Electric vehicle


Active member
And if you’re wrong???… This country is built on convenience… waiting 4 hours to charge to drive 80 miles is not convenient. You can’t sell that to the American culture, PERIOD! I’m sure the technology will improve in years to come, but it’s not going to be “a hit”, in 2 years time… Many on this board are retired, semi-retired, kids all grown up and must have forgotten what it’s like to be working 40-50+ hrs a week with kids in extra-curriculars, let alone finding time to feed the family and take care of the house… Lay off the pipe already, I’m sure I’m not the only one sick and tired of hearing how this is great technology, when if you look at it, it’s a joke from 9/10 angles. People in California are being told they can only charge their vehicles at certain times because they’re overpowering the grid! Get real! It’s not ready
What could be more convenient than refueling your vehicle overnight in the comfort of your home at a fraction of the cost? And... I never have the need to go more than 150 miles a day so range is not an issue. Since I always snowmobile from home, I don't need to trailer other than to get the boat to the landing 2 miles away. A Mustang Mach E would do me just fine. And us retirees have not forgotten anything. If you struggle with a 50 hour work week, paying for the house and getting kids to their events, perhaps you made a mistake having kids in the first place. EV technology is no joke and will only increase in market share as enhancements mitigate the obstacles. I suggest you get used to it.
P.S. I have a barn full of gas powered toys so my comments are not coming from a "greenie weenie".


Active member
What could be more convenient than refueling your vehicle overnight in the comfort of your home at a fraction of the cost? And... I never have the need to go more than 150 miles a day so range is not an issue. Since I always snowmobile from home, I don't need to trailer other than to get the boat to the landing 2 miles away. A Mustang Mach E would do me just fine. And us retirees have not forgotten anything. If you struggle with a 50 hour work week, paying for the house and getting kids to their events, perhaps you made a mistake having kids in the first place. EV technology is no joke and will only increase in market share as enhancements mitigate the obstacles. I suggest you get used to it.
P.S. I have a barn full of gas powered toys so my comments are not coming from a "greenie weenie".
You just confirmed what many of us are saying, it's great that it works for YOU and YOUR lifestyle, just don't ram it down MY throat because it will not work for MY lifestyle. We are seriously going from the "Land of the Free" to the "Land of sheeple" being led to slaughter.


Well-known member
What could be more convenient than refueling your vehicle overnight in the comfort of your home at a fraction of the cost? And... I never have the need to go more than 150 miles a day so range is not an issue. Since I always snowmobile from home, I don't need to trailer other than to get the boat to the landing 2 miles away. A Mustang Mach E would do me just fine. And us retirees have not forgotten anything. If you struggle with a 50 hour work week, paying for the house and getting kids to their events, perhaps you made a mistake having kids in the first place. EV technology is no joke and will only increase in market share as enhancements mitigate the obstacles. I suggest you get used to it.
P.S. I have a barn full of gas powered toys so my comments are not coming from a "greenie weenie".
It is my opinon that everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, It is my opinion that the statement "If you struggle with a 50 hour work week, paying for the house & getting kids to their events" is not even relevant to the subject matter much less the statement "perhaps you made a mistake having kids in the first place" is, in my opinion, a pathetic & moronic response. We can all agree to many statements made on the subject matter as well as disagree with many statements made, however, there is no need to say things like that, especially to the member your reponse was directed at. Just my opinion.....
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Well-known member
What could be more convenient than refueling your vehicle overnight in the comfort of your home at a fraction of the cost? And... I never have the need to go more than 150 miles a day so range is not an issue. Since I always snowmobile from home, I don't need to trailer other than to get the boat to the landing 2 miles away. A Mustang Mach E would do me just fine. And us retirees have not forgotten anything. If you struggle with a 50 hour work week, paying for the house and getting kids to their events, perhaps you made a mistake having kids in the first place. EV technology is no joke and will only increase in market share as enhancements mitigate the obstacles. I suggest you get used to it.
P.S. I have a barn full of gas powered toys so my comments are not coming from a "greenie weenie".
and what about older folks on fixed income, that grew up when working in a factory was what they did, NO education, to know better, no fault of there own
coming from a POOR home, you don't always get the chance to PICK your lifestyle
nor do fools that just DON"T have the mental capacity to learn like more gifted folks can!

