Occupy Wall Street???


Thanks Lenny- Appreciate the comments.

Ezra- with all due respect, and I mean that, you are confusing populist with leftist. They are far different from each other. Follow me for a bit here...

The country is divided, we are left vs right, red vs blue. This is a trick, because it says that I am the problem, or you are the problem, or Muslims, or Mormons, or blacks, or Mexicans, or gays or whoever. It means that we blame each other for America's problems. YOU are the problem because YOU are left/right, black/brown, gay/straight, etc.

Now, in the past, generally, when one side wins there is progress made, change happens, and one side is more satisfied than the other. But that is not the case now. WE are not winning, WE are not succeeding.

Ahh, there's an interesting issue...WE. Who is WE? WE is the middle class, left and right, gay and straight, black and white. There is an entire economic class that is losing regardless of their stance on issues. This is not about gun rights, abortion, and gay rights, this is about the entire middle class suffering at a degree greater than any point since the Great Depression. This is NOT a left/right issue, this is a middle class/upper class issue. As long as we fight with each other, and blame each other we shall not have a voice as the middle class.

Now, stick with me some more. There is one successful populist movement in the country right now, it is called the Tea Party. What are the aims of the Tea Party? Well, the Tea Party wants to reduce the size of government, eliminate the national debt, and...eliminate the power of money and lobbyists from government. They talk of empowerment, and local reprehensibility, and making government accountable to the people it represents...US, the middle class. And that is also the main thrust of OWS. Yes, that's right...the objectives of both movements are generally the same. No, the plan is not the same, but the objectives are.

"The Rush Limbaughs of the world are very comfortable with a narrative that has Noam Chomsky, MoveOn and Barack Obama on one side, and the Tea Party and Republican leaders on the other. The rest of the traditional media won't mind that narrative either, if it can get enough "facts" to back it up. They know how to do that story and most of our political media is based upon that Crossfire paradigm of left-vs-right commentary shows and NFL Today-style team-vs-team campaign reporting.

What nobody is comfortable with is a movement in which virtually the entire spectrum of middle class and poor Americans is on the same page, railing against incestuous political and financial corruption on Wall Street and in Washington. The reality is that Occupy Wall Street and the millions of middle Americans who make up the Tea Party are natural allies and should be on the same page about most of the key issues, and that's a story our media won't want to or know how to handle."
Matt Taibi, Rollong Stone, 10/17/11

And that, my dear ezra, is the definition of populist movement. The middle class uniting for middle class priorities at the expense of the elites. And if you look at the re-distribution of wealth in the US it has not been from the middle class to the poor. It has been from the middle class and poor to the elites. The entire middle and poor class is suffering, and it's not YOUR fault, and it is not MY fault. It is the fault of governmental policies that allowed banks to become too big to fail and when they failed YOU and I (middle class) paid for it! This is not a left/right problem as you define it, this is a class problem.

To wrap this up...my point has been that there is only one current successful populist movement in the US, and it is the Tea Party. It is a conservative movement, and is represented by the two most populist figures we have...Michelle Bachman and Sara Palin. Unfortunately, due to their ultra conservative social stance they are not connecting with the more moderate and liberal voters. But these moderate and liberal voters have the same issues when it comes to economics. There is, then a space for a more liberal/moderate populist movement. Obama and all that list of people you wrote of are LIBERAL, not POPULIST.

I want a populist moderate slate of candidates who feel exactly the same about government, taxes, and US (middle class) as the the Tea Party, but I want them to represent my views on social issues. Those candidates are born from a movement, like Bachmann was born from the Tea PArty. I don't want your Bachman, or your Palin, I want my own. This movement might (probably won't) do that.

But if it does, and if the two ever unite on the economic issues there will be change.

But as long as you believe it is left vs. right there will be no change.
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well I did not mean your movement literally referring to him wanting or starting that movement.referring to him saying there was room for a leftist movement in his post. and I was just saying the leftist movement is on and in full force starting at the top.did not mean to get personal just stating facts of who is in the big white house and where they stand and that stand is not centrist.
I would bet 80% of the people have no clue just how far left the people at the top are and most think I am full of BS till they look it up for them self then they cant help but tell there friends
this is also why I try to stay clear of posts like this but it is like crack for me

What I said was there is room for a liberal POPULIST movement!

