well guys,, after much much consideration I believe that FOR ME a M8 is the best decision. A major factor in my decision is that I do not believe I personally need the best of everything. I don't think the trade off is worth while. The M is not going to hold me back to the degree that overrides the poo's 800 motor issues. So I won't have the best chassis, big deal, at least I have a stronger confidence that I will not be rebuilding my motor anytime soon. If I keep up with good maintenance on the diamond drive I should be good for 2-3 years. If and when Poo earns my respect on their motors I will buy one in a heart beat and I can't wait till that happens.
Ski-doo is not there yet IMO with a gizmo to allow the sled to roll over easier. They made leaps and bounds with a better steering post, better boards, rounded plastics,,,,,etc.
The M just makes better sense to me and after all, we all make decision as well as we can for our own personal reasons. To all the Poo owners, you have an excellent sled, the best chassis and probably the best fun factor,,more power to ya! But for now, I believe an M sno-pro is in order, 2009-11