Did U get fat this last winter?



Like I said on Monday, had a food filled weekend so really got off to a bad start. Never really got back on track, too many things going on to spend time walking and ended up eating out for lunch and dinners way more than usual. Went up to 233.4 so gained 2.9 for the week. Have two parties this weekend where I know I won't be careful, really need to motivate myself to get back to the walking and managing what I eat after work. Hope the rest of you did better than me.
gary, you've done it before and you can do it again!


Well-known member
I'll chime in. Hung around 152-154 from November-February, been hanging around 158-160 From Early March until now. Now that the weather is good again I can get back into my biking routine. Have been doing 10-12 miles every day for the past week. Haven't had any results yet on the scale but I feel a lot better. Don't really want to go down anymore, just want to stay in shape!


I'll chime in. Hung around 152-154 from November-February, been hanging around 158-160 From Early March until now. Now that the weather is good again I can get back into my biking routine. Have been doing 10-12 miles every day for the past week. Haven't had any results yet on the scale but I feel a lot better. Don't really want to go down anymore, just want to stay in shape!
that's incredible Indy, good for you! Its great to hear success stories as it motivates! Thanks for the post!


Active member
I'll chime in. Hung around 152-154 from November-February, been hanging around 158-160 From Early March until now. Now that the weather is good again I can get back into my biking routine. Have been doing 10-12 miles every day for the past week. Haven't had any results yet on the scale but I feel a lot better. Don't really want to go down anymore, just want to stay in shape!

Good job Indy! Just learn from us old guys, keep it steady now, it's hard to take it off a few years down the road.


Monday morning I am reducing my liquid intake to just water for one year. I want to reduce sugar from drinks and also discipline myself in doing without. So, no beer, pop, sports drinks and I don't like coffee to begin with. I believe I can do this!


Well-known member
Well good luck to you Lenny!! That's a pretty lofty goal.
I know my wife did it for quite a while. Not easy, I know I couldn't.
Hmmm, I support you !00%, but I can't say I'm joining, I have to have my coffee, black so not a problem, I gave up pop once a few years ago that was easy and then I started drinking diet pop and really think it is a problem for various reasons so I switched back to the occasional pop, hate sport drinks not a fan of beer
either. Really I like to have a pop around when I'm working hard and need a little sugar and sodium. which you can do with water and a snack of course.
Anyway go for it!
Friday I was at 232 so down another pound.


Thanks for the support guys! Good to see we are motivated and progressing. Been 3 days on water now and starting to feel find myself wanting something else but I not caving. Looking forward to being weeks in to see if there are any noticeable benefits.


I'll chime in. Hung around 152-154 from November-February, been hanging around 158-160 From Early March until now. Now that the weather is good again I can get back into my biking routine. Have been doing 10-12 miles every day for the past week. Haven't had any results yet on the scale but I feel a lot better. Don't really want to go down anymore, just want to stay in shape!

You on a mountain bike? I hear the reforestation camp trails (by NEW zoo) are good and will offer a single 10ish mile loop. There's a WORS race there later in the year too.
Good Friday morning everyone, I had a successful week it's called keep busy enough to not over eat, got the corn all planted spent time
mowing at the course and managed to drop 4 lbs so 228 this morning. Now last summer I didn't reach this point until the end of May so
I'm hoping my goal of 215 is doable.



Well-known member
Nice job Brent!!!!

Hey Lenny, my wife use to buy a bottle of lemon concentrate, put 3 or 4 drops in a 12oz glass water. Said it really helped her stick to water.


Sorry guys, I forgot to weigh in but will do so Monday. The water thing is going good so far, no regrets.


Good Friday morning everyone, I had a successful week it's called keep busy enough to not over eat, got the corn all planted spent time mowing at the course and managed to drop 4 lbs so 228 this morning. Now last summer I didn't reach this point until the end of May so I'm hoping my goal of 215 is doable. Brent
nice job!


Active member
Good job guys. I've been all over the past two weeks and have had good days, and others where there were just too many events to attend the included eating. I keep saying I need to get back on it and start doing some walking again. I'll be home this weekend and hopefully can start to get back on track.

Good job on the water thing Lenny, keep it up bud!


I know this sounds bad but my battery on the scale has gone dead last week. My wife did get another battery and I'll put it in tomorrow. My water drinking could not be going better. This coming Monday will be 14 days and i am totally satisfied with just water.


Active member
Falling off the wagon boys. Not packing lunches or counting calories so I've gone up. 239 Friday morning. Need something to motivate me, but I'm not seeing anything out on the horizon. Guess it will have to be good old fashion willpower. More fun to just go to these summer parties and enjoy everything.....

Great job with the water Lenny! Keep it up brother