Populism can be defined as an ideology, a political philosophy, or type of discourse. Generally, a common theme compares "the people" against "the elite", and urges social and political system changes. It can also be defined as a rhetorical style employed by members of various political or social movements (a form of mobilization that is essentially devoid of theory). It is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as "political ideas and activities that are intended to represent ordinary people's needs and wishes". It can be understood as any political discourse that appeals to the general mass of the population, to the "people" as such, regardless of class distinctions and political partisanship: "a folksy appeal to the 'average guy' or some allegedly general will." This is in opposition to statism, which holds that a small group of professional politicians know better than the people of a state and should make decisions on behalf of them.
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New member
I agree this thread was getting too personal. I'm some where in the middle, between dcsnomo & ezra. Both have valid points.

The ruling parties in this country have left " US " behind. ( the middle class ) that is what made our country great. I have not given up all hope ... maybe we can turn our country around economically ... but it looks grim.

It seems the entire world is spinning out of control. I have told my children that if "our founding fathers" could see what our country had turned into " they would cry ". We are on the road to becoming another Europe.... " insignificant " !


Well-known member
our founding fathers would be shooting already!

I agree this thread was getting too personal. I'm some where in the middle, between dcsnomo & ezra. Both have valid points.

The ruling parties in this country have left " US " behind. ( the middle class ) that is what made our country great. I have not given up all hope ... maybe we can turn our country around economically ... but it looks grim.

It seems the entire world is spinning out of control. I have told my children that if "our founding fathers" could see what our country had turned into " they would cry ". We are on the road to becoming another Europe.... " insignificant " !


Well-known member
I don't see how you can compare the OWS and TEA at all.
TEA doesn't "want" anything except to be taxed less. How can we be taxed less unless we spend less?
OWS wants everything, and they want it free, Everything from school to retirement, from daycare to nursing homes. More money for art, teachers, etc..... Can you give me one example of them wanting less of anything?
Everytime I hear someone say that WE need to work together I have to laugh. The TEA party is responsible for putting people in place to finally start saying NO to both parties regarding spending. If someone we put in place doesn't live up to thier talk, we will replace them. Can you name one single democrat that isn't asking for more and more? Promising the "usefull idiots" the world is the mantra of one party and they believe it can continue. The republican party has spent far too much money also, trying to win over the voters from the other side and the TEA supporters want it to stop PERIOD!
The TEA "party" isn't concerned with who is wealthy or how they got it, as the OWS "seemingly" is, (although they ignore the obvious), the TEA supporters are just sick of paying for everything for everybody.
The gov't has to back to their basic responsibilities which don't include paying off union pensions, buying car companies, funding "art", social programs, paying companies to move overseas, paying this person not to grow this but that person to grow more,..... the list is endless. STOP SPENDING OUR MONEY ON YOUR VOTES, PERIOD!
Sorry for the rant, but I fail to see any commonality at all, except that we are pissed off.


I don't see how you can compare the OWS and TEA at all.
TEA doesn't "want" anything except to be taxed less. How can we be taxed less unless we spend less?
OWS wants everything, and they want it free, Everything from school to retirement, from daycare to nursing homes. More money for art, teachers, etc..... Can you give me one example of them wanting less of anything?
Everytime I hear someone say that WE need to work together I have to laugh. The TEA party is responsible for putting people in place to finally start saying NO to both parties regarding spending. If someone we put in place doesn't live up to thier talk, we will replace them. Can you name one single democrat that isn't asking for more and more? Promising the "usefull idiots" the world is the mantra of one party and they believe it can continue. The republican party has spent far too much money also, trying to win over the voters from the other side and the TEA supporters want it to stop PERIOD!
The TEA "party" isn't concerned with who is wealthy or how they got it, as the OWS "seemingly" is, (although they ignore the obvious), the TEA supporters are just sick of paying for everything for everybody.
The gov't has to back to their basic responsibilities which don't include paying off union pensions, buying car companies, funding "art", social programs, paying companies to move overseas, paying this person not to grow this but that person to grow more,..... the list is endless. STOP SPENDING OUR MONEY ON YOUR VOTES, PERIOD!
Sorry for the rant, but I fail to see any commonality at all, except that we are pissed off.

Good points, actually, but let me address them
1) the Tea party stands for much more than reduced taxes. It is a 10 point platform, you can read it here
2) I do not believe you will be able to find any supporting documentation that says OWS "wants everything". If you can, please send me the link. OWS is protesting against the unregulated government funded investment banks that destroyed our economy and the paid for elected officials that bailed them out with our tax dollars.
3) I fear you are still viewing this as democrat/republican or left/right. Some of the core values of the Tea Party and OWS are the same. You need to view this as middle class vs. elite. The Tea Party is very middle class centric (populist).

