2012 M-Series - Can pics be posted?


Well-known member
You know AC is badars. Don't you have a test or something to study for?

Actually i do, math and english. Math is easy but the english one tomorrow is going to be hard. Going to look at a sled tonight I might buy then maybe i'll study... :)


Last season I rode my buddies rmk and Dan Healy's shift. I honestly thought they felt very similar to the cat xfire and M. I did not like the angle of the steering column on the poo. Although the angle is steep in my new cat, it feels good. If the poo's have a solid motor I will consider one in the future. Doo makes some nice stuff just low weighted and not a neutral feel. This cat is ready for input from the rider. It doesnt posses an initial feel like the doo's doo. I need all the help I can get these days, specially coming off a phazer mtn lite. I still maintain from actual experience that the yamaha line is very strong fit and finish. IMO, fit and finish illustrates a direction in quality control. I doubt many would say fit & finish stand alone. It goes along with a standard level of workmanship,,,,,,,and I still bought a cat,,,,meowwwwwwww

If I could build a sled it would be chassis design by poo or cat, fit and finish by yamaha, power with fuel efficiency (etek) by Doo. Many of us say fuel economy is not that important. I say if I am going to the mtn to rev hign and burn lots of fuel, give me the motor that is strong and burns the longest, probably would be the 800etec. Although I am not framilar with this new cat 800 ho. Is it 162 hp? what's a 800 etec

They all have their place and I could have a blast on them all
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Actually i do, math and english. Math is easy but the english one tomorrow is going to be hard. Going to look at a sled tonight I might buy then maybe i'll study... :)

Your grades must be pretty decent or I assume your mom and dad would have grounded you from this site.

You keep showing up in these AC threads so I think you should just get it over with and get one cause I know down deep you have a huge crush on these machines. I was once led astray at about your age too when my parents bought me a new Indy Trail. I forgave them for that years ago>


Staff member
you gotta expect that from 14 1/2 yr old,,,,:p

Yea. I met him at the Milwaukee show this past autumn and seemed like a good guy. I'm just having fun trying to bust his chops a little- just as I think he is trying to do to all the cat riders.

As mentioned, I am not brand blind at all. Have owned 3 out of the 4 manufacturers sleds in the past 4 years. They all make some good ones and all make some turds. If someone wants to think the sled I ride (and now you!) is a turd (which Indy has not said), then that's fine by me. I like what I like and would not be on a sled I was unhappy with.



So if I'm thinking right, this new sled should weigh and handle very similar to the my 2010 F8 Sno Pro except have more horsepower and use less oil and all the other positives that go with owning a 4-stroke. If this is going to be the case, I'm sold on this. Also, if this is true, there will be a lot of other sledders who ride other brands that will be making a switch or become extremely jealous. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong cause I'm just thinking aloud here.


Well-known member
Your grades must be pretty decent or I assume your mom and dad would have grounded you from this site.

You keep showing up in these AC threads so I think you should just get it over with and get one cause I know down deep you have a huge crush on these machines. I was once led astray at about your age too when my parents bought me a new Indy Trail. I forgave them for that years ago>

gpa for first semester was 3.6 :p this is while spending ALL my study hall time on here :) Only class that is hard for me is english because the teacher is something that starts with a b and ends with an itch and she grades too hard. We had an essay that we only had 1 class period (45 min/5 paragraphs) to do on the dead poets society, the class average was a 67% (D+). I felt accomplished to get a C+ with her lol. I've had her every semester since last year. All my friends get off with some slacker teacher where they get an A. STOOPID SKEWL!