or what about folks that got injured thru NO fault of there own, and un able to do much and on fixed incomes!

there's a lot of reasons folks don;t all make big money, and its not due to they all made bad life decisions, or had kids!
according to the last stats I seen, about 70% of Americans are in DEBT! right now!
you think its all due to they had kids they couldnl;t afford! ????
hell just look at how few people today OWN there own homes!
yet alone have means to own several vehicles , seems like those wanting these E vehicles, seem to have better incomes than many others, yet talk like things are better for ALL people, when facts are they are NOT easy to say a novelty item is great when you can afford BOTH!
There’s no question that EVs are here to stay. However, i suspect the party in power will change in the not too distant future. There will be a more friendly approach to the fossil fuel industry resulting in a more practical, less painful and more patient approach to Green energy.


Active member
It is my opinon that everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, It is my opinion that the statement "If you struggle with a 50 hour work week, paying for the house & getting kids to their events" is not even relevant to the subject matter much less the statement "perhaps you made a mistake having kids in the first place" is in my opinion a pathetic & moronic response. We can all agree to many statements made on the subject matter as well as disagree with many statements made, however, there is no need to say things like that, especially to the member your reponse was directed at. Just my opinion.....
Geez Mezz, you say everyone is entitled to their opinion but it is OK for you to deem my opinion as moronic? My comment became relevant when Indy said "Many on this board are retired, semi-retired, kids all grown up and must have forgotten what it’s like to be working 40-50+ hrs a week with kids in extra-curriculars, let alone finding time to feed the family and take care of the house…". I found that a little insulting yet also irrelevant. At least I stopped short of calling him (or you) moronic. Let's all get back on track.


Well-known member
Geez Mezz, you say everyone is entitled to their opinion but it is OK for you to deem my opinion as moronic? My comment became relevant when Indy said "Many on this board are retired, semi-retired, kids all grown up and must have forgotten what it’s like to be working 40-50+ hrs a week with kids in extra-curriculars, let alone finding time to feed the family and take care of the house…". I found that a little insulting yet also irrelevant. At least I stopped short of calling him (or you) moronic. Let's all get back on track.
I said the statement made was a pathetic & moronic response, I was not implying that you were & that was not what was intended. If that was how you interpreted it, then I apologize. Perhaps a better wording would be, you worded your response in poor taste.


Well-known member
Geez Mezz, you say everyone is entitled to their opinion but it is OK for you to deem my opinion as moronic? My comment became relevant when Indy said "Many on this board are retired, semi-retired, kids all grown up and must have forgotten what it’s like to be working 40-50+ hrs a week with kids in extra-curriculars, let alone finding time to feed the family and take care of the house…". I found that a little insulting yet also irrelevant. At least I stopped short of calling him (or you) moronic. Let's all get back on track.
How is it insulting? Isn’t that everyone’s life goal? You should be happy to fit into that category! The comment is absolutely relevant when majority of Americans are the opposite of retired and live crazy busy lives! Most Americans don’t have time to wait hours for their car to charge, period! Most Americans cars are also worth less than a set of batteries in an EV, because they simply can’t afford anything more! If anyone should be insulted, it should be me as you insinuated I fit into the cant afford my house payment mold. I drive a brand new F-150, and also bought my fiancé a brand new Explorer. Just because I can afford those, doesn’t mean everyone else can! Just like for those who think an EV may fit well into their lifestyle, doesn’t mean it will work for someone else! That is reality when looking through EVERYONES scope. Not denying that the technology won’t improve in years to come, but it will NOT be dialed in by the end of Brandon’s presidency… cordless drills have been around since the 60s/70s and they weren’t dialed in until 2010-2015ish. And that’s just a simple drill!


