Carter's Corner.....


New member
Yes there is. Sign me up sir! Next time we're out there you have to show us some bigger ones than the one you let me cut my teeth on last year... :)

With the new front end, and the EXIT shoocks all around you will really be ready to test that thing out.....Mr. Carter, you will need to show him no mercy....and that is from a loving brother. That is of course he gets a second hall pass for this spring.:D


Jerry Bell

Carter, Is Jerry Bell still around there somewhere? Had a blast years ago with Jerry as our guide and then after dinner going for a ride in his snowcat Christie with a 12pack of beer and a bottle of Schnapps. All this after we had spent our full allotment of time at happy hour sucking down "free" drinks.


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Carter Sez.....

Boy does that put a date on you....Jerry Bell is working for Wyoming Park and Rec. I'm not sure what he does in summer but the winter has him traveling all over Wyoming building and staking trails in winter. He lives in Riverton. I see him all the time at Togwotee. He's happy...He had enough of the physical part of guiding. He rides on his days off. he spends his work time on a sled so he hasn't left it all together...


New member
Carter, wondering what the current conditions are like. Haven't seen a weather update since 11/9. We're thinking about doing a pre X'mas trip out but i'm not sure if we should wait a bit. Was think about coming first week in Dec-Any thoughts?


New member
yep it is......he will have a report soon.......

well here are the pics i got sent from carter.......he will post the conditions later






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Carter Sez.....

Yes, that was my Burb....Onefastcat, come now....ok, here it is... at 10,000ft we have at least 5 ft of snow/base. The big storm that was supposed to be here this weekend missed. We got maybe5in. But the warm weather and little bit of rain created base. On top of it is 10 in of powder.Very gooooooooooood riding, and I only rode in one spot...The CD trail out from the lodge is covered, no rocks and dirt like last year, heck we had dirt til mid Jan....I am not a trail rider as you all know but in early season we gotta use them to move around. Firecatguy is going to post the 9 pix. we took, just a taste, no cursing...really, conditions right now are very good. We are expecting a storm for the next 2 days and if it happens plus the cold behind it we will have primo powder. So the season is off to a bang, a good one...So you know, the storm that missed went to Island Park. I hear they are under tons of fresh...


Active member
Nice pics Carter. Just asked the wife for the umpteenth million time if she'd consider moving to Jackson!! Still a no go! Thinking I've got 20+ years to work on it though!


New member
This thread is like the " honey hole " of threads right about now. I love to come and take a look at those pictures every morning...... since yesterday anyways. I'm still in waiting it out mode but keep dreaming of the day I can take my kids out here. My son is only 13 and there is no way I could fly out with his older sisters and leave him behind. Maybe I can talk the wife to moving out there ???? havent tried that 1 yet, however I did get her to move to Michigan 10 years ago. MORE pictures PLEASE.......


New member
This thread is like the " honey hole " of threads right about now. I love to come and take a look at those pictures every morning...... since yesterday anyways. I'm still in waiting it out mode but keep dreaming of the day I can take my kids out here. My son is only 13 and there is no way I could fly out with his older sisters and leave him behind. Maybe I can talk the wife to moving out there ???? havent tried that 1 yet, however I did get her to move to Michigan 10 years ago. MORE pictures PLEASE.......

you might be surprised to find out that one Carters good friends and customer at Tog (was 13 when i met him 2 years ago) and he can ride........Riley has been behind Carter for some years now!!!


New member
This thread is like the " honey hole " of threads right about now. I love to come and take a look at those pictures every morning...... since yesterday anyways. I'm still in waiting it out mode but keep dreaming of the day I can take my kids out here. My son is only 13 and there is no way I could fly out with his older sisters and leave him behind. Maybe I can talk the wife to moving out there ???? havent tried that 1 yet, however I did get her to move to Michigan 10 years ago. MORE pictures PLEASE.......

Mike, you wanna go? Bring your son He can ride a 121 out there. Seen it done. You will get father of the year for that trip. We travel right past your house on the way out there. Pull him out of school, or due mid winter break. At 13 it would be the perfect "Rite of passage".


New member
Carter Sez.....

I have found that using the excuse of the "kids can't cuz" is about something else. Back a few years ago I had a family here and their son, then 8 years old was on a Phazer. He could go anywhere we all went. Yes he had to be watched but they quickly found out that was my job and I am good at it. Then there is the Douglas Family from COLO., their 12 year old son was on a 800 polaris. Way too much sled for a young boy. WRONG....he could ride then and you should see him now...Then there's Riley.....10 or 11 when he first came. Dad bought him a new Phazer a couple years ago...I could see the struggle he was having and put him on my700 polaris RMK guide sled. Then he rode my polaris 700 RMK 163 tuned rocket. His dad was so mad at me, he saw the difference in his riding and new the phazer had to go away. He's on a 600rmk155 and that young man is a mountain rider. He isn't stupid, he rides with all kinds of caution and care, some thing that is rare in young people. He hates to lead and I make him do it all the time. Moral to the story, is its up to you and your children. They are so much fun to watch and ride with when they are taught right. Hello dad, bring them ...... as for conditions today, I give up....expecting 18 inches by Wed. am in town. Elevation got 20 inches over the weekend and Togwotee had 6 in new as Derek drove to work yesterday over Tog. pass. It's here with a bang... more later...