Here, let me prove it to you. Let's assume that we are both middle class (probably true) If so, we have the same issues, even though you are conservative and I am liberal. Depending on how badly one of us is in the mess, these issues are foreclosures, homes worth less than we paid for them, total annihilation of our 401-ks, unemployment, shrinking business and reduced income, and a total lack of optimism regarding the future of our economy.

Do you agree that those are the issues, and that they apply to both left and right? The things that affect our lives today are not guns, gays, and God. It is the economy. If you agree, then we are on common ground, and it is an issue of class.

How we solve that issue of class will clearly involve left/right, but right now our government is doing nothing to solve it. Nada. Zip. And nobody in the middle or poor class is satisfied...83% rate Congress as unsatisfactory.

Now, who caused the economic meltdown? Well, it wasn't you, or me, or the black guy down the street, or the nice gay couple, or the NRA member, or the stinky hippie, or the retired couple, or Lenny, or ezra, or anyone else in the middle class. It was the government deregulating the banking industry which allowed the banks to trade mortgages like commodities, all backed with your tax money (Freddie/Fannie). And when it blew up, the middle class paid for the bailouts, and Wall Street is back to making money while we are still stuck.

And holding the government and the markets accountable is a very common theme between the two movements.

From the Tea party website.. 9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics - American politics is burdened by big money from lobbyists and special interests with an undue influence on the peoples’ representatives.
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New member
The OWS crowd must have read the same bumper sticker I recently saw. It read "How to Pi-s off a Liberal? Get rich & be happy" :)


Well-known member
OWS still have no traction & media has stopped reporting. Next summer will be interesting with elections around the corner.

On a similar front rock throwing & riots in Greece are ridiculous their current rate of debt is unsustainable similar to our auto industry when they wanted bailouts with no sustainable plan for change. Young Greeks who say they have no future are not willing to try & help themselves & are just complaining about current events & accepting their environment as hopeless. We all survived 2 world wars & things got better each time. We have to make the effort to lessen USA debt & move forward. Progress takes time & we seem to all think this mess can be cleaned up quickly which is not reality. Things are getting better we just need to be more conservative regarding government spending & start paying down the national debt & not create more debt that can not be sustained. Painful for most but very doable when we finally commit to action to do what must be done. The Tea Party so far seems ready to try & reduce debt via their performance. Republicans somewhat ready to reduce debt but the Democrats just don't get it as always for big government & increased taxes to support their programs.


Well-known member
[Do you agree that those are the issues, and that they apply to both left and right? The things that affect our lives today are not guns, gays, and God. It is the economy. If you agree, then we are on common ground, and it is an issue of class.

We'll have to agree to disagree.
Class is a result of choices, there are examples everywhere of rich going to poor and vice/versa.
The economy is partially a result of the collapse of the housing market caused from bundling but the banks were also threatened into lending money to those who couldn't repay it. Was it GB's fault? He spoke to congress something like 13 times saying fanny mae had to be reigned in. There are many videos of maxine, barney and others defending FM and saying how good of shape it was in. There was legislation recently doubling down on these same policies!
Personally I believe that our situation is a result of the lack of morality and values held by religion. compare the legislation promoting gays, abortion and such to that regarding religion and the way they twisted the separation of church and state from not forcing one religion on us to taking God out of everything they can.
The attempt to restrict/confiscate guns is evident in the fast and furious scandle, that is an important issue of the day to me. If they were to succeed then how would I defend myself from them when they try to confiscate anything they want?
You may be looking at a different group of OWS supporters than I am. The ones I see want all debts eliminated, free college, retirement.... as I listed before. The list that you gave may be the official stance but I think that they are nothing but pawns being manipulated and paid for while the TEA group is nothing official but a common belief and desire for action.
To me the left has always opposed what is "right"


New member
DC....you have a pretty good handle on this issue. Frankly as long as anyone who can walk and talk can vote, I see no end to this problem. Honestly, when you see how dumb main street is, and the people who elect our representatives, it scares me to the core.

We make issues like this, work for us....and twist the results around to make them OUR issues, Republican issues and Democratic issues.

