Paulding Light



if i may....i've been lurking and watching and did not want to ruin the fun. but i believe that what i'm about to say might not sway some of you anyways. so here goes. if you don't want find out then by-pass this

car ligts is a good one i must admit and it probably does show up, but that is not the real cause i'm afraid. MRSRUNNINGBEAR will certainly like this

so thousands of years ago in the time of indians it was discovered ( we don't know how ancient people acheived this but they did) they some how found one of the earths magnetic LEYLINES

many culture have achieved this includeing the NAZCA and STONEHENGE cultures

and over a period of 10,000 years the indians have made many trails on those very lines of the earth. they are called the MAGNETIC LEYLINES OF EARTHS FIELD's_magnetic_field

and they did this for magical and ceremonial puposes, not to mention they thought that the trail would take you into the sky to be with their ancestors. so the trail had to be straight as an arrow to the horizon. it would take you litterally into the AURORA BOREALIS as we now know it but they thought it was to god. because as we all know they believed earth, wind, fire, you know. so at the end of the trail ( very similar to our end of the rainbow story)
it would light up different colors in the night sky because god was pleased with them. and as well all know most roads in the US are almost all old indian trails. US45, US41, US30 and so on and so on. and they were well worn for milenium. so we come along right. wheres the best place to build a road and or RAILROAD TRACKS? why on a perfectly good, already cleared trail. save time and money ya know. so that railroad was built EXACTLTY on that trail which by coincidence is PERFECTLY mathematically on a LEYLINE. thats where a mystery begins. so how does the colors come into all this PROFESSOR? well you see the AURORA

produces all the colors you all have seen even white ones, They are ionized or excited by the collision of solar wind particles being funneled down and accelerated along the Earth's magnetic field lines; excitation energy is lost by the emission of a photon of light, or by collision with another atom or molecule:

oxygen emissions

Green or brownish-red, depending on the amount of energy absorbed.
nitrogen emissions

Blue or red.

Blue if the atom regains an electron after it has been ionized. Red if returning to ground state from an excited state.

Oxygen is unusual in terms of its return to ground state: it can take three quarters of a second to emit green light and up to two minutes to emit red.

other colors times can vary between those times and also LENNYS FOG LAMPS. sorry LENNY. its been a good run eh? it is very rare and its also mystical that the ancient people could of figured out the PRECISE alignment of the 2 but they certainly did. more so than we can today with GPS. that is amazing for sure. its part of the NAZCA mystery, the PYRAMIDS and all those others as well. i would say MRSRUNNINGBEAR is the winner and ceratinly closer to what it is than LENNY as she has not given up and kept digging questions out as the car light thing just wasn't cutting it to a tee. so what you really see it the colors of atoms (RED IS LONG LIKE A TRAIN BRAKE LIGHT) zooming down a LEYLINE from the NORTHPOLE along a magnetic filed line on the earth. OH YA, and LENNYS FOG LIGHTS when he's had a few and some commuters. back then there wasn't FOG LIGHTS so they did what LENNY is doing. a train was the method of conveyance and now a car is. each century could have a different method and light. but what MRSRUNNINGBEAR and me included have (and LENNY i suspect as well) seen that is mystical and cannot be explained away easily as a car light is the longer refraction of the differnt colors. WHEW. thats some one finger typing ya know. well i hope this helps and does not ruin a good night of binge drinking. either way when you see the different colored ones you now will know its from SOLAR WIND and a CME from the sun and frankly thats still cool as he!! in my book. ENJOY.

wow, that was,,,,,, ummmmm,,,,,, that was,,,,,, ahhhhhh,,,,,,something
and only 17 grammer errors


Active member
WOW I missed a lot... so Lennys back in…good :) and I communicate real good….thought you knew that by now…lol and lunch looks like its gonna taste real good…cause your cooking :p..…lol…and we’ve established US 45’s date 1953 and sounds like the sweet spot is my house or my sisters we line right up with all the measurements….sweet….;)…….have a book to buy in mid summer….and I should’ve warned you about the movie…bad acting for sure, personally know the narrator…really do how’s that!…the headless horseman and big foot got involved the more the merrier….and then for the best part….. I like you Professor PC..;)… that makes sense!!!!!


hey, my buddy Matt owns the old town hall in Mass and last time I was in there I was up in the light room. If I remember correctly, he had a box of old spot light colored lenses. I'll run over there tomorrow and see if there still there.

