Paulding Light



I got a great idea, lets plan a summer outing. JULY 23rd. Sound good? I bet we could get a few people by than. I bet Nash would be up for that by than.


I know am all over the place on a date to work this out. Knowing that, the Runningbears are gonna have a thread in the "event" section called the "Paulding Experiment"

Were back to the 9th of April, I think


Active member
Bear says we need something for communicating....cell phones are not good here and a telescope...what else should we round up for this experiment?


I may know someone with communicators. I did look for the spot light colored covers but no luck, it's not a necessity. Mr Freeze said he cannot find his spotlight so we still need a spot light


Active member
Wow, I just looked east from my deck here in Duluth, MN....I swear that I can see the Pauling Light from here!

um FRNASH i hate to tell you this but there are LEYLINES that you call psuedoscientists and UFO hunters what not.AND there are real LEYLINES of a MAGNETIC GRID of the EARTHS MAGNETIC FIELD.i hate to tell you this but most people confuse the 2.and DOWSING can find the magnetic leylines but not with a freakin stick dude. the stick thing was like ANCIENT TIMES, hello, we have instruments that can now measure this crap, and IT IS TRUE. PLATO discovered it like 2500 years ago

The grids meet at various intersecting points forming a grid or matrix. This is equivalent to the acupressure points on our bodies. These grid points can be found at some of the strongest power places on the planet.

Plato, the Greek philosopher, who lived approximately 427-347 BC recognized the patterns of the grids. He devised a theory regarding his belief that the earth's basic structure evolved from a simple geometric shape to more complex geometric shapes. These shapes became known as the platonic solids. They are: cube (4), tetrahedron (3), octahedron (8), dodecahedron (12), icosahedron(20).

i will post a vid and a link of THE REAL LEYLINES i speak of. they are very real and future spacecraft just might use them for super highways soon. thats what the LHC SUPER COLLIDER is going to figure out. meanwhile the PAULDING LIGHT will shine RED as it always has because of the OXYGEN in the air at where you are viewing the AURORA up dare in PAULDING don't ya know LENNO (oops FRNASH said that sorry there). lol, some fun dough it is am gonna be

sorry lenny i meant FRNASH
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BTW. just an FYI. the people you call UFO people and what not. they might be right and you might be wrong just as the poeple who stood on the beach and yelled a columbus that the world was flat and he should come back lest he fall off of it. which group do you want to be associated with in the future? better have an open mind that for sure cause evidence is mounting and swinging their way i'm afraid

heres the view from space of the AURORA going along the ley lines

sorry lenny i meant FRNASH and the doubdting thomases
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I must give an A+ for your efforts and and F- for your conclusion on these particular lights. We will gather the data and post it for you to read, than you will have the truth. It's easy to sit far away and speculate. I have observed the lights now on multiple occasions and have tested theories and predicted the conclusion and guess what, they line up. it's science at it's best. Your info is interesting, thanks for it!
I must give an A+ for your efforts and and F- for your conclusion on these particular lights. We will gather the data and post it for you to read, than you will have the truth. It's easy to sit far away and speculate. I have observed the lights now on multiple occasions and have tested theories and predicted the conclusion and guess what, they line up. it's science at it's best. Your info is interesting, thanks for it!

well that would be all good EXCEPT. I am coming up riding sleds on THURs

i have seen the lights muliple times dude, i go to UP all the time

and did you ever think that YOUR LIGHT test and the AURORA lights both can be seen on that line? you mean to tell me that when your not doing the light test yourself it never lights up? i got a better test. get a walkie talkie and post someone at either end and radio when a car is going down and you see the light at your end otay. then. radio north end that you see a red light now and ask if there is a car currently going up the road. do that in reverse and multiple times and you'll discover that the car or truck light thing has a few LARGE HOLES IN IT. not to mention some of the cars wont have green lights but you will report that you currently see green. you guiys have heard of EXPERIMENTATION up there right? well its certainly not done by drinkin beer and shinin' hunting lights down a road out back tha cabin dude and declaring



Active member
EXPERIMENTATION wow that was your back ....Professor PC....I tend to lean strongly (lean strongly...just sayin for lennys sake.. don't want him to quit again :) ) towards the Leylines theory...seems to kinda explains different things to me about the compass and batteries issues we have...could these Leylines effect this


New member
Lenny count me in on this one, let me know when you are going to be there and I will join you. I have a set of two way radio's that should work for this, I am with you on this one. I have sat there with a spotting scope and been able to spot two or three red tail lights and two headlights. One time seeing a south bound with high beams on and then get dimmer, a moment later seen two dim red lights and then the person stepped on the breaks and saw three bright red lights. The one thing that gave it away for me was when I was up there with my mom for the first time in years and a south bound car had HID headlights, bright enough to light up the trees around us and light enough in the pitch darkness to read a paper by. BTW when I was watching this go on with the high beams and break lights the person I was with said they could only see one light, white or red but they did seem to get dimmer and brighter.


