Electric vehicle


Well-known member
Volkswagen will introduce the 2023 ID4 in October. Built in USA. Starting price $37495.00. Volkswagen has not reached the 200000 vehicle threshold. So the ID4 qualifies for the $7500 federal tax credit. Which means it will cost right around $30000. So there is your cheap electric criossover.
The new "Inflation Reduction Act" allows the tax credits to continue even for manufactures that hit the threshold.


Well-known member
I hate to say it but new vehicles aren't targeted at those people anyways. Doesn't matter if they are ICE or electric. You and I are likely surrounded by people who aren't the intended targets, but I truly think you are underestimating the size of population that goes from A to B. C'mon, how many thousands paid markups on a vehicle in the past year or two? Those people are the ones buying. You can think this is Joe's pipe dream or accept that companies and economies are global and this is taking place across the world regardless of politics.
It's almost purely politically driven. Other countries are more nuts than ours about this stuff, believe it or not. Build Back Better isn't just Joe's slogan - pretty much anyone under the spell of the WEF.


If there truly is a red wave coming in November all it will do is result in gridlock for the next two years. There is no sweeping change coming. And if the Dems run Michelle Obama in two more years she will win in a landslide. The American electorate is gullible and stupid and has extremely short memories. They vote for shiny things.

It makes absolutely no difference who is in office anyway. This is a global transition and it is past the tipping point. Time to educate yourselves on the many options currently out there and the many things on the way in the very near future.


Well-known member
You should know 100 mile trip is HUGE car trip in Europe more accommodating to EV. We in the US travel 100 miles without a second thought. USA is a big country look at the size of our states compared to the size of other countries. We have specific vehicular needs not just a butt in a seat to travel a half hour in our neighbors car that would otherwise sit idle. Entirely different market place.


Well-known member
You should know 100 mile trip is HUGE car trip in Europe more accommodating to EV. We in the US travel 100 miles without a second thought. USA is a big country look at the size of our states compared to the size of other countries. We have specific vehicular needs not just a butt in a seat to travel a half hour in our neighbors car that would otherwise sit idle. Entirely different market place.
also, if you go abroad and travel, you will also find MOST folks don;t even now ANY vehicle, they have huge in vestments in public transportation, and that is what most use
most over sea's that OWN cars and all the more american SUV's are, in the upper end on incomes!
My sister lived over sea's for 15+ yrs, in several countries,(still travels there several times a yr) so I have some honest hands on info on things in several; countries on the other side of the pond!

there is also a as stated a BIG correlation of what goes on the USA as to what happens in many countries, we the USA are views as trend setters and a major world leader !
so, for anyone to say

It makes absolutely no difference who is in office anyway.
you's have to be wearing blinders, as honestly, WHAT happen's in the USA< most certainly effect's the rest of the world!
and who runs the USA< matters as they can direct and effect things 100%, be them for the good or the bad!
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Well-known member
as for change in those in control,
I honestly think anything can happen, in the up coming games
as with the abortion issue alone, it can cause a Lot of votes to go to a side, just on that issue alone
which can IMO keep the clown's we have in place
I personally think the abortion deal is going to be problem for things changing hands!
women out number men in the USA 2 to 1 or maybe I should say, it used to be that way,
but now?? since we now don;t know what a WOMAN is anymore, who know's now!!~ )


Well-known member
Abortion will be decided at the state level and will be different state to State…Up to them. As long as Republicans stick to the National issues they win such as open border, inflation, crime, cost of living , recession, parents and schools , national security, and energy independence just to mention a few. Joe didn’t achieve and all time disapproval rating by doing popular things. Lol


Super Moderator
Staff member
And it all begins Tuesday in the Wisconsin primary. If you want to see change from this current mess...it all starts on August 9th.🇺🇸


Women outnumber men 2 to 1 in the USA????????????????? I really don't have any words for that.


Well-known member
I had read some specs on this forum of what towing does to battery run time, how about towing, heater on, 4x4 if needed? my normally 5 to 6 hour trip to the north woods could end up being 8 to 10 hours potentially. I know things are changing and getting better, but wont be for a long time before the piston power is gone. for now...count me out...not impressed.


