I got a great idea, lets plan a summer outing. JULY 23rd. Sound good? I bet we could get a few people by than. I bet Nash would be up for that by than.
I must give an A+ for your efforts and and F- for your conclusion on these particular lights. We will gather the data and post it for you to read, than you will have the truth. It's easy to sit far away and speculate. I have observed the lights now on multiple occasions and have tested theories and predicted the conclusion and guess what, they line up. it's science at it's best. Your info is interesting, thanks for it!
well that would be all good EXCEPT. I am coming up riding sleds on THURs
i have seen the lights muliple times dude, i go to UP all the time
and did you ever think that YOUR LIGHT test and the AURORA lights both can be seen on that line? you mean to tell me that when your not doing the light test yourself it never lights up? i got a better test. get a walkie talkie and post someone at either end and radio when a car is going down and you see the light at your end otay. then. radio north end that you see a red light now and ask if there is a car currently going up the road. do that in reverse and multiple times and you'll discover that the car or truck light thing has a few LARGE HOLES IN IT. not to mention some of the cars wont have green lights but you will report that you currently see green. you guiys have heard of EXPERIMENTATION up there right? well its certainly not done by drinkin beer and shinin' hunting lights down a road out back tha cabin dude and declaring
Lenny count me in on this one, let me know when you are going to be there and I will join you. I have a set of two way radio's that should work for this, I am with you on this one. I have sat there with a spotting scope and been able to spot two or three red tail lights and two headlights. One time seeing a south bound with high beams on and then get dimmer, a moment later seen two dim red lights and then the person stepped on the breaks and saw three bright red lights. The one thing that gave it away for me was when I was up there with my mom for the first time in years and a south bound car had HID headlights, bright enough to light up the trees around us and light enough in the pitch darkness to read a paper by. BTW when I was watching this go on with the high beams and break lights the person I was with said they could only see one light, white or red but they did seem to get dimmer and brighter.
EXPERIMENTATION wow that was loud...lol......glad your back ....Professor PC....I tend to lean strongly (lean strongly...just sayin for lennys sake.. don't want him to quit again) towards the Leylines theory...seems to kinda explains different things to me about Paulding...like the compass and batteries issues we have...could these Leylines effect this
i have seen the lights muliple times dude, i go to UP all the time
i got a better test. get a walkie talkie and post someone at either end and radio when a car is going down and you see the light at your end otay. then. radio north end that you see a red light now and ask if there is a car currently going up the road. do that in reverse and multiple times and you'll discover that the car or truck light thing has a few LARGE HOLES IN IT. not to mention some of the cars wont have green lights but you will report that you currently see green.
Sooooo you have done the walkie talkie communication? Did you have someone at johnson lake rd the "sweet spot" so they call it. And I'm hoping for the LARGE HOLES like you say...will it be easy to tell....will Lenny believe it.We could use some set up help. I also was reading the guest books (lots of light stories) and the green lights have been mentioned.