well that would be all good EXCEPT. I am coming up riding sleds on THURs

i have seen the lights muliple times dude, i go to UP all the time

and did you ever think that YOUR LIGHT test and the AURORA lights both can be seen on that line? you mean to tell me that when your not doing the light test yourself it never lights up? i got a better test. get a walkie talkie and post someone at either end and radio when a car is going down and you see the light at your end otay. then. radio north end that you see a red light now and ask if there is a car currently going up the road. do that in reverse and multiple times and you'll discover that the car or truck light thing has a few LARGE HOLES IN IT. not to mention some of the cars wont have green lights but you will report that you currently see green. you guiys have heard of EXPERIMENTATION up there right? well its certainly not done by drinkin beer and shinin' hunting lights down a road out back tha cabin dude and declaring


oh come on now pc, give us a bit more credit than that. Have you not read the prior posts. We plan on communicating back and forth from both ends. Again, there are NO GREEN LIGHTS. Okay? so dump that right now. You wanna be part of the test or not, come on up


Hey professor

I am quoting you

"well that would be all good EXCEPT. I am coming up riding sleds on THURs"

Are you bringing your own snow? Are you sure you can be part of a scientific experiment with a statement like that, rofl, no offense, just an observation :eek:


Lenny count me in on this one, let me know when you are going to be there and I will join you. I have a set of two way radio's that should work for this, I am with you on this one. I have sat there with a spotting scope and been able to spot two or three red tail lights and two headlights. One time seeing a south bound with high beams on and then get dimmer, a moment later seen two dim red lights and then the person stepped on the breaks and saw three bright red lights. The one thing that gave it away for me was when I was up there with my mom for the first time in years and a south bound car had HID headlights, bright enough to light up the trees around us and light enough in the pitch darkness to read a paper by. BTW when I was watching this go on with the high beams and break lights the person I was with said they could only see one light, white or red but they did seem to get dimmer and brighter.

Awsome dude. That is great, I am still working on the lights and sure I will locate them by than.
EXPERIMENTATION wow that was your back ....Professor PC....I tend to lean strongly (lean strongly...just sayin for lennys sake.. don't want him to quit again :) ) towards the Leylines theory...seems to kinda explains different things to me about the compass and batteries issues we have...could these Leylines effect this

you betcha....the MAD BOOM on the NIMROD discovered the leylines by accident because the compass wasn't working....all the places on earth where a compass does not work are where PURPLE or RED are right next to BLUE.....well guess what....low and behold its crazy colors in THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE....THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS (granite ya know )..... the APPALATIANS....THE GREAT LAKES and BOUNDARY WATERS area and usually leylines go smack dap down the middle of those sections...the earths magnetic core drives all this....and it moves too

interesting to say the least and surely not caused by headlights all the mind er up...come on.....we know ya can do'll be fun fer sure, hope i can be there

as for snow.....sssshhhhhhhhh...ask SKYLAR for confirmation....oops


Active member
Update: I now can see the Paulding Light from my deck (in Duluth, MN) in the middle of the afternoon. Amazing.


Active member
i have seen the lights muliple times dude, i go to UP all the time

i got a better test. get a walkie talkie and post someone at either end and radio when a car is going down and you see the light at your end otay. then. radio north end that you see a red light now and ask if there is a car currently going up the road. do that in reverse and multiple times and you'll discover that the car or truck light thing has a few LARGE HOLES IN IT. not to mention some of the cars wont have green lights but you will report that you currently see green.

Sooooo you have done the walkie talkie communication? Did you have someone at johnson lake rd the "sweet spot" so they call it. And I'm hoping for the LARGE HOLES like you say...will it be easy to tell....will Lenny believe it. ;) We could use some set up help. I also was reading the guest books (lots of light stories) and the green lights have been mentioned.
Sooooo you have done the walkie talkie communication? Did you have someone at johnson lake rd the "sweet spot" so they call it. And I'm hoping for the LARGE HOLES like you say...will it be easy to tell....will Lenny believe it. ;) We could use some set up help. I also was reading the guest books (lots of light stories) and the green lights have been mentioned.

if you look up the colors all have listed since 1800's its all of the colors that appear in the aurora too. it depends on what molecules are the most in the area at the time....example might be like purple after planting or during....because of high nitrogen content which is purple....jetstream of clean air from rockies would cause blue because of increase in oxygen and so on....white fog lights from pickup trucks are caused from a 12 pack per/person of LITTLE KINGS CREAM ALE dont ya know....theyre stronger alky content