So far it's the Bears and lenny's fam involved. Come on people, sign up for the experiment. To all who participate, I will give a free guided snowmobile tour (in Paulding he he :p), seriously around Greenland. Just think you can learn to ride like this in the beautiful terrain.


New member
I would so join you guys if I didn't have a job, a husband, 2 small kids, and live 6 hours away. I like Professor's answer so far. Not b/c it's 'not headlights'... but b/c it makes sense in an odd way. I'm not too keen on the ghost story thing. I kind of think the ghost story came along way back when b/c no one had any other explanation for it. And the myth just kept going. And his explanation has science to back it up. I think I said 4 pages ago that I was a science girl. Verrrry interesting. I still think you all should have fun and do some experiments and report back. Heck, I've had fun just following and partaking in the thread. Actual 'research' would be even better.


Active member
I'm still readin' and digestin' der perfesser's post. Wow, what a mout'ful! Not to mention interesting.

Pytavey, not that there is any necessary correlation, but back in the early to mid 1950s, we yoosta see some really bodacious displays of Northern Lights at the family farm, a coupla tree miles nort' o' "Ruces Rossing". I haven't seen Northern Lights like dat in several decades!

And fireflies, hordes of 'em back then. I haven't seen nary a one of them in several decades, either.


Active member
Done readin' and digestin' der perfesser's post.

Ley lines?
"… alleged alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, that are thought by certain adherents to dowsing and New Age beliefs to have spiritual power? Ascribing such characteristics to ley lines has led to the term being classified as pseudoscience."

Pseudoscience — now that is an apt description! (a.k.a. Balderdash!) Never mind I have also witnessed dowsing for groundwater demonstrated with apparent success on da farm in "Ruces Rossing". (Okay, I don't have a scientific explanation for that either! :) )

Nazca Lines?
"… a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert of Peru."

Many of the structures of Machu Picchu are likewise aligned along straight lines between various mountain tops. And there are similar constructs in various other places, like the Blythe Intaglios in southern California, along US-95 west of the Colorado River. So what?

Aurora Borealis?
In the case of Peru, that was more likely the Aurora Australis, the southern hemisphere variant.

Der perfesser said:
that railroad was built EXACTLTY [sic] on that trail which by coincidence is PERFECTLY mathematically on a LEYLINE."
That looks like an assertion to me, I see no scientific proof of that assertion!

Sorry, but that looks like a quantum leap from pseudoscience (Ley lines) to science (The Earth's magnetic field). I didn't see any mention of "Ley lines" in the Wikipedia article on the Earth's magnetic field. Is there a scientifically founded connection that I missed? (It is getting late.)

And finally, I read in Der perfesser's post, some interesting discussion of oxygen and nitrogen emission spectra, from the Wikipedia article. Fine, as far as that goes.

Then der perfesser said:
"its also mystical that the ancient people could of [sic] figured out the PRECISE alignment of the 2 but they certainly did."
Sorry, I musta missed sumptin' again: Alignment of the 2 what? Mystical indeed, scientific — not!

And finally sayeth der perfesser:
"what you really see it the colors of atoms zooming down a LEYLINE from the NORTHPOLE [sic] along a magnetic filed [sic] line on the earth [sic]."

There's that unsupported quantum leap from pseudoscience (Ley lines) to science (the Earth's magnetic field) again.

So that is the "scientifical 'splanation" of the phenomena? Sorry, I ain't buyin' it! :)

(And as to lenny's "only 17 grammer [sic] errors", I'm gettin' too tired to address "gramma tickle" and spellin' errors, 'tho there are several of each in there! :))