Active member
or how about this, which also breaks down ownership costs

So, for another $6.00 +/- you can fill up faster with the diesel and go. My time not waiting the extra 50 minutes is worth the additional $6.00's. (And that is why I have an EcoDiesel!)


Indy - you are basing your opinion on old or bad info. The Lightning will charge from 15 percent to 80 percent in 41 minutes. A Porsche Taycan will charge from 20 percent to 80 percent in five minutes. The whole program is farther advanced than you - and a lot of people - realize. We are close. Not there yet, I will give you that. But a lot closer than you think.
Also the purchase prices between new EVs and new gas are getting very close. And no matter where you look the cost of ownership is cheaper than a gasser. Very simply there is much less to go wrong or wear out.

Lastly this is not a rich man's game. The entire point is that it will be cheaper to own and operate an EV as compared to a gas vehicle. And it will perform as well or better than a gas vehicle unless you like to tow a lot or are in the habit of driving 400 miles every day. Then you should also have a gas vehicle. That is the route I am taking. But I already know I will be driving my Lightning 90 percent of the time When I have to drive 400 miles one way I will take my gasser. When I tow sleds to Wisconsin I will take my gasser. When I haul my big boat to the lake I will use my gasser. The other 335 days of the year the Lightning will work just fine. And I will charge at home on off peak almost exclusively.
As for your concern on batteries and usable battery life there are Tesla's running around with well over 200000 miles on the original battery. The issue is overblown. Again, it is all further along than you realize. If you want to read doom and gloom there is plenty of it out there .But the reality is that EVs already work for a lot of people.


Well-known member
Indy - you are basing your opinion on old or bad info. The Lightning will charge from 15 percent to 80 percent in 41 minutes. A Porsche Taycan will charge from 20 percent to 80 percent in five minutes. The whole program is farther advanced than you - and a lot of people - realize. We are close. Not there yet, I will give you that. But a lot closer than you think.
Also the purchase prices between new EVs and new gas are getting very close. And no matter where you look the cost of ownership is cheaper than a gasser. Very simply there is much less to go wrong or wear out.

Lastly this is not a rich man's game. The entire point is that it will be cheaper to own and operate an EV as compared to a gas vehicle. And it will perform as well or better than a gas vehicle unless you like to tow a lot or are in the habit of driving 400 miles every day. Then you should also have a gas vehicle. That is the route I am taking. But I already know I will be driving my Lightning 90 percent of the time When I have to drive 400 miles one way I will take my gasser. When I tow sleds to Wisconsin I will take my gasser. When I haul my big boat to the lake I will use my gasser. The other 335 days of the year the Lightning will work just fine. And I will charge at home on off peak almost exclusively.
As for your concern on batteries and usable battery life there are Tesla's running around with well over 200000 miles on the original battery. The issue is overblown. Again, it is all further along than you realize. If you want to read doom and gloom there is plenty of it out there .But the reality is that EVs already work for a lot of people.
If that was all true they wouldn't have to put fat taxpayer funded subsidies encouraging the sale of them.


Well-known member
Indy - you are basing your opinion on old or bad info. The Lightning will charge from 15 percent to 80 percent in 41 minutes. A Porsche Taycan will charge from 20 percent to 80 percent in five minutes. The whole program is farther advanced than you - and a lot of people - realize. We are close. Not there yet, I will give you that. But a lot closer than you think.
Also the purchase prices between new EVs and new gas are getting very close. And no matter where you look the cost of ownership is cheaper than a gasser. Very simply there is much less to go wrong or wear out.