Yet how do we vote? We vote for that guy because is wife is cute....or he said ONE THING that we agree with so we vote for him. Never mind that he is taking money from fat corporations, or crooks that want their own issues to be sided by a politician that can be bought with campaign contributions.

Most feel that Washington is awash with crooks....and I would not want to put up an argument against that one...

And if there are some that are "not for sale"....they get lost in oblivion! It is a double edged sword...you either take money and be beholding to someone, or you die at the end of your first term.

More later!!!


In society, we have developed terms and wording to describe anything and everything. We have libs and cons, left, right, rep and dems. These are all built on a worldview each individual holds dear to their hearts. What we think dictates what we say and do. I see all this going back to our core as a person and we can draw some general conclusions which most are evident with little effort. The religious will generally have conservative views. Even though most Americans will describe themselves as "believers" because they are dedicated to the faith or they attended church on Christmas and Easter, big difference. Wherever we fall in this spectrum concernng our worldviews is the single most factor on our social positions. For example, you will rarely find a person who is not religious that is pro life, generally speaking. I am sure that person exists but to support an idea in general that reflects the population, a "non-believer" generally is pro choice. A believer often sees God as the author and finisher of life but keep in mind my statement as how we define believer, are we committed to faith in God or do we socially visit a church on holidays (very important factor in my position.) So again, what we believe dictates what we say and do. This brings me to the more important aspect of my post. People who govern are expected to differentiate between faith and representing the masses, correct? The masses function day to day on their world view without compromising (so to speak, not implying governing people are compromising personally.) If our world view dictates our actions and our actions come from the core of our beliefs, weather believer or non-believer, would it be appropriate to term this concept I am offering you as the word "morality" ? I am under the premise that our decay of morality is the fall of our nation and that is a bit different than the average persons observation. I mean think about it, I subscribe to the fallen man as sinner who is in desperate need of a savior (Christ Jesus.) I submit to Gods ways as described in the Scriptures and I'll be the first to admit that in General, the masses are leaning away from this truth. I admit that people like myself are looked at as loons but I point all this out to offer up a insight that may expand one's understanding. So, we all fall into the spectrum in the social arena but all posses a worldview that is in conflict with our neighbors worldview. Learning to function in a responsible manner is difficult to achieve. Many of us never make it and we fight to the death, we treat eachother with content.

As long as we, as a people, are divided in our worldview, (and would you agree that religion has lost it's place in the social setting) our divide will increase. Left to our own devises, we are crumbling to our own demise. Right now we are in emergency mode and evidence of that is tolerance and political correctness. We cannot come back because we have drifted away from a standard of truth. We invent new definitions and merly tolerate each other but with a ugly disgust in our hearts. When we see other countries fighting for freedoms we applaud but neglect our own freedoms and embrace every kind of wicked action. I am not a doomsday type of guy but heed my warning, it's just begun.

You blame someone, just as you hound Ezra not to do. You say it's a class problem, I say it's a morality problem. As Jonesin says "we are pissed off". What do we do with our "pissed off" mentality? Do we contribute to the divide or do we allow ourselves to be heard? What does our worldview tell us to do? My personal suggestion to all reading this thread is to, if you are not already doing it, consider faith as a means to developing a healthy worldview. I don't go to church because all that are around me are a total waste, worse off than our gov. Open the Scriptures and see if truth jumps out at you. Treat you neighbor with respect and communicate wisely.

I came home at lunch today and started this post. I never finished it and went back to work. When I came back I clicked the auto-save tab and wow, it was still here. I see Jonesin hit the head on the nail and I totally agree with this guy, AMEN bro! You beat me to it bud!