As John would say "Good night from the Keweenaw." er… "Good mornin' from da desert!"
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New member
Has anyone else seen any strange light occurrences in the Western UP other than the Paulding area? We have! My wife and I and 2 buddies did one night just outside of the Bergland area back in the early 90's. I don't remember exactly which trail it was, but maybe 102 or the old 13 that was rerouted from the current 13 between Bergland and the Rockland area, but I know it wasn't near the Paulding area. When at the time it happened, I remember thinking that we were about 60 miles North of Watersmeet. That was when one of the resort owners in the Bergland area had been telling us about the strange lights coming down the trail in the Watersmeet area, and that you guys should go see them. Well none of us believed him and we just blew it off, well the next night we were out late and stopped on the side of the trail because we had caught up to the groomer (20+ years ago and were letting the ribbon freeze up) talking about how dark it was etc and my wife says she had to go to bathroom, well just go right here I said it's dark enough. It was one of those nights when you can't see your hand in front of your face. She then walked maybe 20-30' away and went, then while getting her bibs up and jacket on she says what are these lights? Just then I thought static electricity from putting her clothes back on and I walked over to look and there were half dollar sized lights on her chest area in white and dim red colors. I was shocked and called my 2 buddies over to look at them, and one in a scarred voice said let's get out of here and we all took off. There were about 4-6 lights on her not moving, and I was in front of her and it wasn't being blocked by me as if it was coming from the groomer lights which by then was actually out of sight even the lights from it. I still remember it like it was last weekend because it was unexplained and thought it might be something related to the Paulding light issue, but then again we were about 60 miles from that area. Another magnetic field or what? I have always wanted to go to Paulding area to see the lights and see if it was similar to what we had experienced, but the last time we went thought the Paulding area it was -20 and we didn't want to stop and look even if there was flashing red/blue lights behind us. I have seen the videos of the Paulding and it's not the same, but every time this tread is brought up I think of the lights we had seen and wonder if there related or if anyone else has seen anything like that in the surrounding area or anywhere?


New member
Ive got it it is still Big Foot and he's got one of those old Christmas Wheel lights for the old aluminium trees and it got stuck on the amber light :rolleyes: He'd like some help on it but is too shy to come out of the woods :eek: lol ya'll have a great day and a great TGIF as well and as Debbie Boone sang (((YUCK)))) you all light up my life !!!!! THINK SNOW:D


Active member
… just outside of the Bergland area … I don't remember exactly which trail it was, but maybe 102 or the old 13 that was rerouted from the current 13 between Bergland and the Rockland area … I remember thinking that we were about 60 miles North of Watersmeet.
I'm having difficulty getting a picture of that (of course I'm not that familiar with the snowmobile trails).
… just outside of the Bergland area …
… between Bergland and the Rockland area …
… about 60 miles North of Watersmeet.

It's about 21-22 miles straight line distance from Bergland to Rockland, and I'd say Rockland is quite a bit more than "just outside of the Bergland area". Heck, I wouldn't even consider Bruce Crossing, Ewen or hardly even Matchwood to be "just outside of the Bergland area".

On the other hand, 60 road miles North of Watersmeet, would put you between Donken and Toivola, only 14-18 road miles from the Houghton/Hancock bridge! Or 60 miles (straight line distance) north of Watersmeet would put you somewhere around Trimountain, only about 6 miles (straight line distance) from the Houghton/Hancock bridge!

Quite an ambiguous location.

… there were half dollar sized lights on her chest area in white and dim red colors. There were about 4-6 lights on her not moving … but then again we were about 60 miles from that area. … wonder if there [sic] related or if anyone else has seen anything like that in the surrounding area or anywhere?

That sure doesn't sound anything remotely like the Paulding Light phenomena.

What did the lights look like, some physical objects attached to the clothing? Some non-physical, dimensionless luminescence? What finally happened to the lights? Fell off (physical objects)? Faded away (luminescent spots)?

Fireflies? Flying about, surely. Unless it is extremely dark (of course it was, eh?), one should be able to identify fireflies as insects, even if the only illumination was their own light. Certainly not half dollar sized, except perhaps for the area one might illuminate on ones clothing in pitch darkness. But attached to the clothing? Very unlikely. The chemically-produced light from the lower abdomen may be yellow, green, or pale red — wavelengths from 510 to 670 nanometers.
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Active member
Very interesting about the leylines and the magnetic field. Thought about it all for thought....we have issues with batteries all the time, in the truck, smoke detectors, flashlights, watches, ect. Some batteries will only last a month and should be lasting 6mo…what’s with that???. I’ve bought Bear 3 different compasses and none of them work over here in certin areas ??? Interesting….


Nic, that's why you bring the entire family, I am! Come on, 6 hrs ain't bad. You come up and I'll pay for your family's cabin, just bring a little food. Fuel would be your only cost, alright? Great! see ya than!!!

Cat Woman

New member
SOOO stoked you guys are going to do the experiment! Can't wait to hear what your findings are even though yes, I think no matter what the outcome there will always be people who don't believe it. What was the final decision for a date 9/10 or 16/17?