Active member
I had read some specs on this forum of what towing does to battery run time, how about towing, heater on, 4x4 if needed? my normally 5 to 6 hour trip to the north woods could end up being 8 to 10 hours potentially. I know things are changing and getting better, but wont be for a long time before the piston power is gone. for now...count me out...not impressed.
Same here. Not impressed. Besides, I have seen too many promising technologies turn out to be worse than what they are replacing, or doesn't pan out at all. I remember seeing something on the History channel that ICE cars are going to be better then horses because we won't have the smell and e-coli from all the horse feces in the streets. Now look what we are complaining about? (Climate change.) What from the EV's is going to be worse than ICE's?

I just think we are being rushed into this by social engineering. Let the technologies battle it out without any support from the government!


Well-known member
Women outnumber men 2 to 1 in the USA????????????????? I really don't have any words for that.
I'm wrong on this, I was WAY high, things have changed
women are about 52% of the population in USA now, , but they still out number men here!


Well-known member
There was a lot of resistance to replacing the horse and buggy. The early versions were less than stellar. People eventually got used to the idea and innovation helped. Then the blue oval guy came along and made them cheap.

I completely agree on the point that @indy_500 made about apartment living. I'd go way beyond that factor. There are plenty of "neighborhoods" that just simply can't support the current model of charging at home. The local power isn't capable for all those plugs. There is a simple reality that non-dedicated parking on the street vs. garage or driveway is a tough sell for overnight charging.
The electric vehicle model in those neighborhoods will require a different mindset. I do envision a lot more shared vehicles. That would address the upfront costs and the power at home problem.

In the current form, electric vehicles will not work for everyone. I'm not sure if they ever will. That may be tied to my lack of total vision for our future. The vehicles work with casual driving. If we push the limits on power draw, the economics and practicality fall out of play. Vehicles and equipment can't carry enough of their own power supply for long workloads. Adding storage with current tech. is expensive and heavy. We've had quick change battery systems for power equipment in warehousing for decades. It addresses the ability to carry the power supply. Maybe electric working vehicles will go that direction. Who knows?

To the OP.
A true convenient conversion to electric does require a fair amount of supply. (The slow chargers can work, but I'd advise against that method if this will be your primary vehicle.) I'd verify that your current home or charging location has capacity headroom for the vehicle's fast charging setup.


Level three fast chargers cost $15000 bucks each. I know. I am in the process of building a public charging station. Level three fast chargers are not and were never intended for private home installations. Level two home chargers require a simple dryer type circuit 30 amps The vast majority of private dwellings can handle that without much trouble or expense. The whole principal of level two charging is to charge your EV up in 8 hours when you are SLEEPING. So you are not inconvenienced. And kw hours are available and cheaper.


I'm wrong on this, I was WAY high, things have changed
women are about 52% of the population in USA now, , but they still out number men here!
50.52. To be exact. Makes me wonder where some of your other observations come from


Well-known member
50.52. To be exact. Makes me wonder where some of your other observations come from
what do you want to know and I;ll tell you??
you asked about the 200K I gave you exact info
I am NOT hiding anything!
I didn;t hide my mistake, I posted I was wrong on it as a fact!

and the stat I posted at 52% was a 2020 stat, first one that popped up when I checked!


Active member
what do you want to know and I;ll tell you??
you asked about the 200K I gave you exact info
I am NOT hiding anything!
I didn;t hide my mistake, I posted I was wrong on it as a fact!

and the stat I posted at 52% was a 2020 stat, first one that popped up when I checked!
Grub's number (50.52) is a 2020 number.


Well-known member
The electric vehicle model in those neighborhoods will require a different mindset. I do envision a lot more shared vehicles. That would address the upfront costs and the power at home problem.
That's one goal of the WEF - eliminate private ownership of vehicles. Once the govt owns them all they can worry about keeping them charged and letting you use it when it works for them.