becuse i disagree with you you guys will make popcorn jokes then turn this into a kindergarden thing....you guys who do this thread after thread need to take a deep breath and understand not everyone here is a 10year vet of this site and has talked and beaten every topic to death!! I for one dont ever get sick of disusion of these subjects! I do get sick of people with the "my way or nothing" then make stupid jokes to belittle the situation

geez dude, LIGHTEN UP..that was friggin hilarious!!!!


New member
This was not intended as a joke. It is sarcasm to get one thinking about, "If we really need so many signs. To me it is no different than a steep hill sign or a deer crossing sign. We have deer and hills all over the state we don't need a sign for it.

since we r on the subject..we use CAUTION signs for those steep out of nowhere drops, and i think they r important


I know for 100% certainty that all the sharp turns that I rode on this year were not marked. I rode in Alger, Schoolcraft, Delta, and Luce. I put around 1200 miles on. I went to Pine Stump so I'm not sure if that's still Luce or not. I lost track of how many turns were not marked. I blew a serious 90 around Pine Stump and thank GOD that there was an open area in front. That's probably why I didn't realize it was a turn until I was right there. There were many others that I came close to blowing as well because of no warning. I don't ride that aggressive through turns but I will admit I am somewhat aggressive.

This is the issue. Some clubs or visitor's bureau (in this case) have removed EVERYTHING. It makes no sense to me.

It comes down to how many others has this happened to due to the removal of signs...going back to the OP of the death toll.

That proves my point and tells all. You drive sign to sign and are not prepared to do what it takes to preserve your own life. No disrespect here in any way just glad you were honest enough to explain the incident. A SLOWER SPEED WOULD HAVE PREVENTED THAT. Your lucky to be alive, I bet it didn't happen again! Glad you didn't get hurt. I'll be honest also, I've done the same thing many times over the years but not in the last few and that was when the signs would have been the most in numbers. It just happens when you scootin along. We all make mistakes but the nice thing is they are preventable if we slow it down a bit. Just last week I got a bug riding by myself and just mashed the flipper through the twisties on 13 loop. That was fun hanging off the side of the sled but I follow the snow not the signs and I could not go any faster. Not because my machine wouldn't allow but because I was at my limit and the adrenaline was flowing. :p
I was able to ride agressivly, safely and come home alive and not bending up my sled,,,,again.
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New member
And of course part of the reason for the change was consistency...but as Lenny stated it was at his discretion to leave or remove a sign. Therefore making what is stated in the DNR handbook invalid. Major, major problem with this logic, or rather lack of.

agree 100times over....

if you have a problem with a corner call the club, we are the ones to put up signs. The dnr had indeed inspected our work and conclude it is up to par. Stop complaining and slow down,,problem solved. Up to 5 years ago the chevron sign did not exist on sled trail. We have a similar sign in the corner as we did before the chevron so maybe you gave forgot that even what you depend on is just 5 years old. We were required to have 3 arrows in a corner which is stupid as **** and was modeled after roadways. Mr.Freeze has nearly 30K miles in 4 years and and no issues. DWZ had 10k in 2 years and no problems.

Russ, consistency? R u serious, not even close. It is as consistent as can be now.

We can continue to speculate and show our displeasure but the fact remains, deaths have decreased percentage wise as has been pointed out in previous posts

see Lenny why is it called "complaining" when we dont agree with you or a select few here?

I love the logic of this "we take signs down you slow down OR DIE" hahahha great logic people will have to slow down as they wont know where there going..over time you will find people will not come to area I did for the snow and how well trails are taken care of and signed....crapy trails and no signs **** i could just go to northen mn for that....


New member
since we r on the subject..we use CAUTION signs for those steep out of nowhere drops, and i think they r important

Most definately! The steep hill signs are dumb. It is all interpretation on that one, kinda like bump or a dip sign on the road. (Geeze just fix the road!) lol. Half the time I am looking for this hill only to realize I went up it or down it miles back!


New member
agree 100times over....

see Lenny why is it called "complaining" when we dont agree with you or a select few here?

I love the logic of this "we take signs down you slow down OR DIE" hahahha great logic people will have to slow down as they wont know where there going..over time you will find people will not come to area I did for the snow and how well trails are taken care of and signed....crapy trails and no signs **** i could just go to northen mn for that....

Pat, I don't think you understand what we are trying to say here.. That's okay. But take for example: A sign get knocked down for whatever reason, and many do. The idea is to not be reliant on the signs. the knocked down sign can not show you a curve thus if you rely on the signs you will likely blow that curve unless you are driving at a "safe" speed. What is the safe speed you ask?, simple put, "A speed you can negotiate a curve without the help of a sign.
Not sure why your so argumentive on this. Do you see any of our points on this topic?


Active member
You know there's a UFC fight tonight. Can't decide if I should get the ppv, or continue following this thread? Tuff call!!!