New member
if i may....i've been lurking and watching and did not want to ruin the fun. but i believe that what i'm about to say might not sway some of you anyways. so here goes. if you don't want find out then by-pass this

car ligts is a good one i must admit and it probably does show up, but that is not the real cause i'm afraid. MRSRUNNINGBEAR will certainly like this

so thousands of years ago in the time of indians it was discovered ( we don't know how ancient people acheived this but they did) they some how found one of the earths magnetic LEYLINES

many culture have achieved this includeing the NAZCA and STONEHENGE cultures

and over a period of 10,000 years the indians have made many trails on those very lines of the earth. they are called the MAGNETIC LEYLINES OF EARTHS FIELD's_magnetic_field

and they did this for magical and ceremonial puposes, not to mention they thought that the trail would take you into the sky to be with their ancestors. so the trail had to be straight as an arrow to the horizon. it would take you litterally into the AURORA BOREALIS as we now know it but they thought it was to god. because as we all know they believed earth, wind, fire, you know. so at the end of the trail ( very similar to our end of the rainbow story)
it would light up different colors in the night sky because god was pleased with them. and as well all know most roads in the US are almost all old indian trails. US45, US41, US30 and so on and so on. and they were well worn for milenium. so we come along right. wheres the best place to build a road and or RAILROAD TRACKS? why on a perfectly good, already cleared trail. save time and money ya know. so that railroad was built EXACTLTY on that trail which by coincidence is PERFECTLY mathematically on a LEYLINE. thats where a mystery begins. so how does the colors come into all this PROFESSOR? well you see the AURORA

produces all the colors you all have seen even white ones, They are ionized or excited by the collision of solar wind particles being funneled down and accelerated along the Earth's magnetic field lines; excitation energy is lost by the emission of a photon of light, or by collision with another atom or molecule:

oxygen emissions

Green or brownish-red, depending on the amount of energy absorbed.
nitrogen emissions

Blue or red.

Blue if the atom regains an electron after it has been ionized. Red if returning to ground state from an excited state.

Oxygen is unusual in terms of its return to ground state: it can take three quarters of a second to emit green light and up to two minutes to emit red.

other colors times can vary between those times and also LENNYS FOG LAMPS. sorry LENNY. its been a good run eh? it is very rare and its also mystical that the ancient people could of figured out the PRECISE alignment of the 2 but they certainly did. more so than we can today with GPS. that is amazing for sure. its part of the NAZCA mystery, the PYRAMIDS and all those others as well. i would say MRSRUNNINGBEAR is the winner and ceratinly closer to what it is than LENNY as she has not given up and kept digging questions out as the car light thing just wasn't cutting it to a tee. so what you really see it the colors of atoms (RED IS LONG LIKE A TRAIN BRAKE LIGHT) zooming down a LEYLINE from the NORTHPOLE along a magnetic filed line on the earth. OH YA, and LENNYS FOG LIGHTS when he's had a few and some commuters. back then there wasn't FOG LIGHTS so they did what LENNY is doing. a train was the method of conveyance and now a car is. each century could have a different method and light. but what MRSRUNNINGBEAR and me included have (and LENNY i suspect as well) seen that is mystical and cannot be explained away easily as a car light is the longer refraction of the differnt colors. WHEW. thats some one finger typing ya know. well i hope this helps and does not ruin a good night of binge drinking. either way when you see the different colored ones you now will know its from SOLAR WIND and a CME from the sun and frankly thats still cool as he!! in my book. ENJOY.

I think the headlight theory is much easier to swallow. I at first thought your idea was the answer but the roads do align pretty darn good. My Ghost whisperer wife believes you 100%


Active member
I admit that I have never been to the area to see the lights. Based on the videos I've seen on YouTube, I cannot imagine how anyone thinks it is not car headlights/taillights. Of course, maybe there is another light - the REAL Paulding Light - that is not shown in those videos :) I could be swayed to believe, I suppose, if I was there to witness the Light in person.


New member
It looks quite a bit different in real life than in the videos, from my experience there. The videos if not altered most definately looks like car headlights. The light appears much lower in real life, but that could be because of the elevation changes between the "looker" and the light source. It is worth visiting when in the area, it's still "Free".

Cat Woman

New member
I admit that I have never been to the area to see the lights. Based on the videos I've seen on YouTube, I cannot imagine how anyone thinks it is not car headlights/taillights. Of course, maybe there is another light - the REAL Paulding Light - that is not shown in those videos :) I could be swayed to believe, I suppose, if I was there to witness the Light in person.
