10-13 MI Snowmobile Fatalities report


New member
I have very little problems with the new signage! With that said I will say I blew two corners this winter. Now for the facts, both were well I was ridding at a slow speed watching other things! I was not paying attention to my ridding. I did know no sleds were coming my way but not watching the trail as I should have been. Both had a trail going striate and the snowmobile trail had a turn. Both were marked It was rider error! I was not paying attention I was sight seeing! Well riding at any speed and knowing my attention was a must I had no problems. I would still like bridge signs as we did reach bridges more the one time well oncoming traffic was hitting them at the same time. I also found some very poor trail conditions at some bridges. I did not see much help with good trail conditions because bridges were not marked.


New member
Oh P.S. Thank you to all the groomers a very good year of riding and to the groomers in the norther lower what a job after the heavy wet snow and all your work getting our trails open!:eek:


Active member
get the ppv! Would you like to give us your view on the sign topic? Your more then welcome to join in. :)

I know, I know. Another attempt to put some humor into the thread and break up some of the fighting. My bad. IMO, if you are depending on a sign to tell you to slow down due to a corner, or a hazard, or whatever, then you are plain stupid. Personally, it scares me to know there are folks out there riding like that when I have my family out there with em. You should have control of your ride at all times and riding at a speed that you can negotiate any circumstance that may present itself, ANNOUNCED OR NOT (period). Keep in mind not only YOURSELF that you could injure (or kill) but families and children. It's a great FAMILY sport and those riding outside their ability or talent are putting them all in danger. Ok, I'll go back to my corner now. Pretty pumped for the fights tonight!
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Well-known member
Hand signals & signage discussions are never ending. I guess safety related discussions get the blood flowing....nothing wrong with it but never going to be resolution on these topics. There is no right or wrong & "more than 1 way to skin a cat" as the saying goes.


Well-known member
Hand signals & signage discussions are never ending. I guess safety related discussions get the blood flowing....nothing wrong with it but never going to be resolution on these topics. There is no right or wrong & "more than 1 way to skin a cat" as the saying goes.

We could talk about oil instead.


agree 100times over....

see Lenny why is it called "complaining" when we dont agree with you or a select few here?

I love the logic of this "we take signs down you slow down OR DIE" hahahha great logic people will have to slow down as they wont know where there going..over time you will find people will not come to area I did for the snow and how well trails are taken care of and signed....crapy trails and no signs **** i could just go to northen mn for that....

because the simple remedy is to slow down in appropriate areas and all is well, it's fool proof yet you COMPLAIN because you disagree with a plan that so far has been just fine EXCEPT for a select few,,. It make no sense to sit back and speculate till the cow come home (like you are doing),,, that's all you have offered to this debate is a personal displeasure. I have no problem with your personal displeasure. If your dislike keeps you away from the UP, better trail for us and you may stay alive. Honestly, I'd stay away so you don't get hurt and as you said. You cannot ride in control without signs to dictate to you what to do. That is the problem here and you are a prime example of why this new system has been implemented.

Bottom line: you say it was stupid because you believe that with NOTHING to back it up. I say it has worked with facts to back it up. You may as well give up with your approach because it is baseless.

Seriously, your position is about as meaningful as this,,,,,lszkfdjw fewuhfr9, fhshy8oosd9363hdnm, nnsyaoid0s662sd] cocka poopoo
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Active member
Careful, Lenny. He now knows we're friends so he's going to be up your azz too. He needs to get booted or it's not going to stop. Just ignore him. He's a waste of membership count.


Careful, Lenny. He now knows we're friends so he's going to be up your azz too. He needs to get booted or it's not going to stop. Just ignore him. He's a waste of membership count.