dcsnomo, I can understand how you attribute your observations to a class issue but I totally disagree. The classes fall into the spectrum of worldviews and act accordingly. Sure, the melt down affects who you say it effects. Answer me this bud, When the guy or gale goes to the bank and asks for a loan, does he not know what is best for himself. Does he not have the fundamental sense to balance his check book and look into the future to see what is questionable or risky? We all want, want, want. Do we all need, need, need? I can understand how the lenders were out of line to provide money when in turn the borrower was at high risk. Borrowing regulations are out of line and have trumped the common sense of the common man. At what point will we stop borrowing and live within our means. People here in da UP are a great example of people living within their means. You may see many vehicles rusted out and homes in dis-repair but most own what they have and are much less affected by the crisis than the population in the larger towns. Let this observation indicate something to us all. The reliance on consistent cash is not as bad up here as many places. Most here do not live month to month. I am looking out the window as I type and looking at my neighbor's home. This guys house has a new metal roof on one side that I installed for him. He didn't have enough money to do the whole roof so we did the side that was in worst condition. He is saving for the other side, roughly $1100 and will complete it next summer. I came from the big towns and still live like it so I'm in trouble, to some degree but most around me are not. When we spill the coffee on our laps and burn ourselves do we blame the Mickey D's or do we say we made a mistake and clean up the mess OURSELVES. I do not buy into the blame game. I made my decisions based on my wants rather than my needs and over extended myself, can't believe they did that to me!
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Great points, all of them, I appreciate the time it took to write. I have one more post and then I'm done, so here it goes. You are indeed correct about morality, greed, over borrowing. Whatever the reason I cannot fault the underlying cause. Here's what irks me:

Great Depression 1929- Many reasons why, but basically easy money, little regulation of banks, speculation, greed, failure. Middle class/poor class gets decimated.
1933- Glass Steagall act passes (among others), it regulates banks, separates investment banks from deposit banks, limits speculation
1933-1999 Economy has ups and downs, generally grows, no meltdowns
1999- Glass Steagall is rescinded, eliminating barriers between investment banks and deposit banks, and igniting a market of new sophisticated financial instruments like mortgage backed securities and credit default swaps
1999-2007 Housing bubble forms based on greed, lack of morality, stupidity, whatever, but it is fueled by the cheap money. Speculation in housing and CDS runs rampant
2007-Housing bubble bursts
2008- Financial markets melt down, driving up unemployment and wiping out trillions of dollars in savings, home values, and retirement income. Middle class/poor class gets screwed again.

OK, now I will beat you to your point before you get there!:) Yes, the middle class participated in the bubble, got greedy, made the money, took the hit. Live by the sword, die by the sword. I got it. Morality, greed, you are correct.

But here's my question. If we are too immoral and greedy to protect ourselves, and the government had regulations in effect for 66 years to protect us from ourselves, and they worked well, why were they rescinded? Why? For what purpose?

Why did our government undo the regulations implemented in the 1930's to prevent us from going into another depression, which, ultimately drove us into another depression? Why, Whom did it benefit?

Why did the government have to deregulate a financial system that provided the greatest economic growth in the nation's history over the 6 decades that followed the Great Depression?

Why? Because large investment banks were losing market share, and they successfully lobbied the government to do this.

And there's your immorality, and your greed. And I'm pissed. The government creates the meltdown by deregulating an industry that had melted down 50 years earlier. And it melted down again for the same reasons.

And I'm done. Spent...brain tired!

See ya everybody! This was fun, made a lot of us think, kept me very busy on a cold, windy day with no check-ins. I'm sure you guys will continue for a while, but I've got 23 check-ins tomorrow, and I gotta watch the Packers slay the Viqueen Sunday with some friends.
Thank you for all your time, and your thoughts!
Vroom Vroom!
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I'll be the first to admit I do not know how to fix this. I suppose things will even out on their own to some degree but each individual needs to examine themselves and consider taking control of their own finances, that is a start. Bridging the divide will be hard because of greed and pride but when those of us on this site respond to each other with respect and civility we combat the expansion of the divide within our own little community,,,thanks John for allowing this thread to continue. So far I have learned much from many hear and that is valuable.


Well-known member
1999-2007 Housing bubble forms based on greed, lack of morality, stupidity, whatever, but it is fueled by the cheap money. Speculation in housing and CDS runs rampant
2007-Housing bubble bursts
2008- Financial markets melt down, driving up unemployment and wiping out trillions of dollars in savings, home values, and retirement income. Middle class/poor class gets screwed again.

well the main reason for the housing bubble was the federal gov backing fanny and Freddie guaranteeing the loans{trying to calm the community organisers cries of Racial inequality in lending]
I know people who did not have jobs for yrs that got home loans. with in 3 payments the loan was sold to B.O.A. or fanny or country wide.this was a direct result of fed regulation brought to you buy Barney Frank and Chris Dodd with Advice from Angelo kinda a pay back.
all I know is this country is in for a rude awakening. I hope you all have your crap in order with some hard assets a place you own in full seed and a well. the smart ones will be clinging to our guns and Religion


Well-known member
I see Jonesin hit the head on the nail

lol, that explains why my head hurts, i thought it was from a lack of sleep!