lol,,,exactly! Riding with my nutty buddies out west this last season we all experienced that very thing over and over. You know when some gets stuck up on a hill and than you gotta go help him so you side hill up there,,,if you can,,and stop on a side hill, yank your buddy out and climb back on your side hill and go again, all side hill,,it's very cool.
I see the XM is a total transformation. Just curious about the concept of the T-motion and flex side of the track. They accomplish the same result but in a different way. Not so sure I like it but it works. Seems like the mass of weight is still positioned in the chassis as usual and they devised a plan to allow the sled to turn over. Will these additional component of the t-motion perform without breaking or wearing out. Seems like it will be a stressful area and take a tun of abuse. If poo accomplishes the flickability of the sled but weight positioning of the entire mass, it seems like a better design,,,imo,,that is.
I do love the innovation of a production sled with gear drive instead of chain case, old tech but now in a production sled is way cool. Poo has done an incredible job with the chassis and seems they have made some efforts to address the 800 motor problems.
So, this is what I have interpreted form research, this thread along with others, other forums and magazines. Yamaha is not even in the picture. The pro has the best chassis and a questionable motor that may or may no blow. Doo has a new verticle steering post and that will help tremendously, has a more reliable motor and more powerful motor but the Poo drive gears has less rotation mass which improves the throttle feel to a more direct connect feel which I hear is noticeable. The Cat has a seriously strong motor which has a good reputation, better then the rest but the chassis is lagging compared to Poo & Doo. I would prefer a non-current M (9-11) over the 12-13. Looks like the taller A-arm can plow and cause some drag, possible earlier washouts?