I'm not letting him get away with a single thing here because all his content is personal opinion. In a debate we ought to go beyond opinion and look at actions and reactions. looks at statistics and intent. Weight out what people are saying. Firecat just plain don't like it without a reason other than speculation. Did you see how fast he jumped on board and said MI fatality report was a result of signage in the other thread? The mentality is dangerous and damaging. For as strong opinion he holds he ought to lean on information to back up his position but he continues to say the same thing over and over, "I don't like it,,It's stupid, lack of logic." What is really comes down to is Pat feels the need to be right and pride will not allow him to reason his position so he maintains himself based on opinion only.

He believe we have a problem with him because holds a different position and that is false. We all are entitled to hold a different opinion, that is a good thing. When we debate we look at all areas and convey a message. We learn from each other and offer insight but at some point we need to loose the opinion, if we are serious, and look and all that is involved rather than trying to back up an opinion.


I have very little problems with the new signage! With that said I will say I blew two corners this winter. Now for the facts, both were well I was ridding at a slow speed watching other things! I was not paying attention to my ridding. I did know no sleds were coming my way but not watching the trail as I should have been. Both had a trail going striate and the snowmobile trail had a turn. Both were marked It was rider error! I was not paying attention I was sight seeing! Well riding at any speed and knowing my attention was a must I had no problems. I would still like bridge signs as we did reach bridges more the one time well oncoming traffic was hitting them at the same time. I also found some very poor trail conditions at some bridges. I did not see much help with good trail conditions because bridges were not marked.

well said and it take a honest man to say it the way you said it. many of us miss corners and as you say, we make mistakes. The sign was there and mistakes happen, glad you didn't collide with objects!

I know, I know. Another attempt to put some humor into the thread and break up some of the fighting. My bad. IMO, if you are depending on a sign to tell you to slow down due to a corner, or a hazard, or whatever, then you are plain stupid. Personally, it scares me to know there are folks out there riding like that when I have my family out there with em. You should have control of your ride at all times and riding at a speed that you can negotiate any circumstance that may present itself, ANNOUNCED OR NOT (period). Keep in mind not only YOURSELF that you could injure (or kill) but families and children. It's a great FAMILY sport and those riding outside their ability or talent are putting them all in danger. Ok, I'll go back to my corner now. Pretty pumped for the fights tonight!

man, you said it perfectly, not sure why some cannot understand they need to be able to negotiate any circumstance and why they place blame elsewhere. I believe there is a deeper reason why people need scapegoats,,,,, because if they cannot blame someone else than they would have to accept they screwed up. it's easier to blame someone or something.

Pat, I don't think you understand what we are trying to say here.. That's okay. But take for example: A sign get knocked down for whatever reason, and many do. The idea is to not be reliant on the signs. the knocked down sign can not show you a curve thus if you rely on the signs you will likely blow that curve unless you are driving at a "safe" speed. What is the safe speed you ask?, simple put, "A speed you can negotiate a curve without the help of a sign.
Not sure why your so argumentive on this. Do you see any of our points on this topic?

Brilliant! I mean dead on bud. All three posts are full of common sense and instruction. I really wish firecat could get this as he would be a much safer rider. I'd hate to hear he got hurt missing a corner.
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New member
I'm not letting him get away with a single thing here because all his content is personal opinion. In a debate we ought to go beyond opinion and look at actions and reactions. looks at statistics and intent. Weight out what people are saying. Firecat just plain don't like it without a reason other than speculation. Did you see how fast he jumped on board and said MI fatality report was a result of signage in the other thread? The mentality is dangerous and damaging. For as strong opinion he holds he ought to lean on information to back up his position but he continues to say the same thing over and over, "I don't like it,,It's stupid, lack of logic." What is really comes down to is Pat feels the need to be right and pride will not allow him to reason his position so he maintains himself based on opinion only.

He believe we have a problem with him because holds a different position and that is false. We all are entitled to hold a different opinion, that is a good thing. When we debate we look at all areas and convey a message. We learn from each other and offer insight but at some point we need to loose the opinion, if we are serious, and look and all that is involved rather than trying to back up an opinion.

not backing up cat here obviously, but opinions are ok as long as they dont turn into attacks..alot of the threads start as observations and opinions, and then the debate sometimes needs to move to facts


New member
well Lenny show me your facts your stats!! you have the same personal feeling I do. you have no facts showing this is working either....

