Answering Questions


Well-known member
Next season is the Yoops last chance.

Indy is the yellow cat and the rest of the forum is the black one. See how we don't even care what he says.



Well-known member
Following this thread makes me think it might be a rough summer.

Thread hijacking can be somewhat annoying but I have to admit I've laughed out loud at some of the off-topic posts, even in my own threads. I should add that I did teach Jr. High School for many years - not sure about lingering effects.


New member
Don't toss me into this. I actually try to post useful information and you Joe know that. I warned Indy that life at the top will be rough! He can have it! lol. and smiley faces a plenty.

Yes, I know that and I do not mean anything against you.

my feeling is the same as happy101 because it is getting out of hand yes i understand as well as the next guy that there is fun to be had but when there is a constant attempt of a hijacked thread it gets really old quick. a joke in an answer is one thing but posting something totally unrelated is not needed neither is an answer that is incorrect. If you feel 100percent that you are correct state it but otherwise just say i am not 100% sure and ask in the thread for verification. In my opinion it would be very nice to see.


New member
Following this thread makes me think it might be a rough summer.

Thread hijacking can be somewhat annoying but I have to admit I've laughed out loud at some of the off-topic posts, even in my own threads. I should add that I did teach Jr. High School for many years - not sure about lingering effects.

like i just said a joke can be good here or there but it seems like just about every thread has to be answered like this now and i dont understand why.


New member
can this be moved to "off topic ramblings". it sure has nothing to do with sledding. ramble on ramble on.
got one more for my post count.


New member
As a post reaches a conclusion and cannot go much further, that is when it side tracks the most. Tangents run rampant. Sometimes people post under wrong headings and not even know it. But indy is totally wise to how this site works. Top poster heading in stats really doesn't need to be. But the post count number I see no harm. Kinda let's you know when you see under 10 posts that the person may be new to all this. Not even sure if member titles are necessary. We all make senior member in no time. This is Johns site and we are all guests. That's my birthday speech. :)


What do you call Indy_500 when he's wearing a 3 piece suit.

Will the Defendant please rise!!!

Just couldn't help myself, sorry.
I love all the different personallities on this site.


New member
What do you call Indy_500 when he's wearing a 3 piece suit.

Will the Defendant please rise!!!

Just couldn't help myself, sorry.
I love all the different personallities on this site.

Indy's a good guy, I suspect it's teenage angst.
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Active member
As a post reaches a conclusion and cannot go much further, that is when it side tracks the most. Tangents run rampant. Sometimes people post under wrong headings and not even know it. But indy is totally wise to how this site works. Top poster heading in stats really doesn't need to be. But the post count number I see no harm. Kinda let's you know when you see under 10 posts that the person may be new to all this. Not even sure if member titles are necessary. We all make senior member in no time. This is Johns site and we are all guests. That's my birthday speech. :)

Couldn't agree more! I'm just surprised, as long winded as you are, that's all you could come up with for a birthday speach!


Well-known member
See Happy101, just like this post, you just have to weed through all the BS to get to the answer or the point of the post you are looking for.


Active member
Someone needs to find Indy a really bad. Maybe he would calm down if he could only pump out that frustration.


Well-known member
The reason I'm on here so much, is because I choose this over video games. AND, I'm still top poster :D