Lastly this is not a rich man's game. The entire point is that it will be cheaper to own and operate an EV as compared to a gas vehicle. And it will perform as well or better than a gas vehicle unless you like to tow a lot or are in the habit of driving 400 miles every day. Then you should also have a gas vehicle. That is the route I am taking. But I already know I will be driving my Lightning 90 percent of the time When I have to drive 400 miles one way I will take my gasser. When I tow sleds to Wisconsin I will take my gasser. When I haul my big boat to the lake I will use my gasser. The other 335 days of the year the Lightning will work just fine. And I will charge at home on off peak almost exclusively.
As for your concern on batteries and usable battery life there are Tesla's running around with well over 200000 miles on the original battery. The issue is overblown. Again, it is all further along than you realize. If you want to read doom and gloom there is plenty of it out there .But the reality is that EVs already work for a lot of people.
Does the F-150 Lightning come with a charge cord?
The Ford F-150 Lightning includes the 30A Mobile Power Cord, which allows you to charge from a traditional 120V or a 240V outlet. The F-150 Lightning with extended-range battery includes the 80A Ford Charge Station Pro as charging equipment. This allows a peak charging power of 19.2kW enabled by the extended-range’s dual onboard chargers, which means a full charge from 15-100% in about 8 hours**. For all F-150 Lightning home charging installation questions and needs, go to Sunrun.com. Professional installation by a qualified electrician is recommended.

Straight from Fords website.


That is level 2 charging. Because nobody is going to put a level 3 charger in their house.
Level 3 chargers make up aprox 20 percent of all the public chargers currently in existence. Not taking into account Tesla Superchargers. Superchargers and level 3 DC fast chargers will charge the Lightning from 15 percent to 80 percent in 41:minutes. Keep in mind that when out on the road the normal person fuels up long before empty. It would be the same in an EV. Perhaps drive 250 miles and stop for lunch at Applebee's. Plug in your EV. Eat. By the time you eat your EV is ready for another 250. No big deal for the average person. Just takes a little planning. If you want to drive 800 miles a day drive your gasser.
Again, the Tesla people have been doing this for over a decade already. I'm sure the rest of us can figure it out.


You can charge your Ford at a Tesla Supercharger. It will cost you more than a Tesla but that is just marketing. They want you to buy a Cybertruck.


SunRun started as a s solar panel company. They have partnered with Ford for the home charging business. They will also be supplying the box that goes in your house that can reverse the power and let the Lightning power your house in the event of a power failure. Might be an investment opportunity. Also check out Electrify America. They are getting bigger daily. Also anybody doing anything with solid state batteries. Lots of players out there.

My Lightning will be obsolete the day I buy it. So much new stuff in the pipeline. The desired trend is smaller batteries, more fast chargers and shorter charge times. It will become unnecessary to have ranges over 300 miles when recharge times are five minutes and charging stations are abundant. Everybody knows this and that is the goal. And that would be enough to make most on this site happy.


If that was all true they wouldn't have to put fat taxpayer funded subsidies encouraging the sale of them.
Tesla and GM no longer qualify for the tax rebate. They have both sold over 200000 vehicles. Tesla and GM cannot build EVs fast enough to supply the increasing demand. Between the two of them they probably have orders for one million units. In my own opinion the federal tax credit is no longer necessary for any of them. The transition has started and it can't be stopped. It is a rock rolling down hill and it is picking up steam.

But I don't make tax laws. That is up to our elected officials. Who are all incompetent at best and criminal at worst.


When you elect idiots to public office you should not be all surprised when they do what comes natural to them.

However there are few choices. Intelligent people don't get in to politics anymore. The locals around here attracted to public office are all people that couldn't make it in their chosen field. Idiots. Failures. Unfit for anything else. So they run for something and every so often they win. Because the competition is even worse.

But enough about that. Back to the topic. Educate yourselves. Plenty to look at every day. Indy was not aware of the different levels of charging. There are three levels. Check it out. I am not trying to piss you people off. I am trying to bring you up to speed.


Well-known member
Grub, so you’re saying if you spend big money on a home charging system (something that doesn’t come with the vehicle, and will become outdated and obsolete in no time with a different version/model) or find a specific type of public charging station, it will charge fast. Still doesn’t sound convenient or practical for MAJORITY of Americans. 8 hrs for 65% worth of a charge is still reality for many. My guess is you’re still looking at 5 years for things to get dialed in, another 5 years to sell the idea to American people, and another 5 years for it to become affordable for most. 15 years sounds reasonable to me…
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