I been on a sled my entire life lenny your putting words in my mouth saying I ride out of control.you assume that I ride out of control you have no clue what my back ground is ..why are you the last word in saftey what makes you the guy who knows all?? how many years of trail boss have you had that qualifys you as the "man in know" how many years you have been riding before you made trail boss? As for me lenny I have ridden the trails in many many states how many you get out to compare the diffrence? or is this just how you feel not what you seenover the years...tell me this...Does taking down Road signs have same effect your looking for? maybe take down all the speed limit signs and the curve signs then everyone will slowdown? I do get wht your saying yet I dont belive its going to add to the general saftey of a trail sys. we have very bad signage here in south metro I have spent many nights recovering sleds from crash!! I have seen the faces of the dead on the trail I have seen this first hand "its what I do for a living" I have seen why they are dead and most the time it was missing something like a turn or drinking....I do not get why you would take this kind time and money to fight signs yet nothing to ennforce the real problems like drinking!!!less signage is not where you start IMO!! I have seen where a roadway has taken a life!! the state did not remove signs they ADDED SIGNAGE and the accidents in said spot stoped...crazy how that works.....not sure if you know this up there but in the rest the world to get people to slow down the put up speed limit signs not take them down to confuse people....most people are not like you and just drive around and know every turn in the trail some come from far away and never been to the area...55 is the speed limit up there and that deserves signage to safely run trails at 55...you do know there is a speed limit in Mich right?

see what you did Dave B??added nothing again thats what you do add nothing and start internet fights...only little kids do that Dave B.....Dave you need to take a deep breath and step away from this thread your the reason this got off track i have no isue talking about this untill someone like you adds nothing then insult people for there belifes and that is just sad Dave B so i will ask you "just like I did in a pvt msg" please if you have nothing to add just dont say anything your doing this site no good.....
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New member
If your dislike keeps you away from the UP, better trail for us and you may stay alive. Honestly, I'd stay away so you don't get hurt and as you said. You cannot ride in control without signs to dictate to you what to do. That is the problem here and you are a prime example of why this new system has been implemented.

Bottom line: you say it was stupid because you believe that with NOTHING to back it up. I say it has worked with facts to back it up. You may as well give up with your approach because it is baseless.

Seriously, your position is about as meaningful as this,,,,,lszkfdjw fewuhfr9, fhshy8oosd9363hdnm, nnsyaoid0s662sd] cocka poopoo

this comment worry me... I sorry lenny I thought debate was 2 sides not your side and the meaningless side....funny how you move there and now tell people they should stay away.....the tree huggers do that too


New member
Bottom line: you say it was stupid because you believe that with NOTHING to back it up. I say it has worked with facts to back it up. You may as well give up with your approach because it is baseless.

Seriously, your position is about as meaningful as this,,,,,lszkfdjw fewuhfr9, fhshy8oosd9363hdnm, nnsyaoid0s662sd] cocka poopoo

He believe we have a problem with him because holds a different position and that is false. We all are entitled to hold a different opinion, that is a good thing. When we debate we look at all areas and convey a message. We learn from each other and offer insight but at some point we need to loose the opinion, if we are serious, and look and all that is involved rather than trying to back up an opinion.

what facts do you have that makes your opinon??


New member
i've ridden most of the trails in the Keweenaw peninsula this year and have not noticed any areas of inadequate signage. I think the current signage in those areas is excellent.


New member
I have spent most of my life looking at and evaluating data. I found one thing the end number in data is not the answer.... You must know and evaluate how the data was gathered and what effected the data. If you are willing to use data to your advantage you are cheating the outcome! The DNR data is good